Returning from the Korean War and becoming active again in the early 1960s, knowing how my family had been treated as Republicans, I decided to align my political activity with the Democrats. And so, I became a very active Democrat, even president of the State Young Democrats. Both of my parent's families for many generations, were very active in the Republican Party, a minuscule minority in the state; discriminated against, with absolutely no opportunity to enjoy any job where state money was involved- school teaching, highway department, etc. I knew that if I were going to ever advance in this state, politically or otherwise, it would be necessary to register as a Democrat and become a contributor to the Democrat Party.
Of course, at that time the Democrats were the conservative party in the south and in the nation. The Solid South in the 1960s was all Democrat and very conservative. Lyndon Johnson depended on Republicans to pass his Civil Rights Program. It was not until I attended the Republican National Convention in 1964 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco when Barry Goldwater was nominated, that, much to the insistence of a friend who was a Republican candidate for Congress, that I decided that my principles were more important than any priority or prestige I might derive from the Democrat Party.
I had been sickened one day at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, sitting at a table with Governor Terry Sanford and Representative L.C. Fountain, hearing them talk of how the Democrats would always control the state of North Carolina because Democrats would always have the black vote, the teacher's vote, all federal, state and county worker's votes, as well as the votes of all other minorities such as the gays and the disabled. It has certainly proven that they were right, since for over 100 years the Democrats have been in lock-step control of the state. But, it did not prove that I was right to stay with such a monopoly party in which not one woman, black, or Republican was in the legislature.
It was strictly a “good old boy” white male government in total control, nepotism, country club, power base who controlled where every tax dollar was spent, regardless of need. I have been in several police-state countries and there is no more control there than in the Solid South, Democrat states. There was not even a Republican primary; rather the winner of the Democrat primary was the winner of the election at every crossroads in the state. If there were a chance that a Republican candidate could win an election (such as my good friend who was running for Congress as a Republican) the legislature would immediately gerrymander district lines.
My big problem then, as now, this 'Bible Belt' state where Christian people are supposed to honor one another, one political party could be so dishonorable. The Christian churches fell right in-line with this autonomous form of government. The blacks, who had escaped slavery one time, seemed inclined to regain their slavery. The cotton mill workers and tenant farmers, just surviving from the largess of white elitists, seemed inclined to regain slavery.
Highway 95-301 to the ocean was the poorest area of the United States-- few paved roads, few utilities, just the scraps from the table and yet voted solid Democrat. The western part of the state, more enlightened, beginning to have some Republican insolence were getting paved roads and better schools. Competition for votes, like competition for everything, brings advantage.
Nationally, the past twenty-five years has seen both parties become almost undefinable. Starting with Ronald Reagan, the liberals in both parties have joined in a socialistic jamboree to eliminate all conservative thought, Republican free enterprise from government and we now have a two-headed one-party system. With Republicans such as the two Bush presidents, conjured from the Rockefellers and other northern liberal factions, the idea of small government, low taxes, family values, and integrity of purpose have been dismantled, dragged right in by Clinton and other socialist travelers, aided and abetted by the media.
The fast-track of NAFTA and CAFTA have seen industry and agriculture disappear. The denizens of change established a plutocracy of control which our fore fathers would vomit to witness. We already see signs of revolution in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. In the 'seize the moment' mentality which led to the French Revolution and the 'no crisis should go to waste' mentality which led to the Russian Revolution, Mr. Obama and Mr. Emanuel, the Jews leading the financial spectacle of bail-outs and sell-outs (Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, etc.), have water-boarded the American tax-payer into crippling torture.
I have traveled through every Communist country. The difference in the Communist System in the text book type Communist world (USSR, China, Cuba, etc.) is that in the truly Communist state, the enslaved people have everything furnished to them and make no decisions at all (housing, health care, employment, etc.). In this Democratic Republic, called the United States, those who are stupid enough to work are forced to make their own decisions about employment, housing, health care, etc. On top of that, they are taxed to the gills to support those who will not work, who believe that government should furnish their wants as well as supply their needs. The only thing missing to completely establish Mr. Obama's radical government is law enforcement entrenchment. Relax, that is on the way; moving closer and closer everyday.
In the rural community where I lived, the hardworking farmers who had barely survived were so happy to get that little green check from the government each month. One would sit on a little stool by his mailbox and when the rural mail carrier would stick his check in the box, within two seconds his hand was in there grabbing it. Compared to his ancestors, who had lived on fat back and sweet potatoes all during the winter, he felt so fortunate to have “free money”.
The average Social Security check is $1,100, which means many get less than $1,000 and a few $1,200. As with the doctors who thought they were going to get paid well with Medicare, the SS recipients will find that their checks will get smaller as inflation raises prices for everything they use higher. As with the schools who began to take government money, when you take government dollars, you do what government tells you to do. The government will support you in prison or out; in the Communist System, you have chosen life on your knees-- a craving not a praying position.
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