I was reared on a farm in Eastern North Carolina. In Goldsboro, there was a public park called Herman Park. The park was given by the Herman Weil Family, a prosperous Jewish Family, generous to North Carolina. As a child, I well remember the bear cage; these two black bears would constantly walk along the bars of the cage. I often wondered what the bear would have done if, by chance, the keeper had left the door open and the bear could actually get out of the cage? Spending the entire day, walking back and forth by the same bars, doing the same thing, over and over, without any change in results, is the definition of insanity.
Almost everyday of my life, in speaking with someone, I will say in all sincerity, “the world has gone completely crazy and we are caught here in it”.
Yesterday, March 9, Speaker of the House, third in line to the President, speaking to the convention of the National Association of Counties, made the stupidest statement I have ever heard form the lips of a politician...and believe me, I have heard some stupid ones. She is reported to have said, about the pending Health Care Legislation in which the government will take over the largest percentage of National Spending, “we will know all about it once we have passed it”. Can you even imagine passing a measure involving trillions of dollars and everything pertaining to your life from birth to death without knowing what is being legislated? Think of what the government has legislated so far and how successful it has been?
The Postal Service Retirement Fund for Employees is 35 billion in debt...and you know the type of service you get at your local post office.
Social Security is 2.29 trillion in debt.
Civil Service Retirement and Disability is 738 billion in debt.
Military Retirement Department of Defense is 300 billion in debt.
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is 300 billion in debt.
Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund is 205 billion in debt.
Anyone, having served in the Military, anyone who's family has served in the military, spent any time in a military hospital, or any experience whatsoever with a VA Facility, knows the incompetence and harassment involved. Every time I go to a VA Hospital, I am prepared for a combative, exasperating, procedure. It is a matter of going into a clinic, taking a number, taking a seat, and waiting. Almost without exception, the employees are callous, crude, and indifferent. Because of skin color, or knowing someone, they have a job and, like many of our first missiles, “won't work and can't be fired”. A friend of mine, good doctor, told me he had as soon have a job “digging ditches” as putting up with VA System. But, like most of us, he had a family, needed a job, burdened with an expensive medical education debt, and, as long as you keep breathing, you will have a job and eventual retirement.
Can you even imagine what your life will be like after your government takes over your health care system? The worlds largest employers are the Chinese Army, the Railroad System of India (in India most travel is by railroad...few cars because there are few highways and there is the same penalty for hitting a sacred cow as for hitting a human being), and third, there is the socialized health care system of England. Can you even imagine the increase in Federal Employees (Federal Employees make three times the pay of a civilian employee), it will take to run the American Socialized Health Care System?
From 1835-1890, as was foreseen by the Founding Fathers, there was little interference or control by the Federal Government into the lives of the people of the various states. Incrementally, Federal Government has jumped into housing, welfare, education, the highway system, and every conceivable form of taxation whereby “Uncle Sam” has become the most notorious pick pocket one could imagine. From 1799 to 1892, even the Supreme Court declared this a Christian Nation. Churches were held in high esteem. Christians not only could do the talk, but knew the walk. God only had to say it one time every thought and action of man has proved him right, “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1Ti 6:10).
Even the Baptists and Methodists out race one another to the voting booth to vote for liquor, the lottery, because it was so important, that if, “people were going to drink and gamble anyway we might as well get some tax out of them”. Those of us brave enough to fight against the state control of liquor and gambling were embarrassed and harassed even by the Preachers, “it is a secular matter and the church should not involve itself in secular things, after all, we don't want the secular world telling the spiritual world what to do”. So, we are experiencing the satanic “insanity” of the world, the flesh, the devil, taking over everything...including more or less...to a great extent, the church.
Because we have been insane enough, as a people, as a Christian Nation, to sit back and do nothing, we are building more and more prisons where the re-incarceration rate is 80%; a public school system which on any level of accurate evaluation is a failure. American Public Schools ranked 25th on the International Scale in Science and Math. Tops scores in Science and Math are shared between Hong Kong, Finland, and South Korea.
My two grandsons, Andrew and Paul, were reared and educated as their parents (Dr. John and Grace Morris) served many years on the Mission Field. Returning for college in America, they were so far ahead of their American counterparts who had been educated here. It is insanity that Americans have paid such a tremendous price in taxes and strenuous living to see our Democratic Republic, its Governmental Agencies, sink first into undisciplined mediocrity and now into the insanity of self-destruction.
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