Corinth is a city in Greece on an Isthmus at the South end of the Greek continent. The waters around Corinth are so treacherous that many of the early Greek ships sank trying to navigate the Isthmus. A canal was dug across the Isthmus and prior to that the ships were unloaded at Corinth and the ships were dragged across the land to re-enter the water on the other side. It was this unusual but active navigational challenge which lead to the build up of the city. We find the problems of Corinth described in the writings of Paul in his epistles to the churches at Corinth (I & II Corinthians). There was a large racial mixture in the city, a city of much sin. As in much large cities around the world, even in the United States the student of political geography finds that all cities, almost without exception are built on waterways or secluded harbors because nearly all commerce in the early history of the world depended on water travel.
Greek mythology attributes the founding of Corinth to Sisyphus. Sisyphus was the son of the king Aeolus of Thessaly. Sisyphus promoted navigation and commerce around Corinth but was accused of being deceitful. His punishment consisted in navigating a tremendous boulder up a hill only to watch it roll back down and then to repeat the same punishment. This was his punishment for eternity. From the writer Homer onward and even until this day, Sisyphus was known as the craftiest of men accused of every sinful deceit. Sisyphus was described by the poet Homer and even painted in the monastery at Delphi.
Greek mythology as well as other Pagan mystic raconteurs are almost subservient to Holy scripture and antiquarian mythological writing.
Often I am asked, how do you prepare a student for college or the university? We know, without one shadow of a doubt, that colleges and universities are laced with unethical atheistic professors and academicians who take a thrill in subjugating the faith brought to the campus from the unsuspecting student. 95% of all college professors are flaming liberals. Nothing makes a professor happier than to conquer the thinking of a student, the Christian student from the Christian home, of his hard earned faith. After all, God only expects one thing from us, student or otherwise...trust. If an academician can instill a seed of doubt within the heart of a believer he has achieved a Satanic triumph. The professor has made his decision...as Sinatra sang...”I did it my way”. The professor has already accepted the Darwinian myth that man is just another animal and why should the human animal possess or profess any characteristic different from the dog found in the alley way? Starting in the early part of the 20th century, with the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Roger Baldwin who headed this anti-Christian organization for 30 years, we have seen a steady decline on the college and university campus of spiritual activity even though most of our early colleges and universities were founded by outstanding Christians. As I wrote to President Jenkins at Notre Dame, when he invited our first Communist President to speak at the university's graduation, I reminded him of the mission of the ACLU and Roger Baldwin who wrote, “I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself...I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” Even on the day Baldwin was married, he and his wife professed they did not believe in marriage, that one should have sex with whomever possible, any more than he agreed with boundary lines or discipline of any type. Very much like John Dewey, Columbia University, who was used by the Russian Communists to set up their education system, “the end justifies the means”. We now have an administration in Washington who is following the dictates of Baldwin and Dewey.
As I have discussed in other commentaries, almost accidentally, I met Gus Hall in New York, chairman of the Communist party of the United States. I discussed him telling me in detail, “draperies and bedspreads”, how the Communists could burn America down overnight but, the Communist like the Islamic extremists do not want to take over a destroyed America but the “American dream”, homes, hotels, campuses, hospitals, factories, all built as a part of the greatest Democratic republic ever to exist which they can takeover for use in their control of the masses...slaves.
And you think, that the dumbing down of America happened accidentally. The global struggle for control of the Western world, without much bloodshed...much destruction was carefully planned. It was learned long ago, that even with churches on every corner...radio and television preachers sweating away in their proclamations about the soles eternal welfare...like Sisyphus, they really don't care. Carrying boulders up a hill or even eternal hellfire does not bother the psyche of most Americans.
This week, a memorial service was held for a 14 year old girl, just walking from school, murdered and buried. A 17 year old girl has just disappeared in the same area. These horror stories happen so often we hardly remember them from one day to the next. Close by, Fayetteville, a five year old child prostituted by her own mother, murdered and found buried, the mother and the mothers boyfriend arrested for the crime. Each day, 1,000 school girls become pregnant. Each day, seven teenagers commit suicide. Each day, 3,000 babies are aborted...1,452 black. When was the last time you heard your pastor speak about the sinking into Sodom of our nation. This country, blessed by God as no other has been warned time and time again about it's slippery slide into oblivion. God shows us what he can do...earthquakes beyond compare in Haiti, Chile, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey...all within two months.
The average college student is invincible, immortal, and infallible. Who needs God? Your professor does not think so, your school, even the Christian schools, do not think so. Like 50% of the American population students live from grants, the largess of hard working, tax paying citizens. The generosity of philanthropic citizens.
It bothers me beyond words to describe, that as frugally as I have lived my entire life, my generosity, as unto God, I give to Christian causes including Christian colleges. You would be shocked to learn how few times I have received even a simple...”thank you”. We have produced a “me” society content to just let others pay the bill. I am amazed how many times I send a gift of money to an organization (NRA, BVA, RNC, churches, clubs, pro life) just to find that the money I sent thinking honestly that I was helping do some good somewhere is used just to bombard me with solicitation for more money. In other words they spent every dime I have sent them, free will, thinking it will be used to good advantage, just to have the money “turned on me” with almost daily solicitation.
It is at the college that most students, right out of high school, eyes gleaming and thrilled in the anticipatory desire to learn and prepare for the future, has his first encounter with homosexuality, pornography, materialism, diadectic atheism. Parents, prepare your children from the earliest ages to encounter the satanic traps Satan has set for them at every conceivable encounter down the road of life...particularly in the college matriculation...their first independence. It is better to escape the entrapment. Many have been redeemed from such entrapment...and it is a learning experience...but character determines destination and the character instilled as young as possible will serve well throughout life. God was not joking when he said, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”...even in college (Pro 22:6).
We are not born prepared for life. It is a matter of early training, education, preparation. My greatest gift was the gift of blindness. The disabled, the handicapped learn early to carry boulders up hills, not as punishment but as a reward for escaping eternal damnation.
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