Often, better to wait than to work. Often, better to just stand still until you have clear direction. (such as Paul, about to travel to Tarsus, God stopped him, he received the Macedonian call, the world, the church, changed.) Make room for timelessness-prayer.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran preacher, hanged during holocaust said, “Flee temptation”. It started with Eve in the garden, even Christ, immediately after His Baptism, wilderness, TEMPTATION by Satan. This year, more so than any year, a constant-continuous prayer life. It is bad enough to watch politicians, such as the recent republican excesses in a presidential candidacy, firing at one another, but we should not lose contact with the reality of our dilemma.
The Great Depression, 1929-1940, few actual government records. Unemployment and almost everything else, just approximations. We know that 90% of the population lived in rural areas, the city populations, 25% unemployed. Today, just the reverse, 90% in urban areas and probably the same unemployment numbers. The great difference, 49% of the population receives a government check of some type (social security, military or civil retirement, welfare, student loans, etc.) Fifty percent of the population do not pay income tax, live off the taxes paid by the other half. The 50%, receiving government largess-non taxpayers, the very ones who determine elections. So much government control, “picking of the pockets”, mandates beyond anyone’s control. (eg. 10 cents of every gallon of gas, entangled by a regulation pertaining to air pollution.) The government tells us that January, 2012 was the best month in the stock market since 1994. It is like telling one he is losing weight, simply because he has tinkered with the scale, he is drinking healthy water, although the poison of chloride has been added, that his bank deposits are protected by the government, even though the government is bankrupt. (FDIC) We are adding $5 trillion a year to the national debt, CPI, inflation, interest rates, a product of government manipulation. Until 1970, a father could support a family with one job, mother, homemaker, raising children. By 1983, both parents working and, now often the father, with an second job.
The news-types, and don't believe anything the “talking heads” say, painting rosy pictures when when they know the truth.
A dose of reality, present depression, your country's own making. When will you learn that there are those that hate this country, thinking they can rebuild it after destroying it? (Marxists, Globalists, Racists) They will not tell you that if every dime of salary income, every dime of investment income, were taken by the government, that money would only pay social security and medicare, the deficit would not change. If we stopped all spending except for those two items, nothing would change.They will not tell you that if you confiscated every dime of the 5%, the richest, who pay most of the tax, you could not pay off the debt. The commentators as well as the congress know the truth but conceal the truth. A politician cannot get elected by telling you the truth, because we all want to hear a lie. A woman, so ugly, she breaks a mirror, wants to be told that she is pretty. The world financial system has already collapsed, it is an ugly mess. No building suddenly falls without reason... either controlled demolition or neglected deterioration.
A loaf of bread in Mugabe, Zimbabwe now cost $300 billion. They have just issued a new $100 trillion dollar bill worth roughly $300 US dollars. One American financial adviser-broker wallpapered the bathroom in his office with Zimbabwe money. He said, “All the wallpaper in the bathroom will not buy lunch.” I am so JOYFUL I saw Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) when it was a sane, beautiful country. (The bread basket of Africa) I am JOYFUL, a totally blind, medical officer, veteran of the Korean conflict, that I remember my country when it was sane and beautiful. But, this circular firing squad, this firing at one another, this protracted envy-jealousy, the haves toward the have-nots, the lazy toward the productive, (spreading of the wealth) will most certainly lead to more rapid destruction.
When the 640,000 Jews from Judah were herded to Babylon (70 year captivity) they told the prophets with them that they could not worship-sing in a foreign land. The prophets told them to raise children, plant and harvest, to worship until their return. (Isaiah 51:11) Anyone who says he trusts the government should not be allowed to vote because the American people are victims, enslaved by themselves, their own cowardice, ineptness. Just as the church world has become too wrapped up in doing it's own thing... forgetting worship, this nation has become too wrapped up, entangled by sociology. We have forgotten the spirituality of liberty, responsibility, opportunity.
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