One of my assistants, the one who is taking dictation now, is also a trainer of dogs. Recently, an army Colonel, veteran of 38 years in the military, asked her to train his dog to salute. Having been in the military so long and having this military courtesy as a way of life, he wanted his canine to extend this military courtesy. And, so she taught the dog to lift up his paw in a salute to his master. Genuflection became a practice in the court of Alexander The Great. It is the bending of one knee to the ground in a symbol of respect to one's superior. It interests me to see this practice in large Catholic cathedrals. It always interested me to see this kissing of the Bishop's ring in an Episcopalian setting. I like the idea of just shaking hands fully realizing that a handshake many times is a direct transfer of germs. I don't get out of the house very much, usually to go to a restaurant. There are always people there who want to come over and greet me while I am trying to eat with my hands. So, they do not usually get a handshake from me. There are parameters of respect in every level of society. Officers expect enlisted people to come to attention and salute in their presence. We are told to never put your hands in your pockets around a superior officer, especially the president of the US. Decorum has it's place in all life activities. Politeness is always admired. I love to know that a son seats his mother at the table. Small things for your parents show the gratitude of your birth.
It is almost impossible for me to even pronounce the name of the present president of the US. I have so little respect for him. But, I had little respect for many military officers. It is a matter of respecting the uniform, not the person in the uniform. One commanding officer of an army hospital where I was on staff was nothing but an old drunk who had reached the retirement age with the rank of colonel and had just been farmed out by the military until he could retire. But he did receive the courtesy accorded by his uniform. This is what we as Americans must endure for the next 3 ½ years. As we endure his crap and betrayal, a set-up piece of work, as he falls faster than a Kamikaze pilot in a dive, we wonder what he will do to regain his notoriety, especially among the blacks and the liberals, his base. He can't start a war, we are already in one. He can't blow up the World Trade Towers again. They have already been blown up. Perhaps a deadly epidemic weaponized by vaccines is a dream or scheme.
In 1792 during the French Revolution, the protesters told Queen Marie Antoinette that the peasants did not have bread. She said, “Let them eat cake.” In the future, when the American people are hungry, Social Services will probably be directed to pass out more worthless fiat paper dollars.
Activities surrounding Goldman Sachs, the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve makes the Mafia look good. It has been the greatest heist in history, the bailout and sell-outs of American industry and her financial stability around the world. The next big bailout will be commercial real estate, followed by all the American college students who are unable to get jobs. State after state, already under water, will go under starting with California and Michigan. This president spent many months trying to locate just the right dog for his family. But he is willing to cram down the throats of the American people, a Socialist health care system, which is a disaster equivalent to a nuclear weapon.
From New York to Washington D.C. there are so many skeletons in so many closets, that regulators are impotent to enforce anything. Madoff's ponsy scheme was small change compared to the ponsy scheme of the US Government enabled by the Federal Reserve. Do you really think that Daschle, Geitner, Rangle or any of the other tax cheats in Washington would really protest financial debauchery in New York?
In the new Socialist America, this president like police state leaders all over the world, is today speaking to his youngest victims, the school children of America. In 1940 and before, the socialist German republic started indoctrinating German school children, commonly known as Hitler Youth, assisting in every area of German military life. Lastly by 1945, the Volkssturm was bringing 12 year old students into Hitler Youth life. The USSR, Socialist Russia had similar youth groups. In my several trips to Russia and in the Balkans, I saw these young Communist youth in uniform standing guard at Communist memorials, ushering at such places as the ballet.
The Communist Youth Party, the CYLC, 73.5 million members, and to which most high school students belong, has it's own daily newspaper, The “China Youth Daily”. Key government and provincial levels are more likely to be filled by it's members.
The Young Communist League is the youth organization of Communist Cuba and was founded at the same time as the Communist Party of Cuba.
When walking by the mummified body of Vladimir Lenin in his tomb, in the Kremlin, Moscow, my mind was tortured that normal looking human beings could be so defiled and enslaved by a philosophy. Vladimir Lenin once said, “Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.”
Your greatest possession is your flesh and blood, the one who bears your DNA, your child. Have you ever considered that of the nearly 7 billion people on the face of the earth today, no two look alike, sound alike. No two have the same fingerprint or iridial flex in their eyes. Your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren will all carry with them the DNA you have given them, the integrity you have given them. Their eternal destination is a matter of your stability, your belief system. Do not allow government or a head of government to corrode the mind of your child by any of this world's deception.
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