This week's front page headline of Newsweek.com is titled "The Case for Killing Granny," with a sub-header promising an explanation as to "Why curbing excessive end-of-life care is good for America."
Hitler, in the early days of his “Obama-care” rounded up two hundred seventy-five thousand old people, prostitutes, vagrants, homosexuals, gypsies, crippled, blind, and other disabled he did not think worthy of living, and using valuable money for extermination before he began to exterminate six million Jews. He so despised people who were not young and energetic. When he began his book burning in the libraries, the first book on his list was that of Helen Keller's autobiography – he so despised blind people.
Have we actually reached that place in this country? When in Kenya, Obama's birthplace, I found that it was the common practice to dispose of the old and disabled citizens by leaving them in the bush for wild animal disposal. In the northwest provinces of Canada and around the North Pole, I found it was the practice of the Eskimos to just put their old and infirmed citizens on iceflos and just let them drift out to sea for disposal by wild animals there. In India, crossing that continent by train, I was constantly amazed to find old people in blankets being heisted on top of a train by relatives so they could be transported to the sacred Ganges River for burning on the funeral pyres there. In a boat, out in the Ganges, where thousands were doing their Hindu religious rituals, I could not help but think of the old people who were thrown on the burning fires before they were dead. You expect heathens to behave in this manner, but in this Christian, civilized country, where life should be important, where our old people, regardless of condition, were at one time young people who worked hard to give you - in talent, time and treasure - what you are inheriting today. Don't you think they deserve better? Remember, if you keep living, you will reach old age too!
There are certain non-negotiables that a Christian society cannot tolerate or even consider:
homosexual or same sex marriage
stem cell exploitation
slavery of children
While it is true that most Medicare funds, most insurance health care expenses are used in the last years of our geriatric citizen's lives - either in taxes or in insurance - they have paid for their care. I can think of nothing more disgraceful or despicable than senior citizens spending their sunset hours worrying about their care, knowing that there are those that resent the dollars being spent on them.
The most innocent of life, the unborn, (1.3 million killed each year) are not aware of the earthly lovers of their soul – only their Heavenly Father who loves their soul. But the elderly, those who have planted the flowers that the rest of us have picked, are aware of what they have given to this thankless society.
The German people were first against the euthanasia of the disabled and elderly but, when they learned how much money they were saving, they went along with this Holocaust. They will forever suffer the pangs of God's judgment for their heathenism. Can you even imagine, that as the trains carried the Jewish people of Germany to the death chambers, the German hierarchy actually said, “they were doing it for their country.”
When the Christian is saved by faith through the marvelous grace of God, he is as saved as he will ever be; he is crowned with the glory of everlasting life. The Christian's coronation comes, when through the Holy Spirit of Christ in his life, he is a creation of God – living every minute of every day thirsty for God's Word, God's discipleship and God's redemption. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
We have the great blessing of God which completely monopolizes our lives. God is love and there is no love like the love of God. (540 times, 'love' is used in God's word.) One can give without loving but one cannot love without giving. The greatest gift of the Christian is to love one another and particularly to love those who are in need. I can think of no greater need than the need of the unborn for love and the need of the elderly and infirmed for love. One who loves does not murder. Those of you who voted for the culture of death, which now surrounds our country with a parameter of deceit, should seek the forgiveness of God and - with fasting and prayer - ask for His forgiveness for the sake of our country.
One of the world's great preacher was Dr. Vance Havner, author of 38 books, reared in North Carolina, graduate of Moody Bible Institute, one of the country's best known conference speakers. Like the great preacher Charles Hayden Spurgeon, crippled feet which never slowed him down. He said, “we often talk much further than we walk.” I heard him speak in many places, and it was always the same, an inspiration.
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