All of my life I have been an antiquarian book collector. In recent years, mostly because of online selling, I have become an antiquarian book seller, selling the many thousands of first edition books I have collected over my life. Along with the photograph in the description of the book, we usually note shelf wear; because, like all antiques, it does not matter how long you have had an item and how well you describe it as being old, etc. Everyone expects an antique to have the appearance of just coming out of Wal-Mart.
Mr. Obama will never suffer from shelf wear. On a national radio talk show, right after he was inaugurated, when everyone was lamenting about what these liberals had done to our country, I said, “Like the television program, Mission Impossible, he will self destruct.”
The honeymoon is over; and he is self-destructing more rapidly than anyone thought possible. He has failed with his bailouts of the automobile industry, banks, insurance and even old clunker, and he has failed with his efforts to change the American health care system. This narcissistic, ambulance chasing, Harvard schister lawyer is totally lost amid the drama and drums of Washington politics. He has already found that his Rules for Radicals which kept him in good standing in the mafioso political squalor of Chicago-land is not working in the slime pits of Wall Street and sorcery of the Potomac schism. Like the retarded George W. he needs a real emergency to establish himself as a leader. He should not have run from the Pentagon when the gun shots started on September 11th from the uninformed Coast Guard Ships. Like the messiah that he thinks he is, he could have lifted up his cigarette like Moses lifted up his rod in the wilderness, and stopped the firing, becoming a hero to the onlooking liberals in the dog patch of the Pentagon. Legitimate or illegitimate, he and his beleaguered wife and her voodoo mother, Mrs. Robinson, are ensconced in the White House. He has reportedly spent between $1.6 and $2 million in legal fees to keep legal proceedings coming before judges about his birth certificate. His friends on Wall Street, Mr. Paulson, et al, are squirreling away all the bailout money and bonuses they can possibly pocket before heading for the nation's capital where the Wall Streeters along with the “K” Streeters will join forces with the other corrupters to solve the country's tax problems, because the slaves will not have taxes to pay.
Even the blind and ignorant will learn you cannot get “blood out of a turnip”.
The same news people who cannot count money or debt could not count millions in Washington last weekend. It started out on the liberal, state-controlled networks that there were tens of thousands in Washington; but when London sources and even Capital Police stated that there were at least 2 million, their eyes and computers came alive.
Those involved in the Boston Tea Party were not there because of the insignificant tea tax charge. But, starting in 1628, King George had directed that the colonists were not to make contracts, that they were to have no say in their business activities. It took many decades; but finally our forefathers decided that enough was enough. FREE MEN could make contracts. FREE MEN could determine their own destiny, And these FREE MEN exercised the great God given-gift of free will (John 8:32) and started the great American Revolution which lead to the Constitution of our nation.
The Constitution was written by men who had experienced the Constitution. The Constitution is not a “living” document anymore than God's precious Word is a “living” Bible.
Obama is a self proclaimed socialist. He has described himself as a socialist in his books. Norman Thomas, who ran 6 times as a Socialist candidate for president said, “Americans will never accept socialism all at once, but little by little they will accept everything that socialism offers.
Germany had been the site of an increasing number of measures taken in the name of "racial purity" since the Nazis assumed power in 1933, including forced sterilization of those with physical and/or mental handicaps, and the murder of infants with similar handicaps (in both cases, the primary targets were not Jews, but so called "Aryans," or non-Jewish Germans). Now in 1939, under the cover of war, the program was to be expanded to include murdering handicapped adults. Since Hitler would issue no law legalizing such forced "euthanasia," and since physicians would hesitate or refuse to take part in the killing unless they had written protection from later prosecution, Hitler was persuaded to sign this document on his PERSONAL STATIONERY instructing his assistants Philipp Bouhler and Dr. Karl Brandt to initiate the program.
Pat Dollard, a radio talk show host, author of 15 books in 6 languages has written an article about the parallelism in the rise of Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama.
The parallels between Obama's and Hitler's rise to power should make people worry:
- self-promoting books used as Bibles for converts to the Obama faith
- highly choreographed mass rallies
- intimidation of opponents in the press by thugs and crooked lawyers
- local law enforcement abusing their power to suppress dissent from Obama's message. In one case, a group naming itself "Barack Obama's Truth Squad,"
- divisive rhetoric and demonization of opponents
- cover-up of independent source information about the candidate's past
- covert support of rich industrialists (hoping for sway with a totalitarian "boss"?) $430 MILLION, much of it collected against election laws!
- and worst of all, systematic election fraud and other criminal acts committed by Democratic party supporter ACORN, another group with which Obama has had ties early in his political career, and which has endorsed him directly.
ACORN fills much the same role for the Obama campaign as the Sturmabteilung, or "SA" did for Hitler - they supply shock troops at demonstrations, they commit voter fraud on contract to the Democrats, and in general are the vanguard of Obama's army of thugs willing to do his dirty tricks for him (the unions have day jobs, so they don't have the scope that ACORN "volunteers" do).
The German people were against Hitler's policies involving the extermination of the disabled; but when they learned of the money they were saving in not keeping alive old people, (In this country, one half of all Medicare funds are spent on those 85 years or older and the population of 85 is the fastest growing population in the country.) they were content to allow the extermination of old people, prostitutes, vagrants, gypsies, homosexuals and others whom they considered least desirable and who were taking up too much of the wealth of the country. ARE WE HEADING IN THE SAME DIRECTION? Planned parenthood and other eugenics promoters are advocating the depopulation of the earth to 2 billion. This means the elimination of 5 billion people by war or disease or some method known only to Satan and his minions. The world is in a great dilemma as far as debt. It is impossible for this country to pay it's debt, an estimated $75 trillion when you consider Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Paper assets are worth nothing at all, whether fiat dollars, titles to your car or your deed to your house. One man's debt is another man's asset. The assets of debt are worthless. Private debt has reached the place that many countries do not accept American credit cards anymore. The people who change money on the streets of Asia, just laugh at American dollars. Those of you who wanted change, need to change your eye glasses from rose-colored to the more realistic clear glass.
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