Life is a Banquet
Thank you for allowing me to attend your “Life” banquet last evening at the University.
There is not a more Pro Life person on this earth than this writer. I invite you to go to my blog directed by my Facebook, Dr. Thomas Morris, where you will also find my bio. There is seldom a day that I am not contacted by a Pro Life organization. I had wanted to attend the Keyes, Reagan and other activities. I told Reverend Sprouse I would like to pay for one of the tables and attend if I were able. I am sure I was the oldest person there. There was no doubt in my mind that I was the only disabled person there (I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, veteran on the Korean era). The country's largest minority, is the disabled (32%, larger than black, 13%). I know the importance of life. I have lived in a cocoon of blackness for over 50 years, but at least, I have had light unlike the millions of the most innocent who were aborted from their cocoon of safety and the millions buried in military cemeteries who the world has forgotten also. If ten or twenty airliners were to crash each day, the world would be in a state of shock but, 3000 babies can be killed in this country each day and few care (1,452 black who Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, called weeds) yet, Reverend Sprouse could not find enough interested people to fill the table for which I had paid. Again, thank you for letting me have the privilege of being in your presence.
I did not sleep much last night, bewildered by the banquet. The only word I have to describe your affair is the word “excess”. I thought the entertainment was excessive, laughing and clapping, when in the reality of the subject, there should have been prayer, fasting and repentance. I thought the food was excessive. I wish I had the food I sent back on my plate to eat this weekend. You could have used more of the money I gave you by serving less food...food which these people did not need. I believe more people are killed from overeating (gluttony) than are killed by abortion. Look at your statistics, nearly one half the population obese, diabetic. When I was in medical school, we were embarrassed to even talk of abortion. Diabetes was a rare disease. The sound at your banquet was excessive. Reverend Sprouse said that young people, like you, want everything loud. It was insulting and obtrusive. I am 80, probably the oldest one there and I could hear very well without all that volume.
As we left, I said to someone, the only interest of your guests at this banquet, is their own “life”. I don't see anything but I hear entirely too much. In conversations at the tables around me, going and leaving, there was no conversation about God's work, or his love for life, or the saving of life. Face it, it was a gathering place for political opportunists, a gathering for your contributions, your plans, a supposed gathering for those who should be willing to give simply because of our love for God and God's love for the unborn.
As a student, the first surgery I ever witnessed was that of a caesarian section. I still remember the baby's cry...as if it were yesterday. God wanted me to see children around the world. I have been on 8 round the world trips, my passport stamped in 157 countries, most many times, every continent.
On a gorilla photography safari in the Congo, near Goma, where, 100 years ago a choir of ten thousand Africans sang “All Hail The Power Of Jesus's Name”, at the funeral of George Greenfield, who had brought the light of Christ to dark Africa. I was in a village where the people had never worn shoes. My guide said, “now there is a mother”. He described a Pygmy woman, pregnant, with a small baby in her arms surrounded by small children. He interpreted my words to her, “you are a wonderful mother”. She said back to me, “these children are the joy of God”.
In this time of political correctness, few appreciate the direct comments of this old, blind, field grade medical officer. The Koran does not permit abortion. A friend, a black doctor, said to me in my house recently, “the black race is being erased by HIV AIDS and abortion”. The many Pro Life groups who contact me are not interested in the evil of the killing, but like so many other groups, political parties, religious ministries etc. only interested in money...as if money will change the hearts of men. My friend, Senator Jesse Helms, said to me long ago, “it is only the throwing of bundles of worthless fiat money wherein we think all the world's problems will be settled”.
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phl 4:19)
I have two grandsons, lawyer and engineer, raised on the foreign mission field by their missionary parents. Once, the younger said to me, “most so called Christians are just pretending”. I remember the well known article I wrote in Command (magazine of military Christian officers entitled “Masquerade Party”. I was writing about children and abortion long before most of you were born in “Help and Food the Household of Faith” and other magazines. Face it, the church has failed. Catholics, who control 70% of the voting population, voted 54% for the culture of death in the White House. As I told a Pro Life commentator, who called me recently, wanting a contribution, “you are going about it the wrong way”. Only through Jesus Christ, the giver of life, will you ever change the tide of Eugenics...certainly not through excessive eating, laughing and clapping, entertainment, poor sound and poor servers at the table. I have gotten more care at McDonald's. The person serving me never recognized that I could not see anything. This is how alert most Christian groups are to the world around them. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, said, “one man told me that if I really believed in the Christ I preached I would not stop talking”. The great prince of preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, “anything that causes a man to get down on his knees to God is game to him”. It is time for prayer at the White House, the Court House, the Church House. Only through prayer will you find what God can do with this holocaust.
Men do what they do because they believe what they believe. It was a picture of Emmett Till in his open casket on the cover of Jet magazine that started the civil rights movement. It will be an image of the unborn baby, thoroughly publicized, that will change hearts in the abortion holocaust. Use your time, treasure, talents toward that mission. Thank God, we are not stuck where we start, using the same methods of eating and entertainment that has led to the death of the church. Character determines destination. I have enough character and I have paid sufficient price, for YOUR country, to express my opinion on this matter. Life is a banquet and most so called “believers” are starving.
Thank You,
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