Guard Your Mouth
According to historians, Abraham Lincoln had a premonition of his death. Before his assassination, he reportedly told his wife that he dreamed about walking to the East room of the White House and there in a casket lay the President of the United States with guards at each corner of the casket. He heard weeping all over the White House and the words constantly uttered, “the President is dead”. Within a few weeks, the dream actually came true. Lincoln was in a casket in the White House with guards.
Inscribed on the fireplace in the dining room of the White House are these words by President John Adams; "I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof."
President Adams, second president of the United States, like many other men who have held this title, by all reports, like Lincoln, was a honorable man. We have had less honorable men in my lifetime, myself living through 13 presidents. I thought we had hit the absolute bottom with the Bushes, both 41 and 43, and the pervert Clinton but never in anyone's craziest imagination could we believe that the White House and this country would be brought into the sewer of degradation going on there now.
On Friday, March 12th, the Huntington Post reports that in the scam of the century, the signing of the tyrannical “healthcare” legislation, Vice President Joseph Biden used the profane “F” word so that all his fellow Americans could better understand his sewer mouth which has been well known in Washington.
A bid deal was made of this when Vice President Cheney used the same type language, but, bad language has become such a daily fare in all communication, particularly news broadcasts, talk radio, etc. that one hardly pays any attention anymore.
One of my friends, a chief congressional aide to a congressman, told me that most congressmen had sewer mouths...that they cleaned up their language for the media. President Lyndon Johnson was known to be one of the worst offenders. Those who have listened to the Nixon tapes know that he would have been an embarrassment to his Quaker mother. We know that others in various administrations such as Hillary Clinton are known for their foul language. Are our national leaders trying to demonstrate to the youth of America that we truly have the worst schools...showing that everyone has a lack of education?
In the future, because lyrics in popular music have become so trashed...so totally insane...talk radio will take over. Already, many stations are devoted to talk shows. I'm capable of listening to four radios at a time including one short wave and all are totally dominated by talk shows. I find that even young people enjoy the sounds of language...every individual, who has ever lived in history, having a distinct voice. We enjoy hearing individuals express themselves with clean, clear, thoughtful voice. There will never be anything attractive or educational by the use of the “N” word, “F” word, “S” word, and “P” word or any of the other four letter words that monopolize the conversation of the less literate. If you want to show low class, limited education, a trashy upbringing, use cheap, limited four letter words in punctuating your conversation. Many young people would not be able to talk at all if they could not use the four letter word, “like”. Conversation, speaking, clarity is a matter of education.
Written by God's own hand, the Ten Commandments demands that God's name is not to be taken in vain. So many times, I hear someone use the name of my Blessed Lord, Jesus...it is Jesus this and Jesus that. Often I say, “Oh you know him too?” I have never known a drunk woman, and I have overheard some drunk parties in my time, who did not at some time, come out with, “Oh my God”. God is jealous of his name. The Jewish people hold the name of God so sacred, they will not even write it. I believe next to idols worship (and we have many worshipers of idols all around us...the idol of television...the idol of computers...the idol of immoral living) God honors his name. Pitiful the person who so risks God's wrath for cursing in his name.
The most beautiful charm of foreign travel “strange airports with strange sounding names” where announcements are made in many languages with a tone sounding in between. This always tells you that you are in a foreign airport, a country that respects many languages. Of course, in American airports, everyone is expected to understand English.
On the other side of the cross, after the flood, several hundred years, mankind had again multiplied and were again awash in sin. They attempted to build the Tower of Babel. It was at that time that God again upset the ambitions of (Mice and Men) and limited their activity by a confusion of speech. Those who have studied the “romance languages” (English, French, Spanish, Italian etc.) know that from certain roots you can easily study and comprehend many languages but, book knowledge of a language is very different from a speaking, thinking knowledge. Once, one of my many trips to France...and I do have a book knowledge of French, able to read French literature, I was trying to speak French at a fancy French dinner party. The frustrated lady said to me, “Oh please speak English!”
God's economy in everything always works. Man's economy in anything almost never works. Each profession, each discipline of study, usually has it's own vocabulary. Anyone can understand sociology...that is the reason it is so easy to get a degree in sociology, but it takes a brain to understand physics, engineering, chemistry, medicine...this is the reason so few attain the new languages involved in computerese, nano technology, NASA idioms, peculiar to those in those fields of endeavor.
No matter how small the tribe, no matter how remote the civilization, I have never seen any group of people who could not communicate. With new technology, translation will be instantaneous. There may not be a need to learn other languages but as long as there are airports, international travel, warfare, mathematics, men will need to understand one another. Understanding one another can be easily accomplished without the profane tone. Shame on Vice President Biden. Shame on any entertainer who cannot get laughs without foul language. The famed entertainer Red Skelton said he had amused and entertained audiences for many years without using the first four letter word.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psa 19:14)
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