David Rockefeller, banker, member of the world's wealthiest family, the Rockefeller's, in his 2002 autobiography, Memoirs, said that people on earth are the “common herd”. Margaret Sanger, nurse, founder of Planned Parenthood, in her book Family Limitation referred to black children as weeds.
These two Americans like the present evil president, who has promoted a culture of death involving abortion, euthanasia, same sex marriage, like other members of his administration, and the democrat party, are ALL progenitors of the Bilderberger and Illuminati promoters of the DEPOPULATION of the earth. The only other time the earth was depopulated was at the time of the Great Flood, when billions of people were drowned after they had been warned by Noah, a preacher of righteousness that God would show his wrath for the sin of the world.
Noah, who lived to be age 950, started preaching at age 550, and was instructed by God to build an ark to preserve animal life on earth. The exact dimensions of this sea-going craft were given to Noah by God, 95 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, large enough to accommodate all these animals, Noah's family and others who wanted to escape in the ark of salvation. For 7 days, before God closed the great door of the arc, Noah, stood in the door of the ark and begged the laughing, mocking people to come aboard and escape. But, like the 120 years that it took him to build the ark, the people just mocked and laughed. It had never rained on the earth. Large bodies of water were far from the ark; and the sinful people, more interested in their CREATURE COMFORTS, the enjoyment of sin, were willing to take the risk; and they all drowned because the water went 15 feet above the highest mountain. Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives, the earth's animal life which God intended to preserve, were saved. As with Christians, and God's plan of our salvation, animal life was preserved and here we are.
As the apostle Paul told us, today's world, as in Noah's world, perilous times would come. 2 Timothy 3:1. With Christians, as with American citizens, and indeed, citizens of the entire world, we just give lip service to our convictions and ideology, both religious and political. We have forgotten the foundations on which our Christian faith as well as our great democratic republic were built. Without a firm foundation whether spiritual or political, we will fall.
Satan was the deceiver before the Great Flood and he is the great deceiver now. Where there is no king, there is no kingdom. Where there is no obedience, there is no Lord. God's Law as well as every victim of civilization cries out, “...to obey is better than sacrifice.” I Samuel 15:22.
I never cease to be amazed that black American citizens just 100 years after redemption from slavery by the Emancipation Proclamation, have become enslaved again by loyalty to a political party and philosophy that makes them less than they are, bowing down to the dictates of a godless, communist ACLU, and selling their hard earned civil rights for a “mess of pottage”. I never cease to be amazed that union workers, cotton mill “lint heads”, tenant farmer “rednecks” are seeing their jobs in industry and agriculture, usurped by democrat party promotion of NAFTA and CAFTA, hard earned livelihoods, replaced by unemployment checks, and scraps from the table of the power brokers of promise. Even the rapidly disappearing middle class, clinging to the most basic constitutional principle of contracts, knows that in a nation so bereft of integrity, desperate state, federal and local tax grabbers and pick pockets of decency will put a lien on every property you consider yours so that government debts can be paid. The only money a government has is it's power to tax. Your property whether real estate, vehicle or your kitchen table, can be ceased by the government unless you pay the taxes on it. This morning, every man, woman and child owed, $250,000 in national debt. Knowing the appraised value of everything you own, and knowing how much money government owes, don't think for 1 minute that the government is not going to get every dime out of you to pay your debts. They consider the government debt, your debt. The paper money you have in your pocket is worthless, backed up by nothing except thin air. One president, was assassinated in Dallas, because he planned to back up fiat paper money with silver. The Federal Reserve is a joke. It is not Federal and it has no reserves; however, Congress has allowed it to take over the US Treasury.
The US Post Office is such a disaster that it has become privatized. Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Securtiy, NOW - the government owned automobile industry, and most insurance companies are all broke; and, some of you actually think you want some of your most sacred and private life support you have left, placed in the hands of government. Have you lost your mind? Only one who has sat in a VA hospital with a number waiting for care, only one who has worked in a lackadaisical military hospital, only one who has seen the foibles and failures of the Social Service system, would desire such treachery. When you get old whatever is not hurting is probably not working. In Obama-Care, maximum health coverage is from age 18 – 40. After 40, care becomes prioritized.
The US banking system will lose some 1,000 institutions over the next two years, said John Kanas, whose private equity firm bought BankUnited of Florida in May. The corruption of political officials in Washington, on Wallstreet, in state capitals such as the imprisonment of several in NC, and even locally, leads any thinking, taxpaying, sweating citizen to believe that all foundations of decency and accountability have vanished. For instance, Charles Rangel, long time representative from NY, Chairman of the House, Ways and Means committee, the most powerful committee in Congress, is being investigated for his corruption, his failure, to comply with government regulations in reporting more than $500,000 assets and income, which effectively doubles his net worth. Unreported assets included a federal credit union checking account of between $250,000 and $500,000, several investment accounts, stocks, apartment houses and even properties in New Jersey and Puerto Rico. How does a politician who makes $160,000 a year accumulate such a fortune.
The implosions of the foundations of government will lead to the demise of our republic. Much worse, is the quaking of the foundations of the Christian church. When founded, on the day of Pentecost, (Acts 2) the church was founded on sound doctrine. The mission then, as now, was to go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptizing believers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and, we were told by God in whose image we were made, that He would be with us, even to the “end of the world.” Matthew 28: 19 – 20.
The foundation is important to every structure. Your building, whether your house in which you live, or the temple of God, your body, is only as sound as it's foundation. I never could understand why my father spent so much time digging and building the right foundation for every building, even a barn. But he knew, just as you will learn that the foundations of your spiritual being, your nation's governments, your childrens' developments are all just as secure as the foundation that supports them.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word.
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