In my possession, I have a survey map of my ancestor's first farm in New Jersey, dated 1766, the survey having been done by A. Peacock. A splinter of the family moved down to Wayne County, NC and some of us are still around. It was 10 years later, March 23, 1775, that Patrick Henry proclaimed in St. John's Church in Richmond, “Give me liberty or give me death!” This was in reference to the freedom the colonials were seeking, from King George and his gestapo who were seeking to enslave the American Freedom Fighters who had fled to this country to escape the tyranny of the crown.
The fight still goes on, after nearly 250 years, we have lost many battles in our strivings for liberty but have not lost the war. In my world travels, I have witnessed first hand the trauma of tyranny. In Liberia, as my driver would go down a dusty road, any uniformed officer could take my luggage out of the car, throw it right in the dirt and search it. This happened several times before I retreated from that country. It is strange to me that every time I entered one of these third world countries, they had the right to demand all of my personal identifications, the amount of money I had on me, and even the make of my gold watch and any other jewelry. I was totally at their mercy. Yet, foreigners can come into this country at will.
Sitting in the airport at Lagos, Nigeria, waiting for a plane to take me out of Nigeria, there were two other passengers, the British Ambassador and a Peace Corp worker escaping from Liberia. Learning who the ambassador and I were, she clung to us, wanting us to help her escape Africa. She said, in Liberia, any man in uniform had the right to strip search any woman. She had been so abused that she was a neurological catastrophe. If I had not been along I do not know the outcome. On the plane, I talked to her in every psychiatric measure I knew, encouraging her to forget what had happened and look forward to seeing her country and her family. I maintained a correspondence with her for several years after she returned home. She thanked me over and over for my help on that day. The British Ambassador said to me, “you Americans are so crazy, you think that your largess and good intentions will change things. Study the history of the dark continent, learn how much of England's treasury has been spent here, how many English missionaries have spent their lives here. Do you really think things have improved any?”
Next week, Libya's dictator, Col. Kadafi, will celebrate his 40th year as the ruler of Libya. Such great monuments of character as Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Kim Jung-il from North Korea, will help him celebrate. How soon we have forgotten the 270 people, mostly Americans, who were killed by Kadafi and his henchmen on the Pan Am flight 103, 1988. The Libyan engineer who was convicted of the bombing and sentenced to life in prison, was just released by the UK government. Amid the handshakes of his jailers, he boarded the private jet of Kadafi, accompanied by Kadafi's son. For his heroic arrival in Tripoli, he was taken to his marble and gold palace provided by this African dictator. President Obama will probably attend the festivity. He has already paid a visit to Kadafi, who has already said that Obama is a “confirmed” Muslim. A mutual friend of both Obama and Kadafi is Louis Farrakhan, Muslim leader in the US and probably the most anti-Jewish, anti-Christian American.
There have always been citizens, both here and abroad, who do not like the American form of government. In the beginning, Alexander Hamilton wanted a more centralized form of government. Joseph Stalin killed between 25 and 100 million of his fellow Russians to establish a centralized form of government. Millions were killed in China by Mao and his followers to establish the totalitarian form of government in China. We could say the same about Mongolia, Cambodia, even Cuba. When governments are totally centralized and tyrannical, citizens are abused beyond imagination. In the Cameroons, in Uganda, at the airport, both men and women are strip searched. I saw American women in a state of shock just trying to board an airplane. Are you seeing the beginnings of such, here?
A black city council woman from this city, Catherine Moore, to the best of my knowledge, has left town because she was so abused by law enforcement. A bigoted police officer saw her at a table in a restaurant with some people who were drinking. He called an officer on duty and had her followed to her home, arrested her and brought her back to the police station for a sobriety examination. I understand that at the airport she was humiliated. One thing after another like this and people will soon realize how few freedoms they have left. Even though I have traveled around the world 8 times, (one trip had 48 flights) when my missionary son asked me to visit, I said, “I don't plan to ever get on another airplane.” I cannot tolerate the police-state attitude of present day air travel. Read about the 47 who were on a plane on the tarmac for 6 hours in Minneapolis, a plane without toilets and no drinking water. You wanted change, now you have change. IT WILL GET WORSE. The final revolution has begun as the present administration subverts the constitution.
We have already learned that anyone who owns a firearm, is on the “no fly list”. So, I will not be flying anywhere anyway, nor will you if you have a firearm to protect yourself and your family. In this time of permits and licenses, it will be a matter of self protection from now on. Even those in the military service must learn to say no, “No!” to useless vaccines. (Of the 690,000 who went to the Gulf War, we believe 80,000 have already died due to the forced vaccines. You will find many of the others on the streets, homeless. One of this country's great leaders during the Great Awakening, president of Princeton, Johnathan Edwards died from a small-pox vaccination.) Say “No!” to congress people who are taking away your freedoms as provided in the constitution, “No!” to limitation of free speech, in “hate speech” legislation, “No!” to confiscation of your weapons,”No!” to your children being dumbed-down by television trash, and gutted schools.
We tire of talk of new health care legislation. Three thousand children die every day from malaria simply because someone has decided DDT should not be used for spraying. Diseases are targeted at certain groups such as AIDS targeted to blacks.
History books have largely forgotten the Trail of Tears, when 4,000 Native Americans died as they were removed from the Deep South to Oklahoma and other reservations in the country. History has largely forgotten the 8 million buffalo killed just to eliminate Indian food. How quickly democrat voters have forgotten voting for someone who said he would give them jobs. It has just been announced that GM is building an automobile plant in China. There will be jobs, jobs for the Chinese. Our entire emphasis is now on the H1N1 virus and as terrible as it could be (1 in 4 may come down with the flu) remember that the vaccine is still untested.
When you remember that there are people in this country who hate this country, much happening now begins to make sense. There are those who want to chop down the Great Oak of Liberty. They, like Mr. Hitler, think they have the “final solution.” Remember he quoted the scripture Romans 13. But the American people who love their country, will not surrender easily. This is the final revolution.
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