Cracker Jack Box
As old as greed, is one's desire to get something for nothing, or something as easily as possible. Anyone over 50 still remembers the cracker jack box with the prize. I would like to see a scientific determination of what the popcorn was actually worth and what the prize was worth. Both added together would not equal the cost of the box but, it was the intrigue of getting a prize...something for nothing.
Old North Carolinians will remember the well known personality, Carl Goerch. His “Man on the Street” broadcast, one of the first live broadcasts in the country, he would ask a question of a passer by and if the question was answered correctly the person would get one dollar.
By 1948 Bert Parks (you remember him from Miss America) was the host of the TV show, Break the Bank. People in the audience would be brought on the stage and paid money for answering a question correctly until finally, the hardest question would break the bank...getting all the money left.
Of the over 100 game shows in the 1950's, perhaps the most notorious was the “64,000 Question”. Much watched, much appreciated, it lost it's credibility through fraud. I can still remember Hal March...so smooth...so crooked.
In the 1960's, “Let's Make a Deal”, guessing at what is behind a closed door. Today, we think how could anything so crazy be entertaining? Look at your TV shows, 60 years later, your nation's capitol...guess what's going on behind closed doors.
In the 1970's, “Family Feud” had families guessing for money for answers to questions and Richard Dawson kissing all female contestants. It should have been called the guessing and kissing show.
In the 1980's, the “$100,000 Pyramid”, contestants guessed for money and the ever young Dick Clark with his wonderful hair was still smoozing and cruising.
In the 1990's, “Who Want's To Be a Millionaire?”, as always, answering questions for money.
Who would have thought that in the first decade of the 21st century, making money would still be on the headline of every publication. In the 1950s the dollar given on the street was worth 100 cents. Today, the American fiat dollar is worth about 7 cents. Even during the worst depression in history, the worlds billionaires grew last year from 800 to 2000. It was announced that next to the United States, China has more billionaires than any country except the United States, 89. So, in about 20 years, the number of billionaires has grown from just a handful to 2000. Oprah Winfrey is worth 3 billion. Ross Perot is worth 4.2 billion. Bill Gates is worth over 40 billion. Your city, your state, is full of millionaires (The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley and Danko).
The earth [is] the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein (Psa 24:1).
The unemployment rate is nearing 12% and that of black youth, 24%. Millions are losing their homes. 36,000 more people lost their jobs last month. Mr. Obama promised jobs but because of CAFTA, NAFTA and the President of the United States becoming President of General Motors, General Motors is providing jobs in Mexico and China. The misguided people who voted for this Satanic, Marxist, Liar, and daddy of hope and change are now having 2nd thoughts. Most Americans now get their news from the Fox network. 1/4th of all blacks who voted for Obama, 99%, now say they have had enough. Where do you invest? Many are returning to the “good earth”...gold, uranium, petroleum, and water. American bond yield is the lowest in history, 2%.
There is a great disconnect between Wall Street and your street, bankers and savers. Most are afraid of common stocks that have only gone up 6.5% in the past ten years.
With ever increasing taxation, local, state and federal, and now the international Cap and Trade Tax, the 50% of the American population who pay all the tax are strangling as they whisper, “enough is enough”.
For 61 years American tax payers have sent billions of dollars to the West Bank Palestinians (UNRA). This week, a Palestinian representative not being able to get enough money from UNRA asked congress for more. Add this to the 15 million going to Egypt each year, the millions put into a Swiss bank account for Palestinians, trying to keep them quiet, the 109 America military bases all over the world such as South Korea, Germany, Balkans etc. and you get some idea of what those wanting a prize from the American pocket book is all about. When you think of the entitlements Americans and people all over the world are expecting, 100 trillion, that is 100 with 12 zeros, you realize that Bernanke was right when he said it would be a matter of inflation in order to pay the debt. Two years from now, you will not be able to recognize America...prices will be so high. I have in my possession a 1935 100,000 German Mark bill. It took a bag of these bills to go grocery shopping in Germany just before WWII.
As you approach April 15th when your federal taxes are due, remember it is voluntary compliance. Unless and until the 16th Amendment is eradicated and the 17th Amendment is reinstated where the state legislatures appoint US senators (17th), who represent the state rather than getting involved in federal political issues, and the tax code system, which no one understands (16th), is made fair, we will continue to have a mess. The IRS is based on a system of “fear”. In order to pick your pockets for the prize, even your country, must instil in you an absolute spirit of fear...fear of imprisonment...fear of losing everything you own...if you do not pay ludicrous taxes and, you have the fear of the government garnishing your paycheck.
Clipping coupons, two for the price of one, lottery etc. permeates the brain as the American seeks to survive. In Togo, West Africa, a young man said to me as he bought one egg and a dead animal from a street vendor, “this will make soup for my family”. He said, “here it is a matter of survival, making due with whatever you can find, and the grace of God.”
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