There were not many movie stars as poignant and impressive as Barbara Stanwyck. Today's so-called movie stars would do well to take lessons from her. In her memorable movie of 1949, “The Lady Gambles” in which she played the role of a gambling addict, one never forgets the obsessive-compulsive behavior and one better understands the culture of drug addiction which has totally crippled our nation.
Most prisons in our country, (and we have the highest prison population of any industrial country), are there because of the culture of drugs, due to either drug use and possession or illegal sales and the thievery in order to buy drugs. Most people do not realize this; but alcohol is a drug. One person out of 10 who takes the first drink, ends up as an alcoholic, with all the resulting heartache.
Parents: Let your children grow up seeing beer in your refrigerator, seeing a liquor cabinet full of liquor in your home, seeing you and your friends, drinking “highballs” around them, seeing you spend most of your time around the world's greatest idol, a TV, seeing the mother in the family wasting her time at the bridge table or drooling over soap operas, seeing the father trot off to the golf course to senselessly hit a small ball, seeing the general waste of time, talent and treasury, with which God has blessed your home, and you will have adult children who, like mother, like daughter – like father like son, will waste their time and spend their senses in useless behaviors.
Barbara Stanwyck, playing Joan in the movie, when asked by her husband and even the pawn shop operator where she would try to pawn her possessions, would only say to them, “YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND”. Thousands of times, in my career, smokers, alcohol drinkers, gluttons, illegal drug addicts, homosexuals, gamblers and other addicts of senseless, debilitating, useless behavior have said to me, “YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.”
The great German chemical conglomerate, I. G. Farben, who won 17 Nobel Prizes for Chemistry, who provided Hitler with synthetic fuels to keep his war machine going for 5 years, who manufactured the poison gas which exterminated 6 million Jews after they had worked as slaves in the Farben factories, passed on the formula for the RU486 abortion pill, to American pharmacists, as well as their formulas to their synthetic fuels to the Rockefeller foundation. We are well aware of the Standard Oil participation on both sides in World War II. (Standard Oil was owned by the Rockefellers.) Most Americans do not realize that it is the Rockefeller Foundation that founded Planned Parenthood.
Such celebrities as Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau and David Rockefeller have been very interested in eugenics and the depopulation of the earth. The worst addiction I can even imagine which must be a stench in the nostrils of our blessed Lord, is the culture of death surrounding the activities and money of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Obama Administration. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, chief medical bioethicist and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the Chief of Staff to President Obama in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”, June 18th, 2008, said in speaking about the Hippocratic Oath, “we now do what we can,” whatever that means. The American Society of Eugenics is associated with the Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and the Hastings Center, a bioethics research institute, all located together in New York.
Dr. Alfred Kinsey, another product of Hitler's eugenics crowd, one of the dregs on humanity, author of the book Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1947), got his start at the Indiana University, where the Kinsey Institute is still located. However, in 2004, after some digging by Dr. Judith Reisman, it was found that long-time Nazi party member, Dr. Fritz von Balluseck, was mailing his on-going child abuse crimes to Kinsey. Von Balluseck's diaries appear to date from 1936 to1956, revealing Balluseck's regular correspondence with Kinsey. In fact, Kinsey sent his simpatico Nazi aide books about child sexuality--books that would have supported and encouraged the serial child predator's incestuous and pedophile crimes. In the mid 1950s Interpol contacted the Kinsey team for help in locating a child sex killer the team had interviewed. The Kinsey Institute protected their WWII Gestapo agent (as they have always protected all their pedophiles and pederasts). They refused to give his name to Interpol under cover of shielding a possible child murderer from investigation based on "scientific" ethics. The truth about Kinsey has always been stranger than the fictions created to cover up reality.
We will never understand sex addiction, the heathen behavior of priests who molest children, behind the confessional booth of the church, the heathen practice of psychologists and sociologists and mental institutions behind the stethoscope, who sexually abuse their patients, or the prison guard, in uniform behind the shield of control. Even sexually abusive young people have an unhealthy addiction to sex with the mistaken impression that lust is love. One newly married man recently told me that he had a regular affair with a prostitute before his marriage, during the week of his wedding and after his wedding. Another young man told me that he had impregnated three young women in one year. Even animals fornicating in ally ways have a greater system of morality. Kinsey and other sex therapists gently pass on the mantra, “If it feels good, do it” without any regard for the psychological abuse affecting everyone involved.
On the Mount of Olive, Jesus wept for Jerusalem. Our blessed Lord would surely weep at the total decadence, which has swept our nation. When the North Vietnamese moved into Saigon after we had lost the war, the prime minister of North Vietnam said as he looked over the opulent degradation (porno shops, bars and strip joints) which had taken over the city, “Get rid of this Western decadence.”
There is no addiction like the addiction that is brought on by sin and Satan's minions. Mercilessly, the unbelievers cast aspersions on real Christians who try to affect holiness in the world around them. You never hear them attack their fellow unbelievers for the addictive Satanic practices which lower the expectations of the human spirit.
Don't ask me to understand why and how God's greatest creation, man, actually created in His image, can so defy all mental comprehension and understanding.
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