The earliest writings from Mesopotamia involves the Sumerian Tablets where merchants attempted to keep records of their business transactions with numbers. Numbers have become the dominant factor in our living. MORE IMPROTANT THAN COUNTING NUMBERS IS MAKING NUMBERS COUNT.
I once toured the Chinquapin Plantation in the Western part of North Carolina. It was a magnificent home of the President of the American tobacco company. Those of us born in poverty, where beds and tables and just a tin roof on the house was important, could hardly imagine the wealth of the “rich and famous”. Tact-room with a large variety of writing crops and saddles. Outdoor greenhouses where fresh flowers were always available. The Presidents wife was a Buddhist and soon after his death, a straggly old dog showed up at the gate to the estate. With her belief in reincarnation, she felt that her husband had come home. The dog lived in royal splendor the rest of his life. This week, the Denver Archbishop refused admission to a child of a lesbian couple to a Catholic School. This same week a Jewish Rabbi was sentenced for molesting a 16 year old boy at a Brooklyn Jewish School. In both cases, Religious School Officials felt that the time had come to “make numbers count instead of counting numbers”.
With the absolute destruction of the American Public School System; mostly because tax dollars are awarded to school for the number of students in attendance; parents who want their children to get an education, not entertainment and indoctrination that is found in most public schools, are willing, not only to pay taxes for public schools for other children, but to pay the additional fees to private institutions so that their own children can get an education.
In spite of Americans being dumbed down by the satanic political correctness found in every area of the media, in spite of the comity and prestige derived by the impressiveness of numbers we have finally decided that bigger is not necessarily better. The Catholics like to boast that they are the countries largest denomination. The Jews like to boast that they are the countries smallest religious group. But in either case, if there is an abandonment in principal, the spiritual aspects of either case involves nothing. MOST OF US HAVE SEEN ENOUGH HYPOCRISY IN OUR TIME.
One word is not allowed to be used in the US House of Representatives...it is the word hypocrisy. The members of the “peoples house” know full well the hypocrisy of that body. All you have to do everyday is just read news accounts of the demonic, degrading actions and words that come out of that body. It should sicken you to know that these people are the ones that spend your tax dollars and legislate your life. I well remember the embarrassing lifestyles of many in government...most of whom ran on a campaign for their job on a platform of decency. We remember drunk Wilbur Mills and Fanny Flagg in the Capitol Hill tidal pool. Are you not embarrassed to see on every newscast representative Eric Massa accused of fondling male employees? Does the exploits of Barney Frank bother you? Does the integrity of Charlie Rangel...Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee...the writer of all tax legislation...bother you that he, himself, is one of the biggest crooks in Federal Government? Does it bother you that Timothy Geitner, Secretary of the Treasury or Tom Daschle, or Nancy Pelosi and her husband are tax cheaters?
In the community of which I live, there was one family, the Sasser Family, who lived more like animals than people. The father a deserter from the Army in WWI; probably, no one would ever had known about it unless he had come back home after the war and told it, he had several daughters who were the local whores in the community. One, at a revival meeting at our church, went to the front and professed to believe in Christ. She was Baptized and as far as I know never entered the church doors again. My saintly grandmother actually heard her one day laughing about being a member of the church. My grandmother, a woman who had never said anything at all in public, actually got to her feet one morning at the church and said, “if Maribel Sasser still has her name on the church roll, then I want my name removed”. My grandmother, like the Catholic Archbishop of Denver, like the Jewish people in Brooklyn, and surely like most Americans, believe the time has come to profess principals even if it means fewer numbers. I may not be right, but I want my church to be right. I may not be right, but I want my country to be right. For too, too long, in our efforts to love everyone, like the Beetles (All You Need is Love), we have let the love “bomb” so permeate our thinking, we have been willing to synthesize and compromise our belief system in order to accommodate every deceptive and satanic thing which has come our way, in the name of “broadmindedness”. Superficially, artificially, “loving the sinner, not the sin”, “the world, the flesh, the devil”, has permeated and in many times has actually captivated our churches, schools, Military, and certainly our political life.
It is time to draw some lines. Character determines destination. If the church, the family, the country, has lost its character, if just “anything goes”, we might as well just throw in the towel...the fight is over.
Genetic modification has destroyed our food system and to a greater or lesser extent our health. In England, genetically modified potatoes are now only used for the making of paper . Corn, the basic ingredient of American life, has so compromised the health of the citizen as well as our livestock in an effort by the big agriculture to produce greater and greater numbers in yield, that we see children as well as adults going to the health care facilities in greater and greater numbers. Many of us believe in a sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, creator God who put every element, every plant, every item we would ever need in human life on this earth from the very beginning. Man, wanting numbers, and busy counting numbers, has contributed more than anything else to our own destruction.
In Japan, one time, I was at a Shinto Shrine. There was a sign near the Shrine which read “stay off the Shrine some consider it sacred”. A few of us still consider life sacred “well worn principals of God, honor, family, and country sacred and worth defending”.
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