The human body is a very resilient being. It has the ability to adapt to almost anything. Perhaps it's greatest adaptation skill is that of smell. You just simply get acclimated to something and then you don't notice it anymore. Years ago, when I arrived by plane in Rangoon, Burma, the stench from the bathrooms in the airport facility was just almost more than a human being of sensitivity could bare. I have found that traveling through most Communist countries that they have no disinfectants or soaps to clean anything. Even the people do not use deodorants. It is an excruciating experience to get on an elevator or get too close to some of these Communist citizens.
The worst smell was when I visited a mental hospital in Rangoon, a hospital filled with mental patients, who were not trained and did not use bathroom facilities very well. I doubt if some of these patients had bathed in years. If one went there with any residual intelligence, it would be gone in a short time.
Hospitals, especially mental hospitals, are notorious for the lack of hygiene. When I arrived as a staff member of the Army Hospital at Fort McClellan, Alabama, an old cantonment-type hospital facility (large wooden barracks type buildings for wards joined together by long covered walkways), all made of wood siding, wood windows, with pipe connections for heat and water, it was old. (There would be a ward for surgery, dental clinic, eye clinic, administration, etc.) My first day as the chief of the eye clinic, I noticed a smell in the place, and I asked, “What is that awful smell?” The NCO's and others said, “With the big fans running in the summer, it is not too bad. It only gets bad in the winter when we have heat.”
This had been a regular ward for a long time, but like all the other wards, had been converted for a new purpose. It just so happened that there was a padded room in the clinic which had a locked door that had never been opened for inquiry, even though each room was supposed to be inspected on a regular basis. After I had been there about 6 months and had become accustomed to the smell, we had a short in one of the pieces of equipment, which required the fire inspector to inspect the building. When he opened the door to this padded room, there was a dead body in the room which had probably been there for a long time. The corpse had become a mummy; but the smell in the room was still strangulating. Of course the clinic was sealed off. Army inspectors came in to investigate. A general “hush” order was put out. Everyone was told not to discuss the matter. To this day, I do not know how long the body had been entombed or what the mysterious circumstances were about. It would make an excellent Alfred Hitchcock movie, some mental patient put into a padded room and forgotten.
It is a known fact that people can adjust to anything. We can adjust to the knowledge that everyday of our life, there are people in hell, that there are people on their way to hell; and we are generally unconcerned both as individual Christians and as a Christian Church. IF we believed, we would be doing everything possible to keep people from going to an eternal place of torment. IF the Christians on the Titanic which went down to the bottom of the ocean 100 years ago, had believed that the unsaved on that ship were headed for an eternal hell, they would have done everything possible to reach them before a certain death. IF parents believed in an eternal hell they would make every effort to insure the salvation of their children. The sad truth is most people have gotten accustomed to the smell and they no longer pay any attention.
In a contract, both parties must agree to the substance of the contract. God has given us a contract, paid in full, by His only Son. Our side of the contract is that we accept Him in a personal relationship and His free gift of eternal life in glory. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17).
We do what we do because we believe what we believe. IF we believe in the certainty of death and life after death, we would have no time for just playing around with church, no time for the golf course. IF Christians live their faith before the world, the world would have been saved long ago. The world has become acclimated to the hypocrisy of those who profess but do not possess. The world is much more interested in global warming than they are in the searing heat of hell. From 1660 to the present, the earth has warmed about ½ degree each 100 years. The state-run media visiting this hoax on the public does everything possible to destroy this republic and their latest challenge is to destroy the Christian church, the basis of our democratic, free enterprise, capitalistic republic. Entrepreneurship which made this country great, the Mom-and-Pop business, the small family farm have been degraded to the ash heap of history.
Insurance (AIG, FDIC) is just backed up by pennies on the dollar. Eighty banks have closed so far this year. They have predicted 1000 will close by the end of next year. Your account is supposed to be insured for $250.000. But, FDIC reportedly has about $10 billion to insure all bank accounts. The liberals who have chased industry into Mexico and China are the very ones concerned about global warming in this country and the pollution in those countries. When Mr. Hitler took over the automobile business in Germany, as with Mr. Obama, (General Motors, now Government Motors) he rode around in a large Mercedes. He produced a Volkswagen for the masses.
The Communist movement has been taken over by the environmental movement. Green manure is supposed to make everything smell better. We have rulers in high places who have never known what it is to want for anything. Thank God for poverty and for keeping you out of luxury. Those who have known poverty know the basics of life, hard work, the joy of preparing for a better life, the sweat of discipline, depending on your spiritual and patriotic faith, faith in God and faith in country.
There is on the horizon an amalgamation of the philosophies of Nazism, Communism mixed with Islam. It is time for real Christians, real Americans to get off their knees and take a stand, especially in 2010 and 2012; otherwise your country is gone. In the past 7 months, $23 trillion has been spent by the present administration on bailouts and sell-outs, twice the GNP. We have lost 2.5 million jobs and this president said he would add 3.5 million jobs. There has been an increase of 700,000 jobs, but all in government. Even a Nuremberg-type trial where the spenders wrangle Geithner, Paulson, could be tried, would not erase the smell. Only the verified votes of concerned Americans will erase the shame and the smell.
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