“Many mythologies and religious narratives have included stories of romantic affection or sexuality between figures of the same sex, or feature divine actions that result in changes in gender. These myths have been interpreted as forms of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) expression, and modern conceptions of sexuality and gender have been applied to them. Many mythologies ascribe homosexuality and gender variance in humans to the action of gods or other supernatural interventions. This includes myths in which gods teach people about same-sex sexual practices, or stories that explain the cause for transgenderism or homosexuality.
The presence of LGBT themes in Western mythologies has long been recognized, and the subject of intense study.
Greco-Roman mythology features male same-sex love in many of the constituent myths.
In comparison, lesbianism is rarely found in classical mythology.
In the poetry of Sappho, Aphrodite is identified as the patron of lesbians.
The shock of sexual perversion was rarely known until the 20th century...mostly shadows cast in movie magazines...locker room tales about artists and entertainers. Parents never prepared their students for their first brazen encounter with abnormal sexuality when they left home for college. Frankly, I didn't know what they were talking about...that is how “green” I was. Every university campus, even in the mid 20th century had those professors and athletic notables who were suspect. The earliest homosexual publications were body building or sun bathing slick magazines. Many of the world's greatest movie stars were suspected and it was a known media tale that the studio would often arrange a marriage just to make things look better and make the star a better sale.
Probably around 1970, with the Beatles and the hippie movement, the long hair of males along with revealing chest hair and tight jeans, brought the gay agenda into the forefront of media notoriety. With HIV-AIDS the supposed deaths of Rock Hudson and Liberace as well as many other known gays, gay pride parades, and interest in the AIDS epidemic brought everyone out of the closet and the bath houses with some a degree of respectability.
Then, until now, the dilemma with gays in the armed services (Don't ask, Don't tell) brought the subject to the forefront on every news broadcast. There was not a situation comedy that dd not include overtly or covertly homosexual intrigue. As I Observed life in many Buddhist countries such as Burma, Tibet, Bhutan, one could not help but observe the femininity of the monks. Catholic priests had long been suspect. The vows of poverty, celibacy, and chastity do not always immunize every priest. Of the approximately 45,000 Catholic priests you certainly would expect that some, just as in every other denomination, would have a same sex attraction.
A Methodist, woman preacher, came to my house once asking for council. She said she felt should go to a battered woman's shelter. Her church had found she had an attraction for another woman. There is some evil in the best of us and some good in the worst of us. I do believe that every man, on earth, somewhat attractive, having personality, education and making a good living, if over age 35, unmarried, is always suspected of being homosexual. I do believe that every attractive, educated, liberated woman, who has any masculine traits (athletic, deeper voice than normal) if over age 30, unmarried, is always suspect of being lesbian. In all these cases, male or female, there will always be someone who expects them to conform to the world of homemaking and parenting.
It never occurs to many “normal” people that there are those in this world, male and female, who want to be the exception, who are at ease with themselves...alone.
After all the gays came out of the closet, the gay agenda for turning the world “pink” became more obvious. Heterosexual men who had always enjoyed the esprit de corps of the barber shop began going to the gay hair dressers who took care of their wives and girlfriends. Most men now, no longer have sideburns as did our fathers and grandfathers. Most men now, instead of using brill cream or Vaseline to keep their hair under tight control now use a hair dryer with very effeminate styling. I had a mustache most of my life but today's modern effemitized male scorns facial hair all together. I have noticed that most men no longer wear a hat as did our fathers and grandfathers. Even young men in the military, who during WWI and WWII took pride in wearing their uniform and their head piece now want to look very civilian in effemitized clothing off the military campus. As in Communist China, where you can hardly tell the sexes apart, both males and females wear the same garments, same haircuts, same mao cap. It is becoming more difficult to distinguish the voices on the radio or even the telephone between males and females.
The owner of a construction company told me recently that is hard for him to find a male who will climb a ladder and work on top of a house. He said, “if it were not for the Mexicans, the only real men in the community, I would have to close down”. He said, “I think most of the young black males are drag queens more interested in hair-styling, selling drugs and playing music than the male jobs of their fathers and grandfathers”.
I have been blind for nearly 50 years, I don't see what goes on with styles, only what I am told by people with eyes. I understand young men now wear tight trousers or jeans pulled up just high enough to show underwear and yet not be indecent...with shorts hanging out the tops. I can only imagine what my father would have said or done if he had seen one of his sons or grandsons dressed in such a manner. I understand the “sweats” look the same for both males and females. The gays and lesbians have achieved their purpose, the cheapening of the American ethical conscience. Of course, these people take great pride in being Atheists, unbelievers in all things decent. These are the “gynadromorphs” who are as held up by the state controlled media as the ideals or role models. The reason the schools are failing, the churches are failing, we have failing parents. We have failing parents because there has been several generations of failing parents...human beings with no respect for self or others.
Thank God, I remember the time of real men, effeminate, sensitive women. Thank God, I remember the time when people had Sunday clothes. For those of you of the lost generations, there was time when people knew how to dress, knew how to act, knew how to speak. There was a time when people who could afford to travel by air dressed beautifully on a plane but now, the people who at one time rode on buses are now in planes, dressed in pajamas, sweats, shorts, ill-mannered, ill-bred. I saw a unisex bathroom, in Europe, and thought the world had gone to hell in a hand basket. Now, in most buildings, most toilets are unisex. God, in his omnipotence, made us male and female and, until recent years, people with eyes could distinguish between male and female. The smoking of weed, the parching of the vocal cords with designer drugs, like designer clothing...all the objective of the gay agenda...keeps everyone confused about your sexuality.
Are you a “gynadromorph”?
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