For many years, I was a member of volunteer services for children in NYC, often called “shelters for children”. This was a group of philanthropy-minded New Yorkers who gave money for shelters all over the world for homeless children. I kept a co-op apartment in NY for many years and became active in this group, traveled around the world with some of their members, developing shelters for homeless children.
At a meeting of the organization on the Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, I went to the men's room and as blind people often do, got completely turned around and went to a meeting of another group. Of course, these people didn't know who I was; but it is seldom that anyone will be unkind to a blind person. So, I sat down and listened to what was going on, thinking I was in the right place. I soon found out that I was in the wrong meeting. It was a meeting of a Union group in NY which was mostly Communist in nature. At a little break in the proceedings, one man brought me over some coffee and a dough nut and introduced me to several others. I was welcomed as one of them. They did not have a clue about my political status; and often you learn more if you just stay quiet. At the end of the meeting, a meeting which was much more exciting than the one I was there to attend, one said, we are going over on the west side to a meeting of the local party and Gus will be there. I learned later, after I met him, this was Gus Hall, Chairman of the Communist Party USA, who lived in Yonkers and who died at age 90 around the year 2000.
I have often wondered what people are like who fall into the entrapment of the Socialist way of thinking. I had met some Communists in college and had been exposed to socialism and Communism in various places around the world. But, how and why Americans will get involved in a system which features the overthrow of everything we hold dear in our democratic republic is beyond me. One thing I did find in talking with these young Communists, not one had ever been in a truly Communist country. They had no idea of the enslavement involved. They only knew then, as now, that they hated this country because as they saw the limousines, opulence and lifestyles of the “rich and famous” in Manhattan, they felt they had missed out on the American dream and that there must be a better system such as the Marxist totalitarian “the end justifies the means” control system.
As I studied the Obama political philosophy, his background, those with who he associated, it has been obvious to me that we have a strange combination in the White House, a Marxist Muslim. In repudiation of the Constitution, in direct contradiction to everything we hold essential in our system of checks and balances, he has selected 32 so called czars to handle much of the American system of government and billions of tax dollars. If his health insurance program is passed he will add a health czar, and then a cyber czar and copywright czar, making 35. The other 32 are as follows:
1.Afghanistan Czar - Richard Holbrooke
2.AIDS Czar * - Jeffrey Crowley
3.Auto Recovery Czar - Ed Montgomery
4. Border Czar * - Alan Bersin
5.California Water Czar - David J. Hayes
6.Car Czar - Ron Bloom
7.Central Region Czar - Dennis Ross
8.Climate Czar - Todd Stern
9. Domestic Violence Czar - Lynn Rosenthal
10. Drug Czar * - Gil Kerlikowske
11. Economic Czar * - Paul Volcker
12. Energy and Environment Czar - Carol Browner
13. Faith-Based Czar * - Joshua DuBois
14. Government Performance Czar - Jeffrey Zients
15. Great Lakes Czar - Cameron Davis
16. Green Jobs Czar - Van Jones
17. Guantanamo Closure Czar - Daniel Fried
18. Health Czar * - Nancy-Ann DeParle
19. Information Czar - Vivek Kundra
20. Intelligence Czar * - Dennis Blair
21. Mideast Peace Czar - George Mitchell
22. Pay Czar - Kenneth R. Feinberg
23. Regulatory Czar - Cass R. Sunstein *
24. Science Czar - John Holdren
25. Stimulus Accountability Czar - Earl Devaney
26. Sudan Czar - J. Scott Gration
27. TARP Czar - Herb Allison
28. Technology Czar - Aneesh Chopra
29. Terrorism Czar - John Brennan
30. Urban Affairs Czar - Adolfo Carrion Jr.
31. Weapons Czar - Ashton Carter
32. WMD Policy Czar - Gary Samore
In studying Totalitarian indoctrination in this country, I find that this same group promoting Communism is now promoting environmentalism. Liberals are liberals regardless of name. Those who espouse the philosophy of Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU and for 30 years it's chairman, had just as soon ride the horse of environmentalism toward the Communist-Marxist goal as any other, atheism, gay agenda, etc.
Every time I hear of a large fire such as the one now burning in California, known to be arson, and now covering more area than the city of Chicago, I think of the program they were discussing at this Communist meeting, the topic “draperies and bedspreads”. They had no problem discussing the abominable plan of burning down any city, just by using matches or cigarette lighters, breaking into certain strategic homes and setting on fire the bedspreads and draperies. Sharp shooters would be strategically located near every fire department to flatten the tires on fire trucks. With the wind just right, a city could be completely destroyed in a few hours time. Their plans have probably become more sophisticated over the past 40 years. But, this is what hard working, tax paying, God fearing men, women and children are up against, even in this country.
I have often wondered how young people get so discouraged and so disingenuious that their hearts and minds would be so blackened by hatred towards their fellow man. Perhaps Van Jones, one of the czars, now having resigned his post, is a good example. He was born in 1968, both parents school teachers, active in the AME church, graduated from University of Tennessee Martin, then graduated from Yale Law School. He was active in civil rights groups in Nashville, New Orleans and San Francisco. He was selected as one of the 100 most influential people by TIME Magazine; and Essence Magazine named him one of 25 of the most inspiring/influential African Americans. His problems came from getting involved in three areas of concern: a remark in February 2009 in which he called Congress Republicans "a**holes"; a 2004 signature on a "9-11 truth" petition, the views of which Van Jones then disowned; and a leftwing past including membership of a socialist group and support for Mumia Abu-Jamal. After what Jones described as a "vicious smear campaign", he resigned, saying that he could not "in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future".
Jones is not the only American who supports the almost unbelievable theory that 9/11 was an inside activity such as the burning of the Reichstag in Berlin, leading Hitler to power in WW II. The Reichstag has been a German parliamentary building from 1884 to present. Movies have been made about the downing of the World Trade Center Buildings. Sixty percent of those who investigated the attack, believe that there is more to the destruction than some Muslims in airplanes. It is certainly believed that the attack on the Pentagon was an unbelievable absurdity.
As the congressional leaders in Washington elected to serve the American people, spend their days and nights cocktailing and sexualizing, like Nero as Rome burned, the nation crumbles at the feat of political desperadoes. It is believed that Obama himself, was an employee of the CIA after law school (Business International Corporation, BIC, a front group for the CIA). It is believed that Bill Clinton was in England as a CIA operative instead of an Oxford student. It is believed that George H. W. Bush was for many years a CIA operative. The half is yet to be known about CIA and other intelligence activities in America. It is enough to scare patriotic Americans to death and easily explains why so many get caught up in the intrigue of “isms” that should have been “wasms” long ago. In the early 60's I was acquainted with Dr. Fred C. Schwartz, president of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; and I was active in it's organization. It is also affiliated with Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado. Dr. Schwartz said, “Many young people think the vacancy in their heart not filled with Jesus Christ can be filled by the promises of Communism. How wrong they are.”
Psalm 63:3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
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