Thursday, March 4, 2010

Intensity of the Struggle


A young couple went to a preacher in West Virginia to get married. After the ceremony, the young husband said to the preacher, “how much do I owe you?” The preacher said, “whatever you think it's worth”. The young man pulled out 50 cents and gave it to the preacher, then, the young man lifted the brides veil and the preacher reached in his pocket and gave the young man back a quarter. Many times, we can estimate the intensity of the struggle ahead of time.

Within the decadence of today's world I sympathize with parents who have young children. My first words to young parents whom I meet, who have young children, “whatever you have to do, please do not send you precious child to a public school, the cauldron of every depravity known to man.” If the family can afford, there are usually good private Christian schools. If not, home school your children. Any mother who can read, who can use a computer (much home schooling information and assistance available on the computer and in the “home school community”) can do a better job than is being done in the public schools. No matter how much time you spend training you children at home in the values of life...good conduct, good manners, good habits, good convictions, more can be done in five minutes in the dysfunctional, deprived...negative...public school that will erase everything positive you have done at home. Every one of us can remember our sensitivity involving sexuality...our confusion and even embarrassment about this when the “bullies” and big boys tried to “educate” us. Sexuality should always be taught with morality.

A black woman called me and asked if she could come by and talk with me. She said, “Dr. Morris I have heard you on the radio for many years and I so trust you”. She had been raped by her stepfather at the age of 13. He was a black preacher here in the city. From this rape had been produced a male child. Someone in the family had taken the child out of state where he had grown up. In some way, and there are many ways of doing this, he had discovered that she was his mother and he was coming to town to visit her. He had indicated, by phone, that he wanted to know about his father. She said, “what am I to do? I don't want him to have anything to do with his father, who is still alive. Everyone who knows about the incest, despises him, most of all myself.” She said, “I want nothing to do with any preacher, any church.”

A lady who worked for me, told me about living with her single mother. She said, “many days I would come home from school, and my mother would meet me at the door, because she was entertaining a male friend, and would instruct me to go and stay at a neighbors house”. She said, “I did not want to go to the neighbors house and they did not want me”. She said, “I have nothing to do with my own mother, I never want to see or hear from her again”.

Always, at Christmas, since I do not have family, I would ask any of my employees not leaving town to go out and eat with me on Christmas. One young man told me, “I have a mother, but I never want to see her again. When my brother and I were very young, we slipped off and went to the movies. My mother was a staunch, “holy-roller”, did not want us to go to a movie. She almost beat us to death as she wore her long dress with her hair brought into a ball on the back of her head. My younger brother has since died and I understand this mother who never wanted us to see a movie now sits constantly in front of a television set painted like a whore with her hair in a bouffant.”
We wonder why young people behave as they do...why parents of young children are so ambiguous in their values. I have given just a few examples, I could write books about situations I have known. It amazes me that most children turn out as well as they do...considering what they have gone through in their sensitive lives on this earth. You must understand the disease if you are going to understand recovery.

We do what we do because we believe what we believe. We believe what we believe because of stinking thinking. We think children are just adults capable of adjusting to adult behavior. There are healing arts practitioners who do not yet understand that swallowing an exotic, complicated chemical drug so antagonizes the metabolism of a very succinct physiology, that it takes all the strength and homeostasis of one's system just to detoxify from the empirical invasion. The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself if the illness is not aggravated by antagonists. I firmly believe that within the floral and herbal gifts growing in the good soil of the earth (every element needed for human use has been provided by the creator with specific absolute atomic weights and molecular characteristics) we have every remedy needed to cure anything. If you put chemical junk down your gullet, or shoot it by needle into your body, you can expect exactly what you are getting because you have insulted the sacred temple, in which dwells, if you are smart, the Holy Spirit of God. The body needs nutrition not nullification.

Like a beautiful tapestry or a Persian rug (in Asia I witnessed entire families working on magnificent rugs with silk threads of every color coming down, the intricate weaving and knotting producing texture and design understood by that family. It would take them weeks or months to complete a rug or tapestry. Usually sitting on the ground in a darkened building most were blind by middle age) so, like a beautiful life behind the exterior there are knots and knowledge which lead intricately to the beautiful pattern which we all display to the public. No one escapes, life is a matter of hills and valleys, ups and downs. How the verisimilitude, the forthrightness, the righteous imperative to keep climbing.

Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.

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