Barack Stew
Not since FDR's funeral was held in the East room of the White House have I been aware of so much death, the death of the Constitution.
Our founding fathers left the tyranny of Europe looking for freedom and opportunity. They were willing to go through the harshness of existence here but died never realizing the abundance of this land. Most, like my fore-bearers, ate many meals of just stew...anything they could get together...wild animals such as rabbits, birds...wild fruits and vegetables, eggs...they did whatever they had to do in order to keep body and soul together. They went to church or other meetings carrying Blackstone's Law Book and their Bible under one arm and their musket over the other shoulder.
After bribery never before seen in this country, threats, lying, cheating, thieving, the last great freedom of this republic melted away like the snows of this harsh winter with the liberal Democrat majority and their hero communist organizer, Barack Obama. The new legislation controlling the last freedom we have...freedom of healthcare, is now controlled by the government, the IRS, the control freaks produced by this “Barackracy” and totalitarianism never seen before in the world. In just 14 months, the “Barack stew” has resulted in the greatest expenditure of money we have ever known. More debt than George Washington and George W. Bush and all the presidents in between combined.
In a depression that makes the Great Depression look nominal the joblessness continues. The government is a job killing machine. Congress legislated 150 billion on jobs this week and yet joblessness increases. 40 percent of all people out of work have been out of work for six months, a never before seen figure. Even in the depths of the Great Depression, and I was living then, and there was not only financial depression but psychological depression of unbelievable depth, most people just hanging on to the rim of a great black hole.
The 2700 pages of legislation is nothing but tyranny. If you can be fined for not buying something which the government demands, then there is no limit to how much fine the government can put on you. It is as simple as that, government totally out of control.
There was a great migration to this land of opportunity from Italy, Ireland, Poland and particularly China and Japan. In most large cities with ports of entry of migrants, there were entire areas of the city perhaps known as “China-town” or “the Italian section”. There is no doubt that the children and grandchildren of the immigrants who flooded this country will now seek to return to the country from which their grandparents fled a century or so ago. Most still have a certain allegiance to their heritage, their genetics, Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans etc. In fact, I understand, that many Chinese-Americans are returning to China where they find they have a better chance at a job and progress.
In this time of depression, financial insecurity, where Wall Street can get a bail out from the government but the business man on Main Street must have a “sell out” of his business, we find that the businessman must make clear, responsible, daily decisions. Politicians just have to make one decision, “how to get re-elected”. In this time of depression, vacant offices, empty stores are just another sign that there are many people not only looking for jobs but unable to buy anything. The only way you cure joblessness is by manufacturing or selling something. Using this as the criteria, most of the people out of work will not find a new job unless it is a job working for the government which just creates more depression because those who are working, those who own property, must pay greater and greater taxes to support the federal, state, local “Barackracrats” who just shift papers.
Most of us who believe in justice believe that the third branch of government will come to their senses and correct this corruption of the Constitution. In recent years, the judicial, particularly the Supreme Court has been unwilling to correct the mistakes of the two other branches of government, congressional and administrative. Two aging, ill Supremes will probably resign and it is a known fact that two very liberal justices are lined up to take their places. Besides, what need is there for the Constitution when it is no more than just a piece of paper which neither branch respects?
At the time of the Great Depression, our Fiat dollars were backed up with gold. America owned 90% of the world's gold. Dollars are now backed up by thin air. Americans are working for dollars that don't buy anything. China controls most of the gold in the world. China and Russia have hoarded most of the world's gold reserves and China mines more gold than any other country.
My parents, grandparents, great grandparents and most citizens of my age have never known anything about leisure or vacation. I understand that most contracts entered into by workers have more agreements concerning time off for holidays and vacation than anything else. “Barack's stew”, the “Barackracy”, seeks to enslave doctors, nurses and other healthcare employees while legally enabling federal enforcers to keep them in line. I found in the hospitals of communist totalitarian states that the bureaucrats in charge of the hospital had more power over patient care than those educated to give patient care. It has already been decided that, as in the case with the military, a number will be assigned to each illness and a certain medical procedure will be assigned to each number (DD 2807). In other words, treating the human body will be very much like working on a vehicle...”one size fits all”. If a certain Rx does not work...too bad...as with the Veterans Administration...deny, delay, go home and die.
For most of American history, married women did not work outside the home. She stayed at home, raised her children, cared for her family. With ever increasing taxation and regulations, it has become necessary for both husband and wife to work in order to pay the bills. Books have been written on what this has done to family life and to children. At least mothers had the option of working. As government has steadily increased in size everyone must work. Soon, children will be employed as soon as some type of job is available in order for a family to survive.
Too ridiculous for words, in California, hard hit by the depression, the federal government is giving $8,000 trying to sell the excess houses on the market. Now the weakest, strangest governor to ever take office, the prideful, pretty Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger is giving $10,000 to each California home buyer. Where is California or the government getting this money? They are both broke. And, it is the usual lie, whether $18,000 or 18 dollars, it does not go to the buyer but to the seller.
When we think of the word traitor we think of Benedict Arnold. When you think of the one man who has done more than any other to destroy your country you should think of “Barack stew”...the inedible, corrupt mess he has whipped up during the past 14 months.
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