Today’s Christians do not think circumstances are a part of God's will. God is in charge of everything, knew the ending and the beginning before He chose you for life in the council chambers of eternity. Other articles well describe this writer's background, disability. Having lost my eyesight, concentrating my efforts in investing, particularly rare books... an antiquarian book collector-seller.
Someone purchased a book on butchery. Two college graduate assistants became almost ill just looking at the pictures. News commentators such as Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. now talk about how students have been “dumbed-down”. There actual lack of knowledge in life and living. Most think that meats, vegetables, and other food items just magically appear on store shelves, wrapped in poisonous-leaching plastic.
As I matured, the realization, of how much knowledge our early ancestors possessed. Even the saints-martyrs whose name s appeared in Hebrews 11 “of whom the earth was not worthy”, were just pace-setters. Surely God expects much more of us, with our technology, cell phones, computers, etc.
I remember very well the first time I saw the making of sausage with a meat grinder.... scraps of everything involving the animal mixed with spices such as pepper and rosemary, and then ground all together. As presidential candidate Ross Perot said, “making sausage is not pretty.”
God's word is “forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89) Those who understand the sower, seed, soil, of the parable Jesus gave us and instructed us that only the chosen would be able to understand His parables. The greatest joy a human being can ever know, that he is chosen to understand. A recent poll shows that even 20% of unbelievers would select Jesus Christ for a conversation. Those who do not understand, who do not care to understand have a horrendous future. The greatest education of my life, army medical officer, how little some knew about their body, and could care less: found through many years of living , how little most people know about history, and could car less: people in general, especially family-friends knew about the Bible, their souls, and could care less.
God wanted this chosen one to experience the world, what goes on there, that cowardice and corruption is in world-wide epidemic... that trust cannot be found about most people, anywhere, anytime. Perhaps, not as profane as before Noah's flood, but heading that way. Traveling every continent, rare not to experience exploitation and bribery at immigration. In other places I have described, the “snake-pit” of communism, atheism but, in God's more blessed nation, we find a pattern of corruption throughout America. Within the taxonomy of every discipline-system merchandising, banking, even the scientific community. I gave up on science, resigned my membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) because the scientific community has surrendered to grants and government largess. The healthcare community has become a puppet for Big Pharma.
The best example I could ever give for showing how professionalism has disappeared, surgery for prostate cancer my only possessions going into a hospital envelope for safe keeping, $80.00 cash, my talking wrist watch. Days later, leaving the hospital, only $40.00 returned, my watch speaking Spanish. I would not attempt to tell the horror story of this one veteran's experiences in VA facilities. I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran of the Korean conflict. One VA physician wept with me, talking about care for recent warriors. I have never been able to get even a white cane from the government.
Until 1970, Americans wanted opportunity. In a frenzy of feeding greed, the American dream became a jousting for things, money, bigness, (businesses, houses, cars, entertainment) called “rat-race”, religion became a crutch. Psychology replaced faith. The Christian believer would go to a psychologist, almost like a Chevrolet seeking help from a Buick. On a 747 plane from Hawaii to Auckland, New Zealand, February 24, 1989, electric malfunction, cabin door came off, a large hole in a side of the plane. Thirteen human beings strapped in their seats, sucked out of the plane. An experienced pilot of 35 years flying, landed the plane. These passengers like the 245,000 people who die every day, should know that life and living is more than just surviving. The Apostle Paul did not learn to love jail cells, stocks, beatings (blood running down his back) anymore than this writer has learned to enjoy blindness. We know that our faith is not just a spiritual recital but, circumstances are a part of the journey and as the poet, William Cowper, said, “God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.”
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