In the spring of 1987, I had just returned from a round the world trip and at nearby Duke University, at the spring commencement festivities, newsman, Ted Copple, had just delivered the commencement address. When I talked with friends at Duke Hospital, Copple had made an impression with his down to earth delivery speaking of the pitiful attitude Americans show in their news compliance. He said, “...You can partake of our daily banquet without drawing on any intellectual resources; without either physical or moral discipline...” He spoke of the Ten Commandments and our lackadaisical attitude towards them. He spoke of “Vannatizing” the intellectual acuity of the public, the very idea that Vanna White, known only for her ability to turn numbers on a television program would write her autobiography.
Ted Copple said,
“...We are beginning to make our mark on the American psyche. We have actually convinced ourselves that slogans will save us. "Shoot up if you must; but use a clean needle." "Enjoy sex whenever with whomever you wish; but wear a condom." No. The answer is no. Not no because it isn't cool or smart or because you might end up in jail or dying in an AIDS ward -- but no, because it's wrong. Because we have spent 5,000 years as a race of rational human being trying to drag ourselves out of the primeval slime by searching for truth and moral absolutes.”
In the 22 years since he made this speech, state run television with it's newscasts, have only worsened. Malcolm Maldridge, Brittish historian said, “Today's news is old news for new people.” Dr. Samuel Johnson said, “Your focus becomes sharper when you see the hangman's noose.” When will we realize that state-controlled news is just what Satanic forces of Communism, Totalitarianism, has sought for the past 50 years? GE, who owns NBC and it's affiliates, has their CEO as Obama advisor. Every alphabet news organization spits out the same culture of controlled jargon.
This weekend, BBC, and the Homeland Security Department reported that 2 million Americans were protesting on the streets of Washington D.C. But, the controlled media kept saying tens of thousands. Thinking Americans are beginning to see through this charade. Thinking Americans want honesty in government and they demand honesty in news reporting. Because of the dishonesty in news reporting, newspapers are failing like leaves falling off trees in autumn. The only reliable electronic news is found in the many channels of the internet or from abroad. Patriots in America may forgive many things in the American experience of justice. But they will never forgive dishonest reporting.
A few weeks after this address, I was talking with a friend of mine who had just returned from his brother's funeral. His brother, divorced from his first wife, had moved with his young 3 children to Georgia where he had remarried and had lived a normal life. His children, his family, had brought his body back to NC for burial in the family cemetery in rural Wayne County. His first wife, who had never recovered from the divorce and still carried around much baggage of frustration and bitterness, drove out to the cemetery while the commitment ceremony was going on where her own adult children were surrounded by family and family friends from the community. She stood on the highway next to the cemetery and yelled out many brutal, slanderous accusations against the man going in the grave while his grieving family and friends were there for the service. He said, “It was the most embarrassing, barbaric pathos one could every imagine.” He said, “How any person could carry around that much hatred, unforgiveness and hurt towards her own children because the husband to whom the insults were directed, had escaped her wrath.”
Hatred and unforgiveness is first an injury. Then it becomes a debt. And lastly one must make the decision to forgive and let it go. Blessings and cursings cannot come out of the same mouth any more than potable water and putrid water can come out of the same faucet. Christianity is separated from every other religion because God is love. (Love is mentioned 540 times in the scriptures.) The love of God is manifest in His only son, Jesus Christ who lived and died to show forgiveness. We can forgive when we realize how much we have been forgiven. It is difficult to forgive a government and the state-controlled news outlets of that government who are so totally dishonest in their professional responsibility. As an example the corruption has extended so far that few have heard of the 87,000 military weapons missing in Afghanistan, many of which, we know according to “Reader's Digest” have been used to kill our own young warriors. We have heard nothing of the 33 billion tax dollars unaccounted for in Afghanistan. We have heard nothing of the billions of tax dollars unaccounted for in the bailouts during the Obama largess. The hardworking, sweating, tax-paying, God-fearing, coupon-clipping American patriots deserve better from their government and certainly from the news organizations, supposedly licensed to give oversight to government operations.
For far too long, the politically correct liberals have excused everything in the name sake of progress. For far too long, many have just said, “business as usual. We go along to get along. Everything will work out.” Have you ever seen how much water will come into your building through a pinhole? We are drowning in our own unconcern, the ambiguity of just turning the blind eye. In the day of rose garden rhetoric, deception about everything, rejoice. The power of prayer can completely reverse the oligarchy of the deceit of a few. Mr. Obama and his Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, might know about Satanic deception. But, he has much to learn about the devotion of patriots. The state controlled newscasters and news editors, print and electronic, will not have the last word.
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