Politicians and preachers have used many adjectives to describe 21st century America. Perhaps best, a Namby Pamby World, spoiled, lazy, indifferent. Fifty percent of the population, depending on the work of other other fifty percent.
It is a great consolation, very rewarding to know that it was not always so, that there was a time when real men lived real lives. Such was George Washington Carver, scientist, educator, inventor, born into slavery, the exact date of his birth is not known but he died in 1943, having, along with Booker T. Washington and others, put Tuskegee institute on the map.
Famed for his agricultural advancements, particularly with peanuts, when any student from anywhere, reportedly, came for an interview with him, he would tell his secretary “to tell the applicant that he was involved in an meeting for one hour, that the student was to clean the reception and adjoining rooms during that hour.” The secretary was to show them the closet where all cleaning supplies were kept. The student did not realize that this test was more important to Dr. Carver than any number of questions that could be answered on paper. This was the initial test to determine if the student would be accepted at the institution.
I have used similar tests for young people who worked for me. My hard work, careful investing, so.... many rental buildings. One morning, I told my driver to take me to a certain place in town for a meeting. We had been joined by a new employee who was riding in the back seat. “Now you two go over and vacuum and clean an office in a certain building and then come back for me.” When my driver returned the other young man was absent. I asked about him. My driver said, “he told me to take him back to his car, that he was a college graduate, that he would not clean anything for me or anyone else.” This blind doctor’s hands are not to too good to do anything, for anyone. These hands have been in more books, cleaned more toilets than most people have ever seen. I still live independently, do my own cleaning-laundry, take care of myself. This very day, 82, sightless, I helped clean a building. In the White House, President Lincoln was seen polishing his shoes. He said, ”why not, I wear them.” His salary as president 25,000, FDR's salary 50,000, revealed last week, Michelle Obama spent 50,000 in lingerie. (Drudge, Blaze)
Doldrums in real estate, a young women realtor applied to do office work for me. Supposedly, she had three children from different fathers. In the course of my interview, she told me in front of other assistants, that her children would not eat leftovers, that she had to get home each day in time to cook. That, her boys would only wear name brand clothes purchased in a surf shop. I gave her some good, free advice “Tell your children the same thing this old blind man's mother told him. “When you get hungry you will eat.” “Tell your boys that this old blind millionaire, started out at zero, does not own one article of clothing not purchased second hand... that every stick of furniture in my house is second hand, that there is no schooling, no education like that found at the school of hard knocks. Your boys need to have live with my dead father for about two weeks.”
This writer well remembers the splash of the Beetles, Ed Sullivan show, etc, on their first visit to America. Charles Dickens, 30 years of age, world's most famous writer, 5 famous books in six years, came to America, the first time, in 1842. New York's splash-finest, 3000, silks and jewels welcomed him at a gala reception. Later, a presidential reception in Washington. At that time, Dickens did not receive one royalty from his writings, printed in America. The rich and famous tried to capitalize on this famous guest. Dickens wrote of America’s decadent behavior towards money and inequality, particularly towards the poor whites and black slaves. He considered Americans uncouth, poor manners, barbarians. It was not until a return trip, many years later that there was an attitude readjustment on both sides.
Dwight Lyman Moody, born in poverty in northern Massachusetts, his father's early death, he working to support his mother and family, third grade education. He went on to preach before more people than anyone else in the world before his death, always studying, a great educational institution bearing his name. (Moody Bible Institute – Chicago, Ill)
Traveling the world, I have seen what communism does to human beings. Raised in eastern North Carolina, I have seen how political decadence enslaves... cotton mill workers, tenant farmers, black people scratching a living from the soil, battered, working in the homes and businesses of the privileged. People trying to survive, “tethered” to chains of discrimination, all the while, Caucasians, behind stained glass windows proclaiming, “Oh how I love Jesus.”
For 140 years, the democrat political party enabled by the very blacks which republicans had emancipated, Baptists and Catholics, who Jesus died to save, like the priest and Levite, (Luke 1), just namby pamby, pretending not to see, piously “repeating”, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Do we actually think that a Sovereign God of servitude, healing, and forgiveness is deaf, blind, and does not know what is going on... does not know what is in the heart?
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