Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:7-9)
Every word in God's book is settled in heaven. (Psalms 119:89) I don't care how decadent, demonic, atheistic your academic historian may be, if he studies history, has spent more than 20 hours in God's Book, time and seasons are a matter of cycles... everything predictable, religion, culture, values. Arnold Toynbee, historian, said, “Those who do not remember the last war-last desperate depression, will move the world right into another one.”
Today's teenagers will “hate” their parents, grandparents, and the previous generations, who did not prepare them for today's animose of deceitful living. Reared, spoiled, vitiated, botched lives... full of hypocrisy-deception, college degree in worthlessness, tagged with multi-thousands of debt, forced to return home, to live with parents, in order to survive. The dream of your own home, your own things, your own family, a hellish Madison Avenue promoted nightmare, fewer homes sold this year than any year since 1963.
Usually, when a maniac is at the door, feuding brothers reconcile. In the political chaos-climate brought on by Obama and his ilk, spineless elected politicians, (local, state, national) lying, cheating, stealing to get there, interested ONLY in building up their stash of wealth while there and then coasting through other times (lobbying, board and trustee memberships, influence peddling) even the dumbest “early Americans” would have figured out the entire picture-process. Early American political-Mafia, political gangsters, would have been hunted down and hanged. Just think, 50% of the population, paying all tax, the other 50%, living off the productive work of the rest. Just think, 57% living from or expecting “entitlements”. Just think, government regulations, controls, license, permits, resolving all your individual freedoms. Just think, scanned, fondled, molested, before getting on public transportation, entering a public forum. Just think, a precious mother sending a lunch to school with her precious child, just to be inspected by government gestapo. More important, “Who Cares?” Where are the spineless fathers of America who attended church with their musket, as well as their Bible?... more important, fathers who use a musket to civilize a young man who would dare violate his precious daughter. Just think, parents who love their children enough to educate them at home, rather than expose them to the ravages, indifference, decadence, of the public schools. At the same time, paying taxes to support the schools intent on entertainment rather than education. Just think, young men and women, the best, health-education-morality, fighting for a country sent by leadership, intent on filling their pockets, because young folks were brave enough to go. AND, Just think, those who return, treated like dirt by that very country and it's leadership of cowardice. Your writer, totally blind veteran, never afforded even a white cane or talking watch from the government. I buy my own!... still working... still paying taxes so you “normal” people can enjoy the parks, libraries, public facilities, which I have never seen. Don't think of me as a victim, I am victor over your inability to understand what is going on in your life.
Depressing, despairing, WACKOS who call themselves Christians, Episcopalians, Church of Christ, Mormons, Methodists, etc. who in a “philosophy” of feeling not faith, wanting to be politically-correct, goes right along with the Satanic movements of legalized abortion, homosexuals in pulpits, same-sex marriage, even destroying our greatest national strength, “ask don't tell”, females on the front lines in our military services. Are we actually attempting to bring on God's wrath, destroying sin, as He has certainly done before?
In Babylonia, Tower of Babel, through religion, culture, values, as well as other times in history, anyone capable of understanding, knows that God is in charge. The beautiful, ancient city of Athens, Greece, slowly destroyed. MF Global, one and one half Billion dollars, no one knows where it went. If we are going to have riots and revolution, it would help to know who the enemy is.
The most dangerous place on earth, now, the hospital. Coveting government money, workers are paid, whether the hospital is clean or not. Science researchers are paid, whether developments or not. Our rendezvous with destiny depends on our returning to basics. Young people witnessing the crisis of this generation must awaken those asleep at the wheel. We “oldsters” are concerned about the “sweet bye and bye” but “youngsters” must get awakened to what is happening in the here and now.
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.
Hymn: “Sweet bye and bye”
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