In studying health and trying to protect your health, you feel you are running through a gauntlet, being hazed from each side, by those who do know and those who don't know about the importance of health care. One of the first things my physiology professor said in school, the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. In dealing with patients, this is something I kept uppermost in my mind; although most patients, do not feel they have received any dedicated care, unless they can walk out of your office with a prescription for chemicals, for which they must sweat out much money.
As a university student, working in the medical school at UNC Chapel Hill, (only a 2 year school at the time), having been reared on a farm, I assisted Miss Pickard, the Medical Librarian and Dr. W. C. George, head of the Anatomy Department, with their adjoining farms, (their hobbies when not working at the school.) in discussing being reared in the poverty of an Eastern NC farm, he said, “You poor thing, eating fresh vegetables and drinking fresh well water, I bet you ate berries off bushes in the woods and the ditch banks. You will probably live a long healthy life.” He knew just as other health professionals have learned, that it is what you put in your body, that determines your health, certainly not the genetically engineered and modified vegetables and fruits such as seedless grapes and tomatoes and corn, which is grown with active disease prevention.
Later, in practice, as I have discussed in another commentary, I became acquainted with two old doctors who firmly believed in treating illness with food. One, so opposed to chemicals in drinking water (chloride, fluoride) was a candidate for congress at age 100. God designed food for your knowledge and treatment. Slice the carrot across and see the iris and pupil of the eye looking back at you. Eat foods with seeds and treat all your circulatory problems (strawberries, apples, figs, tomatoes, shaped very much like the heart). Study the layers of the onion under the microscope, they look very much like the tissues of the body; pears are shaped very much like the reproductive system of a female.
The soil of this nation is completely depleted of all minerals. God put every element we would ever need for our living in the soil of the earth. Your body is starving for these elements and that is the reason you are hungry all the time. Just eating the products of fast food and glamorized, radiated, preserved foods will add weight but contributes nothing to your general health. So, one half of the population is obese and most are diabetic. If the body were a battery, it would be 40% depleted. A Chinese maxim says, “If God did not make it, don't eat it.” Another one states, “Eat fresh foods in their season.” You are much better to eat living foods, than dead foods, particularly dead animals. Do you have any idea of the time it takes for you to digest aged steak?
Look in the Bible and determine what you should eat. Like everything else in life, it is the answer book. When patients came to me who were eating pork, particularly such disgusting items, as chitterlings, hogs feet, souse meat, or even sausage, I told them they were “rooting their way into a grave.” There are chemicals in pork which make it very tasty. But any normal, sensible human being with a few brain cells still functioning, would know that there is no animal on earth that is as dirty as a hog. I will give you a written guarantee, that if you eat wieners made of pork, you will become diabetic.
Pain is your friend. When you have pain, it means that there is something definitely wrong. Find the cause of the pain. Do not camouflage the pain with chemicals. Millions are made in orthopedic clinics (since the government pays for it), on joint replacements. Fifty percent of all back surgery results in a worsened condition. But, as I say to everyone seeking hip, knee, etc. replacements, “you know how bad you hurt. But, it is my firm conviction that a reduction in weight and sensible exercise will lead you to keep your God-given joints.” Our genetics are adapted to tropical foods. However, in the winter, there are winter grown foods such as collards and turnip greens which are a blessing to digestion.
Ancestral genes will find you out for several generations. If children grow up seeing beer in the refrigerator, seeing parents drink these damnable, soft diet drinks, expect poor health for many generations. I know of nothing any worse for the human body, than aspartame and sunscreen. The human body must have sunshine, Vitamin D, for survival.
Money from the Rockefeller Foundation has controlled health school education, to the extent that the importance of supplements and clean water and other health disciplines have been left out of the care picture. Remember Senator J. Rockefeller is trying to control the internet, the very place where most citizens learn alternative care. The sheltering of their tax largess from the government to the detriment of other health disciplines besides western medicine, has created, with the help of lobbyists, a consortium of pharmacy greed and medical patronage which has lead health care into the shadows of debauchery.
In the debate about government health care, remember government is a fearful servant, but a much, much more fearful master. The power to tax is a power to deceive. Aldous Huxley speaking at Berkeley in 1962, said, “Get ready for servitude”.
Assembly line medicine, the warts on the present system, by the greed and control of insurance companies, will seem lax for the recipients of Medicare and Medicaid, compared to your loss of all privacy and security with ObamaCare. Number One, the country cannot afford socialized health care. The government is bankrupt. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are bankrupt. Midwest Free Press reports Medicare is paying out more than it collects and has done so since 2008. The trust fund is only backed by paper. It is so obvious for anyone to understand, even one who is totally blind. I hear alternative practitioners come on the radio, talking about alternative care to chemicals such as homeopathy and chiropractics. Always, without exception, the first caller seeking help for a real problem, usually pain and distress somewhere, will always preface his question by asking, “will insurance pay for this?” For the past 25 years, every time I was in a clinic of any sort, I always asked my driver, “How many people are here? How old are they?” The place was always full of old people, most of whom would not be there if they were paying for the care themselves. How many of your friends actually check the insurance payment to see what was charged? Since the insurance or government was paying for the treatment, they do not care what was charged. You can be sure that if a single tax payer, the government is paying for everything. Most will run to a doctor or hospital for any or everything.
Stay fit. Stay physically fit. Stay emotionally fit. And most important, stay spiritually fit. Remember, our blessed Lord, who died for our sins, died for our healing. By His Stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
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