Get Up And Go To Work
One of the great movies of the last half of the 20th century was the 1953 movie Calamity Jane, starring Doris Day and Howard Keel. It had previously been on the radio in 1950 starring Bob Hope and Jane Russel. At Deadwood, South Dakota, the movie and history introduces the relationship between Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok. Wild Bill, known for his Wild West Show, performed in London, and it was the first time Queen Victoria had been out of Buckingham Palace for twenty five years since Prince Albert died. At the performance, when the American flag was brought out by Wild Bill riding his horse surrounded by American Indians, the Queen stood and bowed to the flag. Reportedly, this was the first time British royalty had bowed to the American flag. Queen Victoria is supposed to have said that the American Indians were the most beautiful people she had ever seen, a women whose British empire controlled most of the worlds population.
There are probably more lies told by people holding a hymn book than any others at any time. Millions, on Sunday morning, stand in a church, singing, “my Jesus I love thee, I know thou art mine, for thee all my sins I resign.” Wild Bill, a Western entertainer, Calamity Jane, a sharpshooting Western entertainer, and even Queen Victoria, royalty, all could tell the truth from a lie.
Americans, from a history of Western civilization, Christian belief, knew the truth from a lie, in fact, from 1799 to 1892 the U.S. Supreme Court declared American a Christian nation. It was Americans who led in the development in the worlds resources. It was Americans who built industry. It was Americans who led in Academia, in entertainment, and it has been Americans who have chosen to sit around, watching useless decadent television, useless decadent video games, useless and often decadent computer screens. There was a time, when fathers would have shot a man who brought porno into his house. Now, in every American home, just at arms length the worst decadent pornography is readily available to anyone who has paid the light bill and has turned on the computer...a sewer in the home...even the “so called” Christian homes. It is much easier to just stay at home draw a government check and government stamps and play with video games or watch any and everything Satan wants you to watch on the computer or the television set. The television set stays on in most homes ten and a half hours a day non stop.
I was in Rwanda, Central Africa, at the beginning of the carnage there when 800,000 were killed in the Hutu and Tutsi warfare. This country is called the Switzerland of Africa, a largely agriculture country. One half of its wealth comes from coffee. It is one of the worlds most beautiful, pastoral, scenic environments. Even though coffee was grown and shipped all over the world, the people did not drink coffee. At the time I was there, they were just beginning to introduce coffee drinking to the population. Now, coffee houses have grown up in every city and all the people are drinking coffee. The various blends are shipped into the big coffee systems of America...Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, etc.
This goes to show us that people can change. The country of Rwanda was a wash in poverty. By developing the international coffee market, the people, even the poorest people are beginning to prosper. Coffee is grown on small farms, and much as it was in the Southern United States with tobacco, families are farming small coffee farms. Before America decided to get rid of tobacco and let China grow that crop for the world, Americans and in particular cigarette manufacturers made much money and paid much tax from tobacco. Perhaps, fewer people are smoking, and we know that multiple thousands die from smoking each year. But, we also know that multiple thousands die from drinking coffee and eating excessive sweets. NAFTA and KAFTA cause most industry to leave America. The unions have almost disappeared. The union bosses who, with their money and votes, supported the democrats know now, that the democrats let them down the road to oblivion.
If America is to come out of this world depression, it must re-establish itself as with an entrepreneur spirit such as that found in Rwanda...bringing a new day of industry and employment to people. In traveling through China, one thing you will notice everywhere, everyone is working, everyone is busy. In Iceland, I was aware that most of the people were just sitting around, living off the largesse of the government. I noticed in Greece, that most people were just sitting around, in cafes, mostly eating and drinking, just living off the government. We know, now, that both Iceland and Greece are bankrupt. Other members of the EU and Goldman Sachs will not send in financial reserves to support them. The people of Rwanda, and some other third world countries of the world, have decided to change their life by getting up and getting busy.
America has turned out several generations, much more interested in vacation time than work time. Much more interested in pleasure than providing. It bothers me to hear that young healthy people always talk about their time off the job rather than appreciation of time on the job. School should prepare young people for living not for leisure.
An astronaut cannot survive in outer space without being connected to a life support system. America will not survive in inner space or outer space without getting reconnected to a system of healthy active life and a direct connection to the abundant life.
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