# 513
On July 15th 1979, President Carter made his famous “Malaise” speech. This sorriest of US presidents did not often speak much truth, but in this speech a man among many other things said, “We've learned that piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose. The symptoms of this crisis of the American spirit are all around us. For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next 5 years will be worse than the past 5 years.” This is the truth if we have ever heard the truth. In 1979 and in 2009 plus one. President Obama is another Carter, will probably go down in history, even sorrier, having taken what was left of a once proud Democratic republic, a diseased patient, the patient having been further hazed and harassed by the likes of two Bushes and one Clinton. I know of no one who thinks we are on anything but a downhill slide.
People do what they do because they believe what they believe. In a gauntlet of disbelief, bewildered tax payers face the sickness of enslavement. Even those once enslaved, blacks, tenant farmers, mill workers, do not recognize the symptoms of disease. With state controlled media and liberal thought control even private security is no longer precious.
Most obvious in the recent Winter Olympics, General Electric sponsored an advertisement which showed a senior citizen in his doctor's examining room. This man who represents you and me is sitting on a little table with his pants off. All of a sudden, the walls of the office disappear to reveal a huge auditorium, packed to the rafters with doctors. All those people have been watching our exam all along. So much for privacy. So, the metaphor here, as best I can tell, is that all these doctors are the medical experts your doctor is now able to consult with because of the nifty GE software he has purchased. I guess we are now supposed to nag our doctors not only about the drug commercials we have seen but also about his office computer setup. I kind of doubt anyone is going to do that, so maybe this commercial is aimed at the doctors? I don’t know. What I actually get from this commercial is an incredibly negative image of hundreds of people watching me as I sit with my pants off in my doctor’s office. That does not endear me to GE in any way whatsoever. GE = incredible intrusion on me and destruction of my privacy. Makes you wonder if the people at GE’s ad agency just never looked at their creation from the point of view of a person who would identify with that patient and be horrified?
With the new identification cards, you can be sure that you have lost any privacy you had left. Just as the veteran, at a VA facility, he must produce his VA card for anyone who can breathe everywhere he walks. Old time preachers, who were thought to be crazy talked about the “mark of the beast” and the scripture that before the end of time everyone would produce a “mark” in order to buy and sell or do anything.
In the Old Testament, one of God's most remarkable heroes of the faith, Joseph, when he lost his privacy in Potiphar's house, he ran. When King David lost his privacy because of Bathsheba, and the prophet Nathan reminded him of his nakedness, he ran. When Peter, perhaps the most tempestuous of the 12 Disciples became naked in his denials just after the rooster crowed the third time as he warmed himself by the enemies fire, he ran.
It is time for Americans who know the symptoms of the disease, an absolute loss of our liberty, privacy, and security, to run, to run towards the safety of truthfulness. How easily we swallow a hoax, the hoax of the flu disease, the hoax of the banking disease, the hoax of the Toyota disease (Can you even imagine James Sikes driving a Prius 94mph while talking on a phone braking and pulling at an accelerator all at the same time? The police car bumper never touched his bumper, his bankruptcy probably more worrisome than speed). The disease from global warming and the worst disease of all, a takeover of our healthcare by those who cannot manage medicare, social security, housing or even deliver mail.
We have dropped to the depths wherein abnormal seems normal. President Carter was right, we have a dearth of secular and spiritual values. The looney tunes running the government, federal, state and local, have just one attitude, “how dare you ask a question”. Technology has become the God of foreign relations. Technocracy is the rule of the day. To save our health, one cannot smoke a cigarette anywhere, anymore but, Big Pharma which controls everything and is TV's biggest advertiser want to monopolize your buying of supplements, vitamins and minerals which might help you stay healthy.
It has been an ambition of the globalist to reduce the world's population by at least 2 billion. Population experts believe that the earth can only support 4 billion people. As our population grows towards 7 billion, same sex marriage and abortions are not reducing the population fast enough. It will take laboratory contrived disease and the disease of constant warfare to bring the population to acceptable levels.
Life is 10% action and 90% reaction. Just perhaps, the TEA parties, talk radio, and the millions of blogs on the internet will awaken us from our disease of “malaise”.
As you bring your political, secular, and spiritual leaders to accountability, ask them and yourself, if every American were just like me, what kind of country would my country be? If every Christian, were just like me, what kind of church would my church be? If every parent, teacher, doctor, worker of any type were just like me, what type future would my children have?
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