Majoring in Minor Things
Jerusalem is known as the religious capital of the world. New York City is known as the financial capital of the world. Los Angeles, California is known as the pornography capital of the world. Paris, France is known as the gourmet capital of the world. Bangkok Thailand is known as the sex capital of the world. The gateway of Asia is Bangkok where probably more tourists go through than any other Asian city. You are first overwhelmed by the traffic jams, air pollution and the fact that someone is trying to sell something to you constantly. Every building, every person is a commercial enterprise. I was totally aghast my first time there by the the open exploitation of every sexual activity Satan could concoct. So many European men and American men go there just for sexual activity that if you are male, it is assumed you are there for that purpose. Everywhere you look, you see Buddhist temples. Because the city is located, more or less, in a river delta, there is the famous Floating Market Gardens where foods are bought and sold from boats with the accompanying mold and smell. The water in these areas, although filthy is a swimming activity for the children. In the security of a boat, you do not realize the proliferation of disease to which these natives are probably immune.
The saddest part of life in this metropolis is the selling of sex. It is hard to believe that parents sell their children into prostitution to be active in the Patpong district or even into slavery exported to other parts of the world. My guide, knowing some of the promoters of the sex trade, and me being totally illiterate to this type of activity anywhere, took me to a club in the Patpong district, where the proprietors of the club, seeing a young wealthy American come in, thought I was interested in buying a sex slave. Before I knew it, one fast talking entrepreneur went to talking about prices for different ages. I said, “What in the world are you talking about? Do you think I would actually buy another human being? I'm just here to see and visit your country.” My amused and astounded guide carefully guided me away from this den of iniquity. But from first hand experience, I know that such goes on and was filled in, in detail by the guide. He told me that girls are sold to foreigners for a certain amount of money. Corrupt government officials and Buddhist priests expedite the international transactions.
Sex slavery goes on every day all over the world. No 12 year old girl chooses to be a sex slave. The CIA estimates that 50,000 slaves are trafficked into or transited through the US annually. In the US, as many as 2.8 million children live on the streets, a third of whom are lured into prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home. 12 to 14 is the average age of entry into pornography and prostitution in the US. In 1850 the average slave cost $40,000 in today’s money. Presently a slave costs an average of $90. (http://www.gchope.org/human-slavery-statistics.html )
Just before the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln made a trip down the Mississippi River with Thomas Hanks. In New Orleans, he went to a slave market, where he saw human beings being sold. Like a horse, he saw buyers looking at their teeth, examining the breasts and genitals of women, stripping the men for muscle build, and the selling of children from their parents. We thought with the Emancipation Proclamation, such was over in this country. But there is probably more slavery going on now, than before the Civil War. Human slavery is a global public health issue. This month in Philadelphia, two women were found beaten, drugged and bound as apparent sex slaves.
Are you concerned about these things in your community and in your church? I talked with an official of the Southern Baptist Convention of Nashville, TN yesterday by phone. We cannot understand why children are not allowed to be children. Children become emotional pawns of Satan and his minions and yet we expect them to act like intelligent adults. Most church goers, sitting on church pews are more interested in themselves and their surroundings than they are of the worship of almighty God, who alone, can resolve many of these horrendous problems.
Many pastors and particularly television exploiters (Katherine Coolman, Benny Hen, Oral Roberts) are much more interested in show business than God's business. A devout Christian, a university student, I ushered in a great church in Memphis. Many of the attendees, from other states, were more interested in the pastor than they were in worship. The Holy Spirit gives us what we need when we need it. The shame, just as in the case of the slavery of young girls and boys from Asia, assisted by government and church leaders, is the incredible amount of tax dollars being wasted by US government. For instance, $33 billion sent to Afghanistan for which there is no accounting. Accountants learned years ago that $40 billion would eliminate all of the world's poverty, would put clean water in every African village, would eliminate hunger across the world.
Just as government and religious leaders are unconcerned about the slavery of children, we can say the same thing about law enforcement. I have been told, on good authority, that when young girls are found in houses of prostitution, even in this city, they become protected by law enforcement so that they can be used for their pleasure. Law enforcement has become an abomination. They love being detested by the public because it makes their job much easier. Most are just bullies who could not find a job doing anything else. If the law were interested in stopping prostitution, they would arrest the buyer. If the law were interested in stopping illegal drug activities, they would arrest the buyers. The fact of the matter is, because of their own personal interest and the obtaining of funds from the sale of vehicles and houses where drugs are found, crime proliferates. Crime will not decrease until the morality of law enforcement increases. We have as much to fear from the law enforcement as we do from the criminals. It hurts a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran to say this, but every time I have any contact with law enforcement, I think that much less of them. GOD HELP YOU IF YOU NEED HELP.
How much intrusion in your life will you permit? Government already controls by license or permit, everything you do. In the shadows we can already see approaching, government control of your home and everything in it. With this new health care legislation, the last vestige of security and privacy to the individual citizen, you will see government inspections of your medicine cabinets and your refrigerator. Don't let anyone tell you that abortion funding is not in this new legislature. Don't let anyone tell you that inadequate care for the elderly is not in this legislature. Don't let anyone tell you that in spite of our present flaws socialized health care will make anything any better.
The state controlled news media and news print, the liberal ne'er do wells, such as Jimmy Carter, the Clintons, Charles Rangle, Henry Paulson, etc. would have you believe that we are in a renaissance of progress. It is just the opposite. In majoring on minorities, we have overlooked God's program and God's people.
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