Those who have sight have told me that many in the Washington demonstrations on September 12th were carrying signs. Some of the signs read, “You work for us.” How ridiculous can you get? I have heard the same thing on radio talk shows, that the public actually thinks they hire and pay the politicians who represent them in Washington. The chief interest in elected politicians locally, statewide and nationally, getting re-elected. They get that Potomac virus whether Congressman, Senator or bureaucrat. When looking in a mirror, they see a future president of the United States. Regardless of future elections, they see a great retirement system. In 2006, the average annual pension for retired senators and retired representatives was $60,972.
One of my friends served one term as a US senator and this is the amount he has received ever since. They see a superior health care system. They see a future as a lobbyist or member of a conglomerate board which pays more in salary than they ever made in political life. They see memberships on university boards. They see great speaking engagements and fees. (The Clintons have made $109 million since they left office. Former President Clinton said recently, “"I never had a nickel to my name until I got out of the White House, and now I'm a millionaire.”)
To these people that think that Congress works for them and that they hired the Congress, it is like the Hebrew slaves saying to Pharaoh, “We hired you. You work for us.” It is like the thousands of black slaves before the Emancipation, saying to their slave master, “We hired you. You work for us.” It is like today's slaves in Africa, Asia, even the military forces of the US, saying to their commanders and political leaders, “We hired you. You work for us.” It is very much like the average citizen who thinks he owns his house, his vehicle, even his kitchen table. Try not paying your taxes. These political assessors will take your belongings because you are just a slave to their tax assessments.
Today's headlines refer to the overexposed President Obama on television almost constantly, after appearing on 5 television morning shows on Sunday. On last night's Letterman show, he reportedly gave a self-deprecating joke, “I was black before the election.” We all are aware of his skin color. For those of us who went through the civil rights struggle, his skin color is not important anymore than he is half white. He self-deprecates himself with his utility of the truth.
Joseph Goebbels, was one of German dictator Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers, eventually succeeding him as Chancellor of Germany, an office he held for only one day. He was well educated, with a Ph.D at Heidelberg University. He perfected the understanding "Big Lie" technique of propaganda, which is based on the principle that a lie, if audacious enough and repeated enough times, will be believed by the masses. We see this technique employed everyday, because it is the essence of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals which President Obama follows totally.
The Obama administration and the democrat followers are intent to enslave with the technique of the lie. It has taken 50 years of consumed, consecrated passion of liberal activists; but the conquering of the news media, the academic community and the commercial interests of the country is completed. We now have state controlled news both printed and electric, as well as the absolute control of all universities and colleges and the complete takeover of commerce. The general public does not pay any attention to ideas from anyone except news media, academics, or corporate executives. (Think of the corporate executives, their boards of trustees, even their union members who sat back and watched industry move offshore. Universities do have a disproportionate number of liberal instructors. A 2007-2008 study in the Chronicle of Higher Education found that 43 percent of full-time faculty classified themselves as “liberal,” and 8 percent called themselves “far-left.” When looking at only public universities, the number of liberal professors jumps to 59 percent. No one can watch the alphabet news sources, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC, and not realize that news and news talking heads are all absolute communists.)
Pray that God will give the American people the intelligence, the resourcefulness, the encouragement, not only to have sound minds ourselves, but to seek leaders and opinion molders with sound minds. Roy Masters, Jewish talk show host, once said, “The Christian should have no fear of Satan's control in the world. If I were a Christian, I could defend the Christian faith, better than most Christians.” For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
David Livingstone, the great missionary to Africa was the first European to see the Victoria Falls, to which he gave the English name in honor of his monarch, Queen Victoria. He was found dead praying by his bed, May 1873. His heart was removed and buried in his beloved Africa. His followers walked for 1000 miles to take his body to a port, and his body is buried in the floor of Westminster Abbey (where I have stood many time) along with other greats of the world. The natives put a note on his body that said, "You can have his body, but his heart belongs in Africa!" Livingstone's heart was buried under a Mvula tree near the spot where he died, now the site of the Livingstone Memorial. Livingstone said, “The only thing you do in life that is worthwhile is what you do for the Kingdom of God.”
Where are today's martyrs of the faith? You will not find them in the seeker-friendly, those that preach soft gospel. Where are today's martyrs of patriotism? Like those 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, who risked everything, all their possessions, for this country. Compare the patriots of our ancestry with the cowards who run today's government. Think of the Pigford farm scandal... black farmers who supposedly were denied federal benefits, Mr. Obama pushed through legislation to give these black farmers, each $50,000 in compensation. One of the many contrived thieveries of the nation's capital. Black people, who never had a farm, barely had a backyard, some claiming to have flowerpots, all claiming to be black farmers, getting checks for $50,000, no questions asked. Look the situation in the face, online or material from your congressperson. Compare today's patriots and martyrs with those of yesteryear. Who's fooling who?
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