For those of us, just ordinary mortals, insignificant ancestral background, DNA, looks, mental ability, those blessed with talent are so far ahead of us. One of the deadly sins is envy and I suppose it is almost normal to be envious of “exceptionalism”. We envy those who never consider cost on a menu, clothing price tags, who have only known applause, appreciation of any type. There are those of us who guard our health, our habits, knowing that God, in His infinite grace and mercy, is in control of everything.
Talented people know what both legal and illegal substances will do to the body. They know that drugs are a method to slow suicide... famous or infamous.
We watched the deterioration of Michael Jackson, read about Amy Winehouse... the exploits of the Browns, Whitney and Bobby. But when Whitney Houston (Brown) died this weekend, only the most ignorant-judgmental would not think of the loss and cost. But, for Stevie Wonder, and many others, who should know better, (none of us know what is in another person’s heart) at a tribute ceremony to say "To Whitney up in heaven, we all love you.” From what we know about heaven, would Whitney, Amy, Michael, really be happy there... surrounded by the saints in glory, there because of their “action” based on belief, sustained by confidence.... definition of Christian faith?, faith is a verb, action. God will not allow any sin in heaven, only those covered by the righteousness of Jesus Christ, on whom God placed His wrath against sin and disease.
Modernists, sociologists, have almost convinced the world that everyone will go to heaven when they die. Even our Blessed Lord said, Will there be any faith on earth when He returns? (John 18:8) Will there be anyone left, such as we oldsters, who remember worship in holiness, the blessing of Baptism, the Lord's communion table? Will there be anyone left who loved God's book, God's hymns, God's small children... even those unborn?
There are no surprises with God, He knows the end as well as the beginning.
History, over and over, eg., His chosen, 650,000 Jews into Babylonian captivity. 50,000 were allowed to return to rebuild Jerusalem, the temple and city, left as a trash heap. It took several months for them to cross the desert and begin the almost impossible task of rebuilding the temple, the walls of the city. They worked hard, when the foundation was finished, such joy that one could not tell the crying from the laughter But, almost immediately, those who remembered the splendor of Solomon's temple, the greatest building to date ever built, much discouragement. So, for 15 years they did nothing until the profits Haggai and Ezra renewed there commitment. (Haggai, over 80 years of age) So it was earlier, so few remembering Joshua, crossing the Jordan on dry land, commanding the sun to stand still (Joshua 10:13) How easy it is to forget His sovereignty, not only in other's lives but in our own lives... most often those having been given so much... talent, opportunity, health.
It has always bothered me, perhaps it should not, BUT, I am a totally blind disabled veteran. Remembering the millions who had only one life too. Giving that life so others can have a life of opportunity-happiness. My ancestors left a record of their sickness and the deaths of many crossing the Atlantic, seeking freedom. There are records of the enslaved crossing the Atlantic. So it is with records of the enslaved from Africa. Both, in time, “free at last”.
Relatives have often said to me, don't remind us of the hardships, eating from fireplaces, well-water buckets, out-houses, hard-work in the fields and factories. Under a mantra (tent) of forgetfulness-immorality-comfort, will we forget the sweat and tears that brought all of us this far?
Most of the world’s population were not winners of life's lottery... content to stand on the bi-ways crying and sometimes laughing as stardom passed us by. The stellar dwellers will know that their achievement is a gift, that the redemption by Jesus Christ is sufficient.
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