In the mindless fluff promoted by today's state-controlled news sources, the importance of the basics of decorum, discipline and good behavior is often overlooked. We see a tennis star using foul language and throwing a fit in the worst example of poor sportsmanship (Williams), or an entertainer (West) jerking the microphone out of the hand of another entertainer, or a congressman (Wilson) before the television audience of the entire world, in perhaps the seat of power of the entire world, (even though he was lying and even though most of the population detest him), calling this world leader a liar, or seeing a pastor with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, or the daily diet of erroneous news broadcasts, such as the recent demonstrations in Washington D.C. where millions were interpreted by liberal, state-controlled news media, as several thousand, we are constantly exposed of the ignominious indignities of the human mind.
On the battlefield, in WWII, in the heat of battle, when most of the officers in a particular activity were killed, it was the commander's responsibility to give battlefield commissions to top-notch NCOs worthy of becoming officers. I personally knew many of these officers who had received battlefield commissions in WWII, and during the Korean and Vietnam Conflict. The commanding officers did not select just any top Sargent for this command responsibility, but one with integrity and the patriotism and honor of God and country. The most important word in the vocabulary of a patriot or God-fearing warrior is courage. I believe that ninety-five percent of our faith is just raw courage and it takes ninety-five percent of our patriotic courage in time of war. The commanding general does not pick someone undisciplined, not dependable, unreliable, but a real soldier – tried and true to his mission and the cause for which he goes to battle. Anne Frank, in her book said, “He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery!”
The time has come in this great Democratic Republic for some battlefield commissions. Not since the Revolution, has so much depended on so few. From the ranks of patriotic citizens we must promote leaders who will replace those on the local, state and federal level who have proven to be so miserably inadequate.
In history, in Old Testament sovereignty, there were evil kings and good kings. In the sovereignty of God, just as He is in control of everything on the Earth which He created, He will allow disruptive and degrading events in order to bring people to the realization of what happens when evil persists and good men do nothing. When we refuse to learn, He has a way of teaching us.
From the time of the Tower of Babel, men have refused to communicate. Hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing Americans have refused to put an end to the “fill-in-the-blank” largess of their money going to despicable programs such as artwork of our blessed Lord's cross in a container of urine. In the culture of death, (and how could anyone get anymore heathen than abortion and euthanasia, the killing of the most innocent of life) the present president now states that there is no “reproductive services” in his health care legislation, but before Planned Parenthood, in 2007, (eugenics and promotion of the depopulation of the Earth) he stated that abortion would be included in his health care plans.
Try sifting out the truth from your news broadcast. Most people still have a love for the truth, even though the truth often hurts. People recognize the truth when they hear it, unless they absolutely do not have a conscience (and I'm convinced many politicians do not). People want the truth whether at the church house, the court house or the White House. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not.
The essentials for the battlefield are ability and sovereignty. Most people do not understand sovereignty. The essence of sovereignty is the knowledge that God is on OUR side. The conservative knows that the truth will keep us free.
It is time for us to get serious about our country. In order for their children to have an education, which includes love of country and love of God, (regardless of denomination) many mothers are forced to home school their children. According to a survey released this week, only one in four Oklahoma public high school students can name the first President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States said, “a nation cannot expect to be ignorant and free.”
People do what they do because they believe what they believe. We believe you should know the truth and the truth will keep you free. (John 8:32)
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