One of the most beautiful cities I have visited in Spain is Seville. Rossini's opera “Barber of Seville” brings to the imagination early surgery which was done by the barber. Constantly turning, just outside the door of the shop, was the barber pole, which at one time was the symbol of the barber shop, red and white stripes, symbolic of the blood activity for the barber-surgeon. ObamaCare is almost as fictitious as early health care taking place in the barber shop. Surely there is enough intelligence among the 535 elected citizens in the House of Representatives on 9-9-09 to figure the “quackery” of this President. Like his school, Harvard, which has on it's gate the word “Veritas” (truth), the college newspaper recently carried an ad declaring the Holocaust a hoax, defying European history. Of course, like good liberals, they declared that the advertisement slipped through, “was not noticed”. But, as the editor for 8 years of a publication, I know that all gallery proofs are proofread before publication. Lucifer will not quit. We should know by now that liberals will not quit.
There is a new hero in the country, a congressmen from SC who told this lying President that he was a liar during his speech on 9-9-09. We have been looking for a hero in Washington for a long time. We have finally found one, a real man who will stand up for the ideas of his country. Prissy, John McCain, who we tried to drag across the finish line, to keep Obama from becoming president, is so politically correct that he did not appreciate the evaluation. It is time for real patriots, real Christians, to stand up and be counted.
They buried one of my friends recently, an outspoken critic of today's politically correct politicians and pastors, a man named Richard Carter. He told me the last time he went to church, when the pastor went to defending homosexuals in the pulpit and women preachers, he stood up and said, “Have you ever read Romans 1 or I Timothy 3:2?” He said, “I cannot believe that people will sit in a church smiling while a man teaches a false gospel.” I cannot believe that all the republicans who know better, did not stand with a chorus of liar.
Obama knew the cost of his health care plan but miracle of miracles had no details to support the cost. WE KNOW, that he has already put the country in a debt of 13 trillion and his health care plan will add another trillion dollars, money that cannot and will not ever be repaid. Those who have seen military medicine, health care in public hospitals such as mental hospitals or those of us who know the fallacies and fatigues of VA health care understand socialized medicine. Just as most of the bailout money will be spent next year, an election year, to buy votes, these socialized health care jobs will be taken up by his supporters. In the VA system, only liberal democrats will have the jobs. Recently I was being processed by one of these liberals and I said to my doctor later, “The woman does not know what she is doing.” He said, “The place is full of untrained, political lackeys.” When staying in my NY apartment, I went to the VA facility on 1st Avenue and 23rd St. Without exception, each time the lackey, learned I was a medical officer, their first words were “Please write me a recommendation for my service.” Most did not know what they were doing, but wanted to be recommended.
The world's three largest employers of people are the Chinese Army (totaling 7.5 million, active and reserve), the Indian Government Rail Service (they still use an manufacture steam engines, most travel in this second largest population is by rail. I have traveled with this rail service several times) and the British Health Care System (socialized medicine, robots are being used in all hospitals and nursing homes to do the work such as cleaning and food preparation. As in America, robots are used in the pharmacy, robots can count pills as well as anyone. In an American pharmacy there must be one pharmacist on duty). 70% of all produce found in American grocery store comes from abroad, human beings, backbreaking work, making $2 a day.
Can you even imagine the political appointees who will sponge the jobs in a national, socialist health care system? Confusion and rumors are the rule of the day in this new democrat administration. Seventy percent of Europeans and over 50% of Americans want all troops withdrawn from Afghanistan. Since Rudyard Kipling, an expanse of wanton, hate-filled, country side from the Khyber Pass to Russia, Afghanistan is a wasteland.
The late King Hussein of Jordan, has a surviving brother, Crown Prince Hassan, one of the best known Arab leaders in the Arab world. He said, “Our family are direct descendants of Muhammad and are the best known Arab family in the Hashemite world.” He said, “The Hashemite Arabs will never yield to a democratic form of government.” The US should just “quit” trying to change the politics of the 48 predominant Arab countries, and should spend it's time and treasury supporting it's only democracy-clad ally in that area of the world, Israel. Colonel Kadafi told us that Obama is a verified Muslim. Keep that in mind when you pledge your allegiance to him. When you listen to his diatribes about the economy or anything else. He is an economic illiterate. He is a military illiterate (has probably never saluted anyone except Michelle and has probably never fired a BB gun).
The economy will not be solved until people understand conservatism. The gold reserves at Fort Knox have not been audited since 1959. If all the gold ever taken out of the earth, was in one cube, it would only measure 75.4 feet square. We realize that fiat paper money is worthless. I am very leery of the constant advertisements I hear even on Christians radio, about the good sense of buying gold. It may be that this is a hoax and a heist, also. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: (Matthew 6:20)
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