Much is involved in the making of a man, there is nothing like the first impression. Mark Twain said that “clothes make the man” and, clothes are so important in making a good appearance, particularly the first impression. I do not hold myself up to anyone as an example of anything but, I do believe that any man should give the best “version” of himself. When this old man was in college, professional school, serious, dedicated students, wore ties with dress shirts, jackets, pressed trousers, polished shoes. We believe that a man dressed for success, and to this very day, I never leave my residence without having on a dress shirt, coat, and tie.
This month, we celebrate the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, 16th president and probably the most impressive. There have been 15,000 biographies written about this one man. He was known for being immaculate, suit, tie, is known that he polished his own shoes. My father, grandfathers, farmers, always wore a suit, even when going to town on business. Our country church of plain country people, all wore their Sunday best. Some women only had one “store-bought”, nice dress. Looking back, I never saw some people in but one set of clothing.
I am told that today, even in church, just anything goes, shorts-t shirts-flip flops. Totally Blind, (100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict) I do not see today's world but I understand that some t-shirts are an embarrassment with the phrases they have on them. I am told that some pastors, doctors, lawyers, are casual in the extreme in their dress. I am told that some mega-churches, pastor-staff, in dress more for an outside backyard barbecue. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. (Galatians 3:27)
The matter of dress for those who are chosen by God, was settled long ago. As shown above we are clothed by Him. This should be part of the logical, rational thinking in convincing every college student that he is separated to Christ, (2 Corinthians 6:14-17) that Christians are not cheap, that Christianity is worthy of defending courageously. Every high school student, Christian home background, becoming skeptical should read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. After a long life of defending Christ, living courageously, IF I HAVE one quarrel with the Christian church... particularly Baptists, evangelicals, it is that we have made a BEGGAR of the church. God can get along fine without us, we need Him much more than He needs us. The church BEGS people to attend worship services, BEGS people to give of their time, talent, treasure to God. GOD SPOKE AND THE WORLD WAS FORMED, THAT SAME POWER IS IN US WHEN WE CLAIM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT LIVING IN OUR VERY BODY. That very Power was available when Jesus raised Lazarus form the dead, fed thousands with a small lunch, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind. GET REAL! There is no mediocrity with God. This matter of church attendance, prayer meeting, any other activity, because of a pastor or other paid staffers instead of trust in a Sovereign God of Glory, must be realized.
Jesus loved three friends who lived at Bethany, we all need what they represent. Lazarus, resurrected from the dead. (you are already dead if unsaved) Martha, busy with Christian activity. Mary, worshiping-learning at the very feet of Jesus.
At least two million walked across the Jordan River from the desert into the promised land. The services at the temple are well described in the Bible, and exact. The outer court of the temple, Jewish law, bringing a perfect animal for sacrifice, altar, a sweet-saver to God. The one making the sacrificial offering, the burning animal, a sacrifice of His sins, He walking away a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) A picture perfect by God of a later sacrifice, is His own son, Calvary, the sin and sickness of the entire world, past, present, future, the wrath of God, sufficient.
The outer court, so busy with activity... like today's “church house”. (pizza parties, yoga lessons, study courses) God desired commitment in the inner court where the “holy of holies” was located. At that time, only the high priest could go in to him (bells on the bottom of his robe so they would know he was communing with God and alive.) But, when the veil of the temple was rent, top to bottom, we all have access. We do not need a priest as an intermediary, a book by Joseph Smith, Mary B. Eddy, or Ellen White. The greatest joy that can affect and infect the soul of a human being, chosen of God, elected to know the Power of God.
Satan does not care how he gets you, can quote scripture better than you, think of Eve in the garden, the temptation of Christ. He wants to keep you away from God's book, prayer life. You are the temple of God, must learn to value the eternal more than the temporal. There is a spiritual world, active, often hypocritical, doing it's thing. Watch Joel Osteen, pastor Schuller, pastor T.D. Jakes... wanting devotion-high living support for themselves. When God is forced to choose, He chooses Himself, and so should you. Choosing God, Hid Power, Mercy, Love, (1 Corinthians 13) is the making of a man.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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