America is the truest example of what George Bernard Shaw meant when he said, "Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for the appointment by the corrupt few." Obama is upholding the tradition and MORE. In fact, in less than six months, he's done the impossible. With congressional Democrats, he's compiled a worse record than even his fiercest critics feared, worse than George Bush, straight across the board on both domestic and foreign policies. The worst just may be the proposed HR 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act (FSEA) of 2009.
According to this new law, all registered facilities will be subject to federal inspection as well as a registration fee of $500; in contrast to current law that applies only to ones engaged in interstate commerce. The FSEA also requires all food producers to make their records available to FDA inspectors on demand. It applies to "production, manufacture, processing, packing, transporting, distribution, receipt, and holding of food in any format and at any location." (I can just see my mother submitting her churned, molded butter for inspection and my father taking the inspectors to his hog pen.)
Run by industry officials, the FDA is a front group for agribusiness, Big Pharma, (Monsanto, etc.) and other related industries it "regulates." If enacted, FSEA will greatly increase its power and limit judicial restraints on its actions. Although some provisions address improving the "mainstream food system," the potential for "inappropriate application and enforcement" is worrisome because the bill's language, as usual, is vague and deceptive. It also doesn't define greater FDA authority or explain how it will empower agribusiness giants at the expense of small farms, local producers and consumers.
According to the FTCLDF (Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund), the "FDA would now be empowered to go on a 'FISHING EXPEDITION' and search records without any evidence whatsoever" of a violation. Further, "farmers selling direct to consumers would have to provide the FDA with records on where they buy supplies, how they raise their crops, and a list of their customers." Imagine this! Currently, examination only applies if there is "a reasonable belief that an article of food is adulterated and presents a threat of serious adverse health consequences or death to humans and animals." (Most small farmers do not have the college diploma to weaponize or genetically engineer food, as do those who are weaponizing the vaccines being forced on the public.)
On the family farm, no longer will the cat venture to the dairy barn and God help us if the family dogs chases a hog that has rooted out under the fence.
I am a product of an an eastern North Carolina family farm. Under Obama-care, we would never have survived! In fact, most of eastern North Carolina and indeed the USA would be one big graveyard where those trying to survive on the farm would die of hunger trying to meet Mr. Obama's inspector's regulations.
In WWII, when the whole country was on war alert, my relatives, even in town, grew tomatoes and other nourishing vegetables among the shrubbery around their houses. My mother, hauling nicely cured pork products from the family smoke house was never questioned about processing. Family, and others who were anxious to buy such, never asked about inspections or what feed the animal had eaten. Most of the hogs were fed from the 'slop bucket' and only a millionaire, like Mr. Obama, would have turned up his nose at such food. Around the world, I have found that hungry people are glad to eat good food when hungry.
As our colonial fore fathers moved west, four life-saving measures were important, none of them regulated or inspected; to have a good horse for transportation, secondly, to have a good gun for defense, thirdly, to have God's answer book, the Holy Bible, for instruction in righteousness and, fourthly, Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, still used to this day in every law school in case there were any disputes.
When I was a much younger man, the great Wake Forest law professor, Dr. I. Beverly Lake, said to me, “I am a Jeffersonian Democrat.” Jefferson said, "Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government" and "No one has a right to sit in judgment over another." Jefferson, as well as Dr. Lake, are turning in their graves to think that this country has become a communist, totalitarian, regimen of evil.
When in communist China, on a communal farm, I was being shown the hog 'galleries' as I saw in other communist countries (Yugoslavia, Hungary, etc.). A bureaucrat with his little briefcase was walking ahead of me, making notes on his clipboard. I said to my communist guide, “What is that all about?” He said with a shrug, “The inspections never stop. We are enslaved, even our hogs are slaves.”
Liberty and freedom is your ability to exercise your liberty and freedom. Primitive man, in his effort to find justice, would hold an accused, underwater to ascertain guilt. If the accused drowned, he was guilty. The next time you good people put any tomato plants in your backyard remember in this new Obama totalitarian life, you may be water-boarded to ascertain your fitness to grow tomatoes.
“Go ahead and build, but build with a child’s heart. When the sun sets and the tides take, applaud. Salute the process of life, then take your Father’s hand and go home.”
- Max Lucado
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