My grandfather's brother, Uncle Blanton and Aunt Mary had a nice farm which had come down through inheritance over many generations. They had borrowed some money, one son trying to build a house, and then the Great Depression hit in 1930. I was just a small child but I can still remember the weeping as the banks foreclosed because they could not pay the small loan and the bank took the farm. These hard working, tax paying, God fearing parents of two fine sons were forced to move their belongings into a barn on another relatives farm. It is the heartless bankers, Satan's co-conspirators that have run and ruined America and now seek to ruin the world.
Just recently, simply because I had some other banking alliances with them I transferred some funds from my regular bank to BB&T bank, one of North Carolina's oldest, one which a great-great uncle (W.A Lucas) helped found in 1872. I made it clear that the money was placed there simply as a compliment, that I did not expect to use the account at all. Right away, first statement, only transaction, they had taken 32 dollars out of that account for checks. Now these banks may rob other people but they are not going to rob me. The ludicrous Satanic, lecherous fees charged by banks and their cohorts, the credit card companies, are endemic to every act of thievery damned by mankind. Don't think for one minute there is a government agency who regulates banking activity. Like a bunch of enigmatic pirates or terrorists, most have a heart as warm as an ice cube, as unconcerned about God or their fellow man as Lucifer himself.
Most Americans are as lethargic about the future of their country as the “placid wallpaper in their house”. I have twice traveled to the country of New Zealand...beautiful, very English...pastoral with it's sheep, countryside and beautiful architecture. Not content with a great country, educated population, real opportunity, this stronghold of English inspired Democracy has now become a government controlled fascist state. The government has taken over the banks, the airlines, the trains, healthcare...just about every area of their life. Wellington, the Southernmost world capital was one of the cleanest cities I have ever visited. It should be, everything is under the control of someone. Like Singapore, you are fined for dropping anything on the street, chewing gum is not permitted. This is what happens when you become as placid as wallpaper about the future of your country...the direction in which we, as Americans, are going.
Every newspaper tells us the troubles, tremors and trials of federal government. Growing up, we learned of New York's Tammany Hall, the Daily Political Machine in Chicago, the Pendergraft political machine in Kansas city. Now, even in North Carolina, we have the political machine of Jim Hunt. For over 100 years, the state of NC has been enslaved to the Democrat party. Particularly, Easter North Carolina, has raced to the poles to vote for Democrats regardless of their ability simply to keep decent Republicans out of Raleigh. So, Eastern NC is far behind the Western areas of the state because the Democrat controlled legislature and Administration knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Eastern NC citizens would vote the “big D” whether any tax dollars were spent in the East or not. So, in order to be competitive in the Western area where there were Republicans, the tax dollars were spent there...highways, schools, industry etc. I have lost all confidence in the Baptist churches of Eastern NC because I hold them directly responsible for the “sinful act” of promoting the corrupt Democrat party in Raleigh. Perhaps, sometime, some black leader from Eastern NC will explain to me why the black population, in lock step, vote Democrat when it was white Democrats that kept them in subjection...totally enslaved...for so long and they would still be there if not for the liberation by national and state Republicans beginning with the abolition of slavery by Republican President Abraham Lincoln. But, “placid as wallpaper” they prefer slavery...prefer inferior schools...prefer low wage jobs, prefer tenant farming and cotton mill derision. The black population of Eastern NC along with the Democrat wholesalers pledge their allegiance to Josephus Daniels and their prostituted bible, the News and Observer. God's inspired word, our nation's inspired Constitution are more than placid wallpaper.
Don't confuse patriotism with passion for your country. Don't confuse the fatherhood of God with your own earthly father. Don't confuse recent veterans with those of the Bataan Death March. Don't confuse celebrity with success. There is no comparison between Obama and Harry Truman. People do want the truth. Four times more people watch Fox news than CNN. Blacks voted 99% for Obama but recent polls tell us that 1/4th of them will never vote for him again. When will the rest recognize lying, cheating and stealing?
It is time to demand truth from the media, that the CIA trained Bin Laden, that April Gillespie (American ambassador to Iraq) was a friend of Saddam Hussein, that we no longer have to worry about disposing of uranium. Depleted uranium is now very much a part of modern warfare. God alone knows it's damage to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan as our own warriors returning home after those useless wars. In 1997, William Cohen, Secretary of Defense, postulated that terrorists are capable of initiating earthquakes, volcanoes, other eco- terrorist activities which can wreak havoc on the earth.
Our military victories are few and far between even though fighting insurgents who have little military training, almost no military equipment, planes, tanks, even uniforms. They have a passion of religious zeal for their mission. Major Hussan is not the first mystery as he shot soldiers at Fort Hood. USS Liberty was not an accident as it was destroyed by Israel. The 1996 TWA 800 plane shot down in New York does not make sense nor does the blowing up of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, nor does the assignation of President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and General George Patton. There are many unanswered questions and many things which do not make sense about the 9-11 New York City buildings and the Pennsylvania and Pentagon planes. There are many things that do not makes sense about the so called Detroit bomber, the so called Austin Texas bomber. It is past time for Americans to get less placid about these disasters which do not make sense. The state controlled media will not investigate anything. They are willing and seemingly anxious to go down with the ship. The once flaming news worthy newspapers and magazines are now just bottoms for bird cages, wrappings for fish, and fire starters in fire places.
Intelligent young people returning from these wars of attrition know that something is very wrong, but they cannot speak out. Freedom of speech does not extend to the military services, those who pay the price of freedom. When this medical officer was on active duty a car dealer told me that I would say nothing about a defective car because I did not want him complaining about me to my superiors and, unless you are the president, you always have a superior in the military service. Thank God, the American citizen, if he appreciates his constitution and his bible more than just the placid wallpaper in his home, will complain even about the poor excuse we have as Commander in Chief...a man with no experience in any field of endeavor...who received a Nobel prize just for being ambitious enough to think himself capable of leadership.
To fully demonstrate the austerity of leadership, America has shed blood and treasure in Iraq only to have Iraq give it's contracts for oil drilling to the Royal Dutch Shell company making Iraq the third largest oil producer while, at the same time, disabled veterans, afraid to jeopardize their small disability check are not allowed to protest anything in this land of free speech, land of the free, and home of the brave.
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