At The Republican National Convention at the San Diego Convention Center in 1996, I heard General of the Army Colin Powell say, “ Americans have forgotten the word 'shame'”. No truer words were ever spoken in my lifetime. There is no shame anymore...when a high school girl walks around her high school classmates...pregnant. Parents are not shamed anymore when their son goes to jail for illegal drug possession. The country club is not shamed anymore when one of its members is cited for fornication or possession of pornography. Churches are not shamed anymore when the pastor leaves town with a girl about the age of his daughter. The state is not shamed anymore when their most powerful politician, speaker of the house goes to prison for corruption. The state is not shamed anymore when their longest serving senator is involved in sexual perversion with young boys or a female state senator is a flaming lesbian. Grandparents are not shamed anymore when they see their granddaughter tattooed and pierced like a heathen. A school system is not shamed anymore when a teacher is caught in a car in a sexual “act” with a student. And so it goes. I could give a very long list, but the public, in general, so called Christians, no longer care about the values of life or living. Without God you cannot know God.
It has become a “me” generation. “If it don't affect me, I am unconcerned”. Concern is a lost word in most vocabularies.
Last evening, as is the case most evenings, when someone calls asking for money for some purpose, a “fire fighter” or so he said, called me asking for money...so the firefighters could go to the local schools and teach the importance of preventing fires. He said, “have you checked your smoke detector”? I said, and I did not mean to be impertinent with the man cause I know he was sincere in what he was doing, “you are talking to an 80 year old, housebound, in bed, totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran. I pay multiple thousands of dollars every year in taxes to support schools which should be teaching children many things including the dangers of fire...which evidently they do not. Have you considered, the many elderly people such as me, who live alone, not able to check their smoke detectors who, in case of fire, in my case, would not be able to see the fire or get out of the house? Don't you think your time would be better spent doing things like that...people who have already proven themselves to God, family, and country, people who have already battled the world, the flesh, the devil”?
I have received two letters, this week, from the local sheriff asking for my support and money. Any time I need the assistance of law enforcement, they are always too busy taking care of criminals...making them comfortable at the local jail. Some years ago, and at one time, before it became a place strictly for the healthy and the sighted (YMCA), I was in the steam room at the local place (I reported the discrimination of the local YMCA to the US Justice Department and they sent hearing officers down, but the lying people who run the local place, kept all of the information from the public). A young man came in, and sat in the steam room, he did not know me, know that I was totally blind or anything about me. As always, when someone would come in, I have the innate decency to be as pleasant as possible and many had the good manners to tell me who they were. Since he did not know anything, I said “who are you”?, he told me he was a state corrections officer from Raleigh and had come down to observe the local “corrections facility”. I told him I had employed a female sheriffs deputy for a few days on a part time basis and she had told me more than I wanted to know about the local facility. These are his exact words, “if you were to take the people in the nursing homes in this area out of the nursing home and put them in the jail, they would get better care there”. He said, “I have never seen anything like it, they go out and get the latest movies for them to watch on the weekends. The inmates spend their time working out and just sitting around watching television, they eat better than I do”. I said to him, “I tell my accountant each year that if I don't pay all my tax maybe the government will arrest me...at least I will eat better and have my laundry done for me. There is just so much an old blind man could do in prison and I would live better there”.
Next to slavery, the greatest shame of this republic has been its treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. Speaking with many handicapped people, over many years, because they have heard me on the radio, I find that most are afraid to say anything to anyone...particularity social service officials...because they are so afraid of losing the small check they may or may not get and on which their family must depend. You see, the world had turned upside down. When the country was established by the founding fathers, we had God at the head of the country, then family, then government. Now, it is just the reverse. Government is in total control...and as soon as the health care legislation is passed... government will be in full control. And, government is in complete control of your family...all your home activities. God has been put in third place totally out of consideration.
Man can only live one day without water, many days without food. Our water systems have become completely compromised through filth. The poisons of fluoride and chlorine used in the filtration system and treating systems, are destroying the health of the public, the masculine hormones of men, all because they are poisons. Our foods, genetically modified, have little nutrition value. There was a time, before chemical-trails from planes and sun screens that the human body got enough sun exposure to fight off disease. The most important supplement you can put in your diet is vitamin D. Even in the great flu epidemic at the beginning of the 20th century, patients treated with long exposures to sunlight got well much quicker. Not only have your children been Flim-Flammed of their education, not only have you savers been Flim-Flammed of your savings, not only have you mortgaged homeowners been Flim-Flammed of your homes, not only have you who are sick been Flim-Flammed by Big Pharma, not only have Veterans been Flim-Flammed of their promised care, but the most spectacular Flim-Flam in history is taking place as we speak...your young sons and daughters enslaved by the military, sent to third world countries to exploit and kill mothers and children for whom your sons and daughters have been taught to have compassion.
We found a place to get rid of our depleted uranium...coatings for the bullets used in modern warfare. All over these battlefields and the destroyed homes of “real people”, you have those who will have life-long disabilities just as our service people who use the poison. Don't be shocked, when we as a nation, have floods, wind storms (such as the north east this past weekend), earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Don't be shocked when laboratory made diseases encompass this continent (just as man made AIDS has taken over Africa). The Eugenics, environmentalists, population control crowd still control the worlds wealth and power brokers. The state controlled media will never allow you to see the tragedies affecting the lives of 95% of the worlds population who are either already poor or heading in that direction.
For those of you who know Christ as Savior, we know the end of the story. We are winners.
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