free from all cares that on earth can annoy us
Sions sweet anthems shall holy employ us
grateful at last for those infinite graces
time nor eternity never effaces
-Bernard de Morlaix
Few people could read or write during early Christian history... limited mostly to Monks. The Monk, Bernard, 1156, wrote this poem which was translated from Latin to English in 1856. Other parts of these words of devotion from this Monk have become a great hymn.
Ten centuries from first writing, seven centuries until it's translation into English, and now 2012, our lives are vandalized every day by the insanity of civilization... technology, social, economic, political, military unrest, warfare and chaos. There is as great a need now as in the twelfth century to hang on to the faith (once delivered to the saints, (Jude 1:3)), a faith which has been OUR dwelling place, a faith believed and defended by saints of old, (of whom the earth was not worthy, (Hebrews 11:38)) Always, wanting what God provides, and God is everything that anyone could want, we have had pretenders, those not knowing grace through faith.
This writer has never known anyone who just believes that there is finality in death... all believe there is life after death. Individuals and denominations are insecure, unreliable, in their information. Most want to hang on to God with one hand, Satan-world with the other. A born again, new creation in Christ, the Holy Spirit of God-righteousness of Christ, indwelling knows that Christianity is a precious relationship with Christ. That God looks at you and sees the righteousness of Christ. My family, friends, associates, do not believe this. If so, they would live differently... let go of the world, the flesh, the devil. Those of us, who have a daily, minute by minute walk and talk with the Savior, are considered “nuts”, a fanatic. Many of those living from God's storehouse, (pastors, preachers, etc.) the TV personalities certainly are not compared with the saints of past centuries.
The Levite priesthood, who lived from the tithes of the children of Israel possessed a priest named Eli (1 Samuel 2) Eli had two sons that were priests, Hophni & Phineas living well, actions evil, from the storehouse of God. In a long history, which I will not go into now, involving the Philistines, the capture of The Ark of the Covenant, the “true nature” of these two priests became known. It is believed that Eli and his two evil, corrupt, pretending sons died on the same day.
This part of biblical history becomes colorful-factual as we learn of God's power involving the Ark of the Covenant which He designed... a box of acacia wood covered with gold, on top, pure gold mercy seat... a thread, type, shadow, leading to Christ. The Ark, indwelled by God, holy of holies area, tabernacle, temple of the Jewish people, everything, pertaining to a box.
Our lives amenable-compliant to boxes. We live in boxes, travel, go to school, worship, engage in lifestyles conforming to boxes. Our religious beliefs in one of three boxes, belief, unbelief, half-way house. The Christian desire, the great commission, stepping outside these boxes and, the Christian is only effective outside the box. You cannot lift a box of any type by standing in it.
The average home has more TV sets than people, we have our idols, just as did the Philistines. Redemption is totally of God (Hebrews 1) We must shed our filthy garments to realize basic Christianity, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. Jesus took our place, God considered His son's life sufficient. I am shooting with a rifle instead of a shotgun, to all who have exploitation, doubts, beaten down by the world, “Jesus paid it all”.
Like the insignificant woman who pushed through the crowd, “just to touch”. “Be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole ”, (Luke 8:48)
Now as then, a TRUE determination of sincerity not intimidation by Satan. Insincerity-hypocrisy has wrecked enough lives, from the church house to the statehouse. There must be separation, try breathing out three times without breathing in once. You have the assurance of knowing that God will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
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