One of the great families of Eastern NC was the Weil family, a remarkable Jewish family, owner of large department stores, farms and other investments which employed many. Their largess was felt around the world. Once in Jerusalem, I was in a large hospital and in the meeting room, I saw a dedication to Miss Gertrude Weil. This was one of her many philanthropies. In Goldsboro, their was a large park, called the Herman Weil Park, a gift and memorial of the Weil family to this great man. There was a large bandstand, many rides for children, animal cages (monkeys, lions, bears). As a child, and on through life, the bears were always walking from one side of the cage to the other, testing the bars, a sign of mental depravity. It was obvious that even if they could escape their cage, what would they do on the outside of the cage. Behind bars, they had everything to maintain life, shelter, food and water. On animal safaris in Africa, I saw every type animal in the wild, with absolute freedom. I know what Darwin meant by survival of the fittest because the animals actually blended into the foliage. But, they were free and had everything needed for their freedom.
It is such a tragedy that so many tears, so much blood has been spilled for the freedom of the American people. I was just talking with a lady in her 90's about her friends who are now caged into nursing homes where they have shelter, food and water and never have to worry about anything. How sad it is and what a rebuke to the hardworking people who have made this country great that today's children are content to sit inside the cage with the felonious pacifiers of television trash and game sensations. Children, like welfare recipients, become victims of the cage life, food, drink and entertainment.
According to the CDC, ¼ of all children in the USA are overweight. There is a diabetes epidemic. There is no cure for diabetes, only treatment. The reason for diabetes is that children and even adults put the wrong foods in their throats and do not get enough exercise. It's as simple as that!
Until 1900, 70% of all Americans lived on a farm. Farm families today comprise !% of the population. Farm land has been taken over by large corporations such as Monsanta. In fact, farming has become a corporate production. These large farming corporations are buying land in the Ukraine, Brazil, Canada. Farm corporations where there is large machinery and agricultural specialists like the production and bottom line chicken and hog factories, produce much more with much less. For instance, in Brazil, you can produce two crops in one season. As the combine harvests the crop in a field, the tractors are going behind turning the ground making ready for a new planting.
On the family farm everyone worked. The soil had not been depleted of it's God-enriched minerals. The food at the family table was healthy. The many children necessary for the farming operation did not complain about boredom or lack of exercise. According to today's federal regulations my father would have been accused of child slavery. Fifty years ago, members of the government, commerce, military professions all would acclaim the virtues of hard work, risk and responsibilities and the hard life of farm living, and how it had contributed to the nourishment of this nation.
In the farming areas, which covered all areas, except a few villages and towns, if there was trouble on the farm, each farmer had a tin horn which he could use to call for help. Imagine a time without telephones, electric lights, piped water. Most farms had a large iron dinner bell, which summoned all the farm workers to the house at meal time. At a time of fire or other disaster, the horns and the bells would signal distress. Since most fires began in the kitchen, and it was necessary to keep a fire going in the kitchen fireplace constantly, the eating-cooking building was separate from the rest of the house. Today, you can go to most any large country home, one that survived the civil war, such as the one in which I was reared and it is obvious how the cooking rooms have been added to the living-sleeping house, by connecting rooms. The stables for the work animals were located away from the barns because a barn fire, one of the greatest tragedies of farm life, would burn the horses and mules. Farm life was a matter of survival and through experience they had learned how to do it. Farm families, working out of the cage, (little time was spent in the house), knew the God-given integrity of putting seed into “the good earth”. Farm children knew the excitement of the birth of a calf or pigs. Farm children were even excited about the birth of a new child in the home or community. I cannot fathom a child reared on the farm not appreciating the gift of life.
From the present president to the sheriff, most of today's political, academic and spiritual leaders are evil people. They are sold out to the devil. If you can find 1 or 2 born again Christians in your local city and county leaders, your state legislature, your national congressional membership, you have truly done some looking. Let us pray for politicians and pastors who hold fast to God's Word and the precepts of the Constitution of the United States.
Thou hast commanded thy precepts to be kept diligently. O that my ways may be steadfast in keeping thy statutes! (Psalm 119(118):4-5, RSV)
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