Life and living is a matter of the establishments of beachheads, starting usually with the start of formal education, even primary school students, early, “select” their main interest “favorites” in friends, sports, habits. There is nothing wrong with this very human “exceptionalism” in spite of man's efforts to make this a cookie cutter world, particularly in controlled, regulated-regimented, socialistic societies. Individuality-variety is still the “spice” of life, a very important reason for putting up with “the good fight of human existence.”
Everywhere that communism (everything in common) has been tried, it has failed. Just as coded DNA distinguishes every animal and plant, of the billions of people who have lived on earth, no two are the same, there are even individual differences in identical twins. Almost no work has been done on the creation-evolution of plants (flora) but in animal life, (fauna) characteristics of species. It is when the transgenic “cauterizing” of animals begins that we have massive troubling hybrids.
This writer has traveled the world, every continent, almost every country, SUCH VARIETY. Yet, when beachheads of different-distinguishable people were established, certain cohesions-loyalties-likenesses, are always found. It would be a dis-interesting world without the differing personalities-values of individuals, even family members. My only son talks of how different are my two grandsons. The spice-challenge of living, dealing with differences-reasons and necessities for certain beachheads.
In a world of impersonal, “over-busy” people we often neglect getting to know one another. A family lived close to me at my beach house, right on the ocean. Strange how I got to know them. Expensive real estate, beach houses are usually close together and, as in many places, before the time of air conditioning, screened windows and doors open, (you could even smell what was cooking) everyone sat on porches. I noted that one older man sat on his porch every afternoon when he returned home from work. I got to know him because I heard great commotion one day from trash collectors. The gentleman on the porch had seen a large snake in the carefully groomed-landscaped areas of his yard and he had shot the snake with his revolver... a feat in itself. Evidently, he paid no attention to the snake, had his handyman throw the snake onto the garbage, freshly cut shrubbery trimmings. It proved to have been a very large rattlesnake with an unheard of 17 rattles. The sight of this snake almost scared the trash men to death. Later, here comes a very disreputable police chief, wanting to site the man for firing a weapon in town. I heard the man tell the chief how long and how much property he and his mother owned on the beach, that perhaps the chief would rather have the snake attack a child or even that blind man next door... the same police the same attitude. (also a owner of much real estate) When a tenant moved taking many of my possessions. (those that could easily be moved: all dishes, glass-cooking ware, rugs, brooms, tools, shower curtains, bed spreads, light weight chairs, trash cans, etc. As always, those of us who have established beachheads of property in any locality, have learned to expect nothing from the taxes we pay, except increased taxation.
After this, getting to know these “interesting-unusual” neighbors better, a mother and her son... the mother a long time public school teacher, the son, disabled veteran, long time bank official. Starting when real estate was cheap, never selling anything, a fortune in rental real estate-beach houses. It turns out that the mother's deceased husband had sold his partnership and patent rights in a local company. The money had kept piling up from every direction... they said to me, “our lives have never changed. We are comfortable in our work, faith, lifestyle. We are probably worth hundreds of millions which our two heirs will inherit. (two children of the one daughter of the mother, sister of the son). Wealth is established with early beachheads, a value system. To see these people anywhere, anytime, they appeared no different outwardly than most “indistinguishable” citizens. Solid, patriotic, people of faith, do not worry about impressing others. Patriotism and Christianity are not complicated, just tough. The unbelievers in either, and even pretenders, politicians, bureaucrats so want to impress, throw their weight around with regulations, superior attitudes and pride. They build themselves up by cutting others down EXCEPT when needing your support.
Established beachheads of quality when early dating or socializing and perhaps finding a life's partnership. (marriage) Seek your value system in your political party, your belief system professed and possessed in your church.
America faces a very uncertain future. She lost her best on combat beachheads across the world, attempting to promote constitutional-faith-decency values. In our own country now, bankrupt from derivatives, the socialism of subsidizing where one half the population supports the other half, where over 50% of children are in single parent homes, about 50% of all babies, aborted, world's largest prison population, the following absolutes cannot be denied. If you want successful people in a successful country, the following must be observed: 1) a two parent home, every child needs a mother and father 2) Every child must witness integrity, nothing replaces work ethic 3) Quality education, even if it means home schooling. 4) Never swallow the most satanic message of hell, “I let my child pick their religion, when they decide. If you have no faith, no church, expect the worse. But, bring up your child in church, expose totally to your faith.
Much of living is very much a symbiotic relationship. In my many trips through India, there was always a bird on the back of a Buffalo, the bird gorging himself with insects, stirred up by Buffalo activity, landing on the Buffalo. We are all symbiotic characters, standing on the shoulders of others, pioneers, inventors, patriots, saints of the faith.. Remember, those of history, before us, were the pacesetters. Technology may have changed everything except human nature.
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