Our God is an awesome God.
He reigns from heaven above.
With wisdom, power and love,
Our God is an awesome God.
Awesome is one of the new and much used words of the last decade. One young man told me that he went through basic training by singing constantly which I gave you in the beginning, “Our God is an awesome God”. I never went through basic training because I entered as an officer. But, many times in my military career and since as a totally disabled veteran, I must depend on an awesome God. I do not see how anyone, regardless of lifestyle
can face tomorrow without an awesome God.
I was on the continent of Africa many times. One of my most memorable trips was a gorilla safari. It would take a long time to describe the magnificence of such an undertaking; but suffice to say, my guide, a driver, and some pygmies (small, African natives) took me into the jungle where a family of gorillas were living. This was in the undeveloped areas of the Congo, untouched by civilization. The Congolese government was so interested that I might get harmed in some way, they sent a military officer along to go with me, throughout the excursion. He and the pygmies were so protective, that even when we disturbed a wasp's nest, they took all the stings. I had five cameras in my camera bag; and we came away with fantastic pictures of the gorillas in their natural habitat. The great grandfather gorilla with his silver mane and members of the entire gorilla tribe were awesome beyond words to describe. Having been their previously, the Dutch guide advised me by letter before I left, to buy gifts for the pygmies. I carried them ball caps and t-shirts. The guide said this is the greatest day of their life. I had medicine for almost anything in my camera bag. I gave medicine to the officer and guide for their wasp stings. It then occurred to me that the pygmies had never been attended by a doctor before. So, I made their day, their week, their world, by putting medicine on each sting of these people who had never worn shoes. Their feet looked more like hooves than feet. THEY ARE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD ALSO. Like you, they only had one life to live. My seeing the physical depravity of so many people in the world, has made me very intolerant of those in the world who have so much.
The gorillas and the pygmies both enjoyed freedom. They were not encapsulated by any control group. It is time for Americans to proclaim their liberty as did the children of Israel. Leviticus 25.10. Perhaps the oncoming H1N1 flu inoculations will give you a chance to proclaim your liberty. I cannot recommend anyone taking this patented vaccine (vaccine patent in 2007) which has been weaponized by several viruses. It is untested and we certainly do not know it's potential consequences. Directives have been sent out from WHO; and billions will be made on this scare. Fear is a mind killer. The 1918 epidemic started with the military. It is significant that the same public health directives for fighting the 1918 flu are still being used, washing hands, washing clothing, etc. First to receive the the vaccine is the military. All military personnel will be vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus, and the vaccine will be available to all military family members who want it, a Defense Department health affairs official said on September 1, 2009. (American Forces Press Service) It is believed that directives from WHO and Washington have gone out to every state health department giving instructions about mandating the flu vaccine to all citizens, particularly pregnant women, children and young people. We believe arrangements have already been made for the quarantine and confinement for people who refuse to take the untested vaccine.
The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire quarantine:
We were unable to reproduce the entire document. You may refer to http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=55698 for more information.
The recent outbreak of A/H1N1 “swine flu” in the United States and countries around the world has triggered public health emergency legal responses in many jurisdictions and sectors. Please visit this page regularly for current information about legal actions and other relevant legal information as it becomes available. Please refer to the following link on the CDC's website for more information. Http://www.2a.2cdc.gov/phlp/h1n1flu.asp
The scary thing about government control using an epidemic or threat of an epidemic for encouraging and even enforcing an untested vaccine on people when we know of the repercussions of many vaccines in the past, (Salk, Sabin) is too much for taxpaying, hardworking citizens, veterans, and even health care workers to swallow. It is believed that the military will be used to enforce the inoculations. The average citizen will relent when a person with a weapon comes to their door demanding compliance. We have spent trillions of dollars preparing military forces to fight battles now to have this turned on us, who paid for it.
As the American military was escaping Saigon, Vietnam, in defeat, as the helicopters were scooping the remaining Americans and their supporters off the roof of the embassy, Chinese-built tanks were entering the outskirts of Saigon, driven by teenage boys, with a passion for defending their country, who had never seen a paved street. One of my friends, CIA behind the lines operative said, “Vietnam was symbolic of patriotism. They would have fought to the last drop of blood.” If Tribal Government in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and even Iraq is what they want, it is their country, let them have it. We have enough problems with a democratic republic here. When will we learn not to get involved in these religious conflicts (Sumi vs Shiites, etc.)? Global involvement contributes to the wealth of the industrial complex, foreign entanglements with which we have been warned, (Washington, Eisenhower). The US is gullible enough to spend it's wealth on such enticements as “Global Warming”, at the very time that this nation is experiencing the coldest summer in decades, with prospects of a severe winter. Relax, democrats, your Mr. Gore, is making a billion dollars off this fiasco. The health care turmoil going on now is the best example you will ever see of a bloodless revolution, a government taking the last vestige of freedom from a nation. Totalitarian control usually comes at a great price in lives. There are enough patriots left, enough real Americans who have worn the uniform, enough mothers who truly love their children, to again say with Patrick Henry, “Give me Liberty or give me death.”
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