Living alone, preparing my own food, I don't know how I could survive without a microwave. Every time I use it I think of my mother, grandmothers, and wood stoves in which they had to kindle a fire for cooking every meal, many times three times a day. I think of the beautiful “Home Comfort” range with it's large oven and the many smells that came from food cooking on the stove.
But, my mother and grandmothers were fortunate to have a wood burning cook-stove. When my folks landed in this country, and for several generations thereafter, they cooked in a large cast iron pot hanging in the wood burning fireplace. I still have the iron cooking pot, probably brought over from England, which was used for many generations to cook food for the family...the present day frozen “pot pie” that you will find in the grocery store...meats, vegetables, all together in one pot. Now, the modern idea is to have a crock pot where you can put food and it slowly cooks, meats, vegetables, etc. More or less, on top of a stainless steel electric stove retreating to the time of the iron pot in the fireplace.
We have come so far to go backyards. Just this week, Judicial Watch introduced us to Washington's ten most corrupt officials, we don't know how they picked these ten from all the others but here they are;
1. Christopher Dodd
2. John Ensign
3. Barney Frank
4. Timothy Geithner
5. Eric Holder
6. Jesse Jackson
7. Barack Obama
8. Nancy Pelosi
9. John Murtha (Now Dead)
10. Charles Rangel
Senator Dodd heads the list two years running. The only Republican on the list, John Ensign, Nevada Republican, tried to cover up his sexual affair. Unlike Buddhist Tiger Woods, who professes many affairs, Ensign was too much a gentleman corrupter to give the name of his illicit lover. Jesse Jackson Junior was involved in the “selling” of President Obama's Senate seat. Pelosi reportedly treats the US Air force as her own personal airline. The mafia Chicago land politics is the excess baggage which the President wears smugly among his adoring public with Emanuel and Jarrett, two of the best known Chicago mobsters. Charlie Rangel, who writes all of the tax laws, recently remembered to double his net wealth.
It has been revealed that there are 100,000 Washington Bureaucrats who are classified as tax cheats. The only agency which requires accurate tax accounting of it's employees is the IRS. All government employees, federal, state and local should be able to pass close scrutiny with taxes just as the public on whom they must depend for their salaries. It is reliably reported that if all government employees taxes were paid, as is required by the general public, many millions would be collected. This is not a crock pot but a cauldron of corruption.
36 states are asking to be excused from the mandates of federal duress involving socialized healthcare. States are in the last death throes. California has opened it's prison doors for 17,000 sex offenders and is giving IOUs in salaries to state employees.
We are truly in a twilight zone of greed, the inmates are running the asylum. George Washington said he had rather be on his farm than to be emperor of the world. When politicians run for office, whether national, state or local, they tell us they want to leave the farm and serve. How quickly they want to loot the store...the very place that gives them employment. Most Americans could live comfortably on the salaries and perks provided for these mafia “dippers of the dumpster” with their multilingual buffets and cocktail parties, jaunt-lets and jabbering...with one thing in mind...getting re-elected.
In the Muslim world, those who will not behave are herded into “Dhimmi”...a place for punishment. From the 7th century until modern times this Islamic religious, Sharia law, became benevolent for those who would repent. Through Islam, Christ, Zoroaster, some way, there must be a revitalized revival style, sawdust-trail “change” in government and government bureaucrats.
Charles Dickens tells us that children always recognize fairness. We learn more from mistakes than from any other way and certainly those who made the mistake of voting for Mr. Obama's “hope and change” will recognize their mistake. The civil rights movement in this country started when the American public recognized it could no longer tolerate discrimination against blacks. The photograph of 14 year old Emmett Till, lynched in Mississippi, on the cover of Jet magazine in an open casket, at his funeral, turned the tide of racial bigotry in America. Reverend Caesar Richardson who preached the Chicago funeral said, “we do not seek vengeance but reconciliation”.
Pope Benedict has addressed the Catholic-Ireland-priest-pedophile situation which has been an embarrassment in Europe. Mr. Tiger Woods has apologized again for his many transgressions. We are waiting to see how long it will take the American government to react at our Southern Mexican border to the Mexican military helicopter six mile intrusions.
Bobby McFerrin wrote the 1988 hit song Don't Worry Be Happy. It is difficult not to worry and be happy when the crock pot is boiling over with problems, problems involving an endless war in Afghanistan, never ending troubles in the Middle East, highest joblessness since the great depression, an obvious merger of the police and military, bankruptcy of every government agency and debt as far as the enlightened eye can see.
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