In the book of Ruth, this question was asked by Ruth to her mother-in-law Naomi. Next to someone in the tribal industry, I doubt if there are many men who have been in more airports than this writer...8 around the world trips by plane...1 trip 48 flights.
It was always interesting, sitting in an airport to watch people rushing...always with a direction in mind. It was a rare thing to see anyone walking slow in an airport. Everyone with a schedule. Everyone heading for a destination.
One of the greatest rags to riches stories is that of St. Sebastian who lived most of the 15th century. Born in 1502 he died in 1600. He was a little more than a slave in Europe, but after moving to South America he became a very rich man. He was called the “Angel of Mexico” because of the wealth he gave to Mexico.
When I was young, one of the favorite radio programs was The Abbott and Costello Show. Bud told Lou one time that in a restaurant, he would always write all over a tablecloth because he wanted onlookers to think he was a big financier. He knew, as we have learned, that people are impressed with riches.
I had one young man working for me who cleaned buildings at the university at night. Living with his parents, he did not make enough in that job to survive even living at home, so he worked some hours for me during the day. This was when cell phones first became popular. I could not see what he was doing, but someone told me that when driving for me he would always have a cell phone to his head. I asked him about that, because I knew he was not talking on the phone, and he said, “in driving you around in your car, it makes me look important”. The wrapping have always been the most important thing in a gift. It is presentation that matters. Many of you have been in a restaurant where the food was not that good, but the presentation was great. Most shop and store owners spend much time decorating their store windows because they want to attract as many people as possible inside their store through the lure of the outside showcases.
I owned a co-op apartment on the east side of Manhattan...right on the East River. In walking down 50th Street in-between St. Patrick's Cathedral and Saks 5th Avenue, I found that people were much more interested in looking at the show windows at Saks...one of New York's most impressive stores, than across the street at the marvelous windows at St. Patrick's. (The eyes are the windows of the soul).
I remember in Buenos Aires Argentina, and I was there when the Peron's were in power, on one of the great squares of that city was the office building of Eva Peron. The facade of the building was magnificent with large marble columns. But I understand after the facade, the building was mostly a warehouse. She accomplished her purpose...her power display...and she was one of the worlds richest and most powerful women...just by making her presentation with this magnificent building... at least magnificent from the front. Most of us spend our entire lives in the tomfoolery of trying to impress people or being impressed by people. What would happen to Hollywood, minus the glamor of lights, sound, and make believe sound stages?
Health is something you cannot fake. We have always thought that California people were lean, mean, beautiful machines. We find that half the population of California is overweight...the diabetes capital of the world. As I have stated many times, it is only in America that you find fat people. I live in a city where, at every busy intersection there are 4-5 fast food restaurants; one has 11 fast food restaurants. Many parents will outlive their children, simply because the children now have diseases from which parents in the past died at an older age. The beauty of rural living and farm families “eating healthy”, water which has not been contaminated by poison in treatment centers (fluoride and chloride, water treatment chemicals are poison). Most rural families exercise. In 1900, 70% of the American population lived on farms where they worked hard, ate healthy food, seldom if ever saw a doctor, lived long productive lives. The urbanite, rides everywhere...some do go to a gym for exercise. Much tax money is spent on parks but few of the healthy, sighted people use them. Those of us who are disabled must pay for the parks, but when did you ever see a disabled person in a park?
Count your blessings...your prosperity may not lie in what you own. Your greatest wealth is your health and your good name. A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. (Proverb 22:1).
In my study, in my practice, I found that most people spent their entire life chasing wealth, to then spend their wealth trying to regain their health. The greatest folly in another loss of our liberty, socialized healthcare, is that we will all pay well for the dangerous living of our fellow citizens. Most Americans grew up using home remedies for most things....poultices (a herbal, clay, or other medication placed directly over the organ of the body which is diseased with a gauze or saran wrap over that). One of my diabetic employees was amazed when I gave her a home remedy for her ailing feet. I said, “with diabetes your feet are the most important thing for your concern”. From your fireplace, take wood ashes and put into a basin, put in hot water and soak your feet in that mixture”. I said, “President Thomas Jefferson did that every day of his life”. She was amazed at the healing qualities of burned wood. You see, there is no reason for anyone to be ill, there is no reason for anyone to take these toxic chemicals which will slowly but surely destroy your body. Take enough chemical prescriptions and you will slowly commit suicide. Your body will be burdened with the detoxification involved with these chemicals. In the earth, in plants, in herbs, God gave everything that you need for healing. The great Chapel Hill Botanist Dr. Coker said, “if only the tree of knowledge had been preserved in the Garden of Eden, I am sure we would have every remedy we would ever need”.
Heat purifies god and silver. Dirt polishes precious gem stones. The atomic weights, molecular structures, known elements, have never changed in the history of the earth. It is true that some strange diseases have been discovered, but the perils involved in prosperity do not have purity powers regardless of direction.
Flax seed are just as important a food now as to the ancients. The most addictive substance known to man is sugar. Keep salt, sugar, and most meat out of your diet and you will become a survivor. Most mothers never learn the harm of milk. Milk is only good for baby calves. How many babies have cried with an ear ache because of cows milk intolerance and reaction.
Hassan Nemazee was sentenced this week in a Manhattan Court for fraud. This democrat operative, wanting to impress the power brokers in New York and Washington with his wealth, had borrowed large sums of money and truly lived the lifestyle of the “rich and famous”. So much so, that he became the investment operator for Hilary Clinton in her presidential campaign. Bernard Madoff's two assistants were sentenced this week for participating in his Ponzi scheme, whereby he robbed clients of 85 billion. These schemes and dreams of riches...the love of money and what it can buy...keeps the newspapers printing and the newscasters flowing. We truly believe that money is the answer to everything.
In Dante's Inferno, at the entrance to Hell, there is a large sign which reads “last chance”. Many, when drawing their last breath, and knowing that the next breath will be in hell, will ask the eternal question “Did I impress the right person”? It is more important what God knows about us, then what men think of us.
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