In ORGANICISM, particularly the science relating to healthcare, we know that each organ has it's specific function but it is essential that all work together. Once, Sri Lanka, I saw a beautiful tapestry destroyed because, in a very primitive setting where entire families work for months, weaving and knotting one work of art, a thread became entangled in, of all things, a bicycle, was decimated, something that had taken months, in just a few minutes. Scientists have always known that the human race is only one generation away from extinction, particularly in “Frankenstein” times of super microbes, biological warfare. Cambodia, 1975, all Christians killed by 1978.
Only demon-possessed people take joy in destruction-morbidity. People rejoiced last week at the Westminster Dog Show. Some of these same people should love perfection in God's chief creation, a baby, even in the mother's womb. The mission of the church is to strengthen God's work. We are living in an age of spoiled, indulged, children, who develop into weak, insecure, often sickly, adults. The church, (Romans – Philemon) was built, under the leadership of the greatest preacher next to Christ, Apostle Paul, a devout organism. Today's church groups (41,000 denominations) function on feeling not faith. Most congregations are “drying up” using man's “purpose-driven”, technology-haunted, instead of the proven record established for 2000 years. In most Baptist churches you seldom see a cross. Most non-Catholic churches are just assembly halls, easily mistaken for a civic club. Two minutes in any church well demonstrate that you are in a social not a worship group. The best example you will ever find, here on the coast, many hurricanes. Several years ago, It was one of those names Fran, Bertha, etc., a very great group, Baptist men of NC brought their well-equipped cooking and food trucks. They operated from the Winter Park church grounds.
My electric power had been off for days, of course this old soldier has learned to survive. But, a black couple, Isaac and Mary, several counties away, other side of Riegelwood, NC came by my house to get paid for some work they had done on my rental property, some weeks previously. (Power-Washing) I asked if they had damage from the hurricane? No, we were not bothered by the hurricane but we come into town each day to get food from the “Baptist place” Almost everyone in our community comes in each day... so much in the trunk of the car that you would think they are bootleggers. Our dogs and hogs particularly love the chicken stew. Now this couple, paid money by me, did not ask if I needed anything.
Technology has changed the world, everything except human nature. It bothers me, that Christian, hard-working, Baptist people on North Carolina, and particularly the volunteers who come to assist those in need, are “bamboozled” by greed not deed. We have developed, slow evolution, such a culture, spiritually as well as politically.
My telephone was working, I called the local Southern Baptist Association. I know how to talk on the telephone, polite-concise. Some “prissy” seminary graduate with a reverend in front of his name, answered the phone. I gave him the sordid details of a black community taking advantage of a situation. Like most social problems, government or otherwise, it is not necessity but laziness which prevails... so simple to ask a few questions such as where do you live?, was your house damaged?, do you have electric power? The preacher said to me, “Well we just hope we helped some”, the same thing that the social engineers say about every welfare program when they know full well that investigating would end much government financial largess, when the word gets around, it might cost some liberal votes.
Here, too, the Baptist preacher made no inquiry at all about me, my health , my needs. I'm sure I told him that I was totally blind, living alone, without electricity, in fact, one would think that some would be by to help. My secretary called each day but a tree was on her car. More significant, as far as Southern Baptists at that time, my only child, my son, his family, foreign Southern Baptist missionaries.
Spoiled, indulged, indifferent children usually become “troubled” adults. Life is a matter of preparation, preparation for adulthood, preparation for living as a family, preparation for your eventual promotion (IF chosen of God and a believer in His son, Jesus Christ) to eternal life without problems. More important than ever before in history, your preparation to withstand disaster. I recommend the storing of food, water, and a method to protect you and your family from those who do not prepare. More important, and you know the worship of atonement at the communion table for not only the forgiveness of your sin (past, present, future) but all sickness and infirmity. Jesus healed all who came to Him for anything... leprosy, palsy, fever (Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53, 1 Peter 2:24) The atonement of our Blessed Lord assures forgiveness of sin and healing. (bread as well as wine)
Satan twists the truth, enjoys having his pretenders push his truth, but you can know the truth and the truth will keep you free. (John 8:32) No one ever had a nervous breakdown from today's problems. God will give you in the light what He promised in the darkness.
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