According to “The Old Farmer's Almanac”, today, September 2nd, the next full moon is September 4th and it is 20 days until Autumn. Among many other valuable ideas in an almanac, here is the advice for today. If you burn food and want to get rid of the smell, boil a small amount of vinegar on the stove. The Farmer's Almanac, was the prized possession of most farm homes. As an antiquarian book collector, I have a large collection of these almanacs, dating into the 1800's. In my youth, almanacs were given out by farm supply houses. In spite of your religious convictions or anything else, you were wise to follow the almanac. It is predicted that this will be a cold and snowy winter.
Just as the almanac can predict many things, so can your senses. I own a house on the ocean which I enjoy very much. But in town, I have a 3 story townhouse, in the historic section near the Cape Fear River. My bedroom is on the top floor and I sleep as much as possible with the window open. I can hear the traffic on the river as well as the traffic on the large drawbridge. Since this is a tourist city, there are many bars and nightclubs in the area. The dope addicts and others park on the streets in the residential areas. Recently, late at night, I heard a sound which I thought was an animal that had been hit on the street and had crawled under a parked car. It was a tortured cry; and I would have called law enforcement but I can assure you in this town, I would still be waiting for them to come. I found where the sound was coming from a little later. The parents of the child left in the car, returned to the car from nightclubbing, dancing and drinking. This astute father opened the door and yelled, “SHUT UP!” They screeched off in their car. I can predict that this small child, in the back seat of the car, will have a miserable life. At least the child is alive, not aborted.
Headlines in a local paper this week, said “Pit Bull Puppy Chews Off Baby's Toes.” A 4 month old baby, laying on a sofa, had his toes chewed off by a pit bull puppy while his passed out mother never heard the screams. I will predict that this boy, destined to use a prosthesis his entire life, unable to run and jump like other boys, will ask “Why me?”
Escape from everyday life seems to be the main interest of this generation, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, sex and other addictions. Even religion, as Lennon has said, is just a an opium for some, means nothing, demands nothing. I wonder if this is why the main source of converts for Islam is the college campus and the prison system. The Islamic religion demands much.
Mental illness affects 25% of the population in America, the world's wealthiest country. Mental illness in the poorest countries, affects only 8% of the population. These percentages are the same with those of faith and those who do not profess any faith. “Keeping up with the Jones' “ is the chief reason for mental illness. Mental illness fuels poverty; social status, materialism, and the escape of the misery of everyday life seems to be the desire of most of today's young people.
The greatest force on earth is the power of the human mind. If you believe you can, you will. As a totally blind person, I have learned to accept the destiny which God chose for me. I was chosen to serve Him in darkness. One of my friends, Dr. John East, professor at East Carolina University and then US senator, said to me one time, as he had spent most his entire life in a wheelchair. “The handicapped life is hardly worth living.” He was called a cripple on the floor of the US senate. He later killed himself. But for the students who sat under his teachings, for the plurality of NC voters who voted him to the senate, he was and still is an inspiration. “You do the best you can with what you have.”
We are spiritual beings as well as physical. Most young people are just angry, angry about everything. And so they bully others. In this war-torn world we can still find young people willing to put on a uniform, willing to train in the machinery of destruction, and bring sorrow and pain to men, women and children they do not know and will never know. History is replete with man's inhumanity to man and even to animals. The 4000 Native Americans who died in the Trail of Tears being moved from THEIR LAND, in the south to Oklahoma, the 8 million buffalo killed for no other reason than to deprive western Indian's of food, are examples of such.
Doctors may not cure you, but they can kill you. Both Washington and Oregon have laws that permit physicians to assisted suicide. Montana is now considering the same law. When we consider that we have the most pro-death president in administration and power, when we consider the Culture of Death, so stigmatizes this administration with the killing of 1.3 million babies each year and the most certain euthanasia of elderly citizens with new “health care legislation.” According to ObamaCare, only citizens ages 18 – 40 will receive maximum care. As you age, the time when care is so much more expensive, you will go without. Get ready for the pain and the non-identity of old age. I can predict that you will sink or swim in direct proportion to the weight of your vote.
Please, please someone tell this old blind man who gave his eyes for your country how anyone who puts the name of Christ with his name can vote Democrat. I have friends who call themselves Christian, most of my relatives call themselves Christian, most of them want nothing to do with me because I have told them in no uncertain terms that a Christ-like citizens cannot support a political party, a church, that supports the non-negotiable platform: abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex marriage (all this found in the platform of every communist country).
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