The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. (John 10:13)
The old testament is one continuous record of human failure. In the arena of human action, God redeemed mankind by Himself, putting on a tent of human flesh, dwelling among us. God in man, showing us how to live and finally atonement for the sin and sickness of the world. One cannot believe in the Sovereignty of God, without believing in the resurrection. Without the resurrection, our faith is in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:17) A lackadaisical, languid, indifferent, half hearted, language of belief, is useless. Jesus Himself used very blunt words, words that cannot be misunderstood. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? (Matthew 23:33) God in His greatness is referred to as “Lord of Hosts” He will not share His glory with anyone... knows that the sacrifice of His son, putting on Him the wrath for the sin and sickness of the world, was sufficient. His word is “forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89)
Under Naziism, the Christian cross was replaced by a photograph of Hitler. In predominantly Catholic Italy, influx of Muslims from Africa, crucifixes always found in Italy's school rooms, removed because Muslim children were offended. At Georgetown University, Catholic, all religious symbolism covered when President Obama visited. The genuflecting President Jenkins at Notre Dame, so anxious to bestow an honorary doctorate on anti-Christ, anti-Life, anti-sacrament-marriage, Obama. All should have known that Obama was a hireling. A hireling is always a thief-mercenary-imposter, who has no love for the sheep. Jesus knew how to distinguish the hireling from the shepherd. Catholics, Baptists, evangelicals, even real Christians of all faiths are “slow learners”. In his books, every action, certainly the people with whom he associated, you knew his true colors-true identity. (a hireling) Anglican, Episcopalian, Unitarian, and others essentially believe in nothing. So, like the atheists, Marxists, the “battlefield” of Christians means nothing. Total commitment to Christian faith is considered a nursery rhyme-fairy tale illusion.
I am truly sickened, that during my life, the Christian faith has become so cheapened... pretenders. The average church, back when I was able to attend church and speak in churches, “air-conditioned, comfortable fox-holes”. Our resurrected-acending Lord's instructions to us, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” (Matthew 28:19) The world would not be in the mess that it is in, would have belonged to Christ long ago, if Christians just “lived” their Christianity before the unsaved of the world, as well as one another. We do not have time to convert unbelievers, warfare with the devil, because we are too busy impressing one another. Just think, a highly paid-comfortable pastor with his equally comforted staff shepherding sophisticated powdered and perfumed pretenders PERHAPS demonstrating some faith, one hour each week. The rest of the time, dancing to the tune of the world, flesh, devil, just as everyone else, saved or unsaved. The church people are dancing-drinking at the country club, local bar, gawking and golfing with the rest. Then comes a matter of TRUTH, requiring faithfulness. Eighty one percent of religious institutions, filled by volunteers doing service. Until 1920, all birth control, illegal. Now, any birth control method is as easily obtained as a breath mint.
The next popular statistic hatched in hell, the overpopulation of the world. God has always shown His generosity in taking care of people or animals, regardless of the population. The earth’s seven billion population of today, more blessed with food and drink, than the smaller number of any previous century. The mystery of the ages, school teachers, (hirelings) supposedly loving children, depending on a teaching job, voting for and supporting a political party, (democrat) who KILL those on the way to their class. The same applies to trade unions, colleges, military... disciplines whose jobs depend on population growth. (democrats-abortion-supporters)
A greater mystery, why Obama and his ilk, monopolizing and terrorizing the religious church, Catholic or otherwise, self sustaining with actual heart felt conviction from the righteousness of the Holy Spirit of an All Powerful living God in their lives. IF Obama, his fellow charlatans-terrorists, of the true Christian faith possessed any fear-belief in God at all, they would be quaking at what God can do. We know what hurricanes can do, earthquakes can do, terrorists-weapons can do, but God can use microbiology (virus) or many other things to establish His Lordship, and show what God can do. Our Lord is enlarging hell to take care of those who so despise Him and His people.
One professor owned a large pickle jar. He filled the jar with golf balls and said, “Is it full?” Then, he poured in a large bucket of pebbles again, “Is it full?” Then he poured in a large bucket of sand again, “Is it full?” More beautiful than anything else in creation, male and female... their ability to procreate. We do not worship a lackadaisical God, before the world was formed, He already knew the end of the story.
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