Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fairies At The Ball


In the early history of American life, particularly in the rural areas, there was no greater disaster than a house fire. I remember well, as a child, there would be chimneys standing in fields where houses had once stood. There was often a well or some large trees nearby. This had been a home place with a well, shade trees etc. until fire demolished the dwelling, just leaving the chimney. Most rural homes were built so that the kitchen area was separated from the sleeping area of the house because it was usually in the kitchen that a fire would get started. At least, since there was no firefighting equipment, only the kitchen would be burned. The houses of which both my mother and father were reared were built this way, both had survived the Civil War and the kitchens and living quarters had later been connected with large dining living areas.

The world is changing so rapidly, we do not pretend anymore. Also, when we were young, a girl in your class may not have been interested in boys or a boy in your class may not have been interested in girls but at the prom, they pretended to be men and women...the girl wore a gown...the boy a suit or tux. In our new Democracy, which is defined as anything goes as long as it is government controlled, we have a lesbian, Constance McMillen in Itawamba county Mississippi, who wanted her lover to attend her prom with her, dressed as a man. The school decided to cancel the prom. In Cinderella's day, the fairy godmother would have handled the problem with Cinderella, the Prince and the slipper, but McMillen appealed to the ACLU and lawyers to handle the problem. Thank God, there was a time when pretending to be a girl was to her advantage...why upset the entire school prom with “sexual variance”?

Oprah settled her defamation lawsuit by pretending she would rather have her celebrity than the satisfaction of the notoriety of her school in South Africa.

Daimler Mercedes-Benz accused of bribery has settled a lawsuit for 150 million pretending that nothing is wrong rather than to go through the harassment of Toyota.

Britain and Israel are pretending to solve their problems concerning fake passports whereby Israel Mossad is pretending to solve intelligence problems with British help.

Episcopalians and Lutherans pretend the scripture has changed in order that homosexual men and women can fill pastorates and even become Bishops in their church (Mary Glasspool, lesbian, new Bishop in the Episcopal Church).

Big pharmacy is pretending that it does not send out it's representatives to coax prescription writers into using their products. Every doctor knows and so does everyone who works in a doctors office about the samples, the free meals, the vacations paid for by big pharmaceuticals. Do you remember when you did not see prescription drugs advertised on television? Do you remember when the doctor studied his journals and knew what to prescribe rather than be instructed by a drug manufacturing representative?

In the 2700 page legislation, squeezed out of the Congress by President Obama, and which we laughingly call “healthcare”, we find that chips will be installed in each patient and that the entire legislation will be controlled by IRS. We pretend this is socialized healthcare. The specialists who's fees will be cut 21% (Cardiologist, Anesthesiologist etc.) will not pretend to care for patients under government duress.

We pretend that lawyers with battered brief cases full of money are not paying off congressional representatives, senators, government agencies but look at the number of politicians and others who are on the way to jail for corruption. North Korea just executed by firing squad, it's finance minister Pak Nam-ki for corruption with N. Korea's money. Unless we pretend otherwise, it would take a large firing squad to eliminate American finance corruption...Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, Rangel, Geithner etc.

At one time the sun never sat on the British Empire. England was the bank account for the world. In one year, England will be a financial disaster. America was once the greatest credit nation, now it is the worlds greatest debtor nation. I keep hearing television commentators say, “America is the world's wealthiest nation”. When will they stop pretending? America, like England...Iceland, Greece, Spain, is broke.

When I was a young man, the greatest social event of the North Carolina year was the debutant ball in Raleigh. This was the occasion when the young daughters of North Carolina's “rich and famous”, the “blue bloods” of the state, presented their daughters to society. The fashionable gowns and parties cost the rich families of the state much money. There was no pretending. The rich Democrat legislators knew who they were and that they ran things in the state...that their daughters were better than anyone else's daughters. It was very much the same way with the sons of these Democrat legislators who had no problem getting into the University at Chapel Hill where they were welcomed into the most elite fraternities. The University had special “proctors” specially designated University officials who made sure these “Southern gentlemen” received every courtier and courtesy the state had to offer. I knew some of these “big deals” on campus. There was never any pretending that they were like the rest of we “slobs”.

Bangalore India is known as the Silicon Valley of India...gathering place of India's brightest. The big problem has been the insemination of the Muslims with the Hindus...Muslim boys, Hindu girls. The Hindu girls do not dress like the Muslim girls and there is no longer any pretension that there is not some attraction.

To open the Bible is like opening the mind of God. 3,000 years on the other side of the cross or 2000 years on this side of the cross all have redemption through the righteousness of one person...Jesus Christ. Some think they can pretend to believe and get by with it but they know better...just as the Muslim knows his beliefs...just as the Hindu knows his beliefs, just as we have our Judeo-Christian beliefs. A member of the Jewish faith, with a tattoo, cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery.

One can pretend about education, wealth, power but we are not in a fairyland of pretension. It is time to have a reality check. No magic wand, no fairy godmother is going to change anything. William Jennings Bryan said, “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

Bryan was walking down the street with a friend and a black slave took off his hat in recognition to Bryan. Bryan removed his hat in recognition to the slave, and the friend asked him why? Bryan said, “I cannot let him pretend he is different than me.”

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