Young officers in the military are given coordinates on a map then, taken to an isolated area, put out in pairs, with a map and compass and told to reach a certain destination. In this type of exercise, you learn the importance of a compass. Most of today's young people have never seen a compass, sun dial, and certainly do not know how to read the X and Y zeniths on a map. Parallels mean nothing and certainly the solar sun spots and other cosmic activities involving the poles are not taught. Many who are geographically lost would be able to find their way to civilization...plane crash, kidnapping etc. if they had even rudimentary knowledge which our ancestors were forced to know such as the side of a tree on which moss grows etc.
Today's population, is too busy impressing one another. “My business is very good, my practice is extremely large, my children are very successful.” It has become a make believe world, everyone thinking they live life in a soap opera. Wrinkles are very honest. Grey hair is honest and respectable. Old age is an accomplishment . Why should a mother want to dress like her daughter?
One of my friends, a man about my age, died unexpectedly from a stroke. He and his wife had been very active in the church. When my wife, who was an accomplished pianist, was not there, his wife would play the piano. After his death, I was embarrassed to see her in public...obviously trying to attract another husband. She came into a restaurant where I was eating with some friends, real short dress, boots, and she looked like Nancy Sinatra in disguise. She did not acknowledge me at all and I certainly assumed that the people I was with did not want to describe her to me. My only thought, “what do her children think?”
There is nothing wrong with wigs, toupees, cosmetic surgery, if needed (13 billion spent on cosmetic surgery in 2007, a good toupee costs $800). There is nothing wrong with a family looking at a loved one after death, in a casket, if needed. It seems a heathen practice for the living, to stare at the dead in an open casket. It seems a heathen practice for death to be a time of celebrating with excessive eating. The rubber necking that goes on near a vehicle crash scene is unforgivable.
I asked my younger grandson, graduating from a large university in a few weeks, if he were active in a Christian organization on campus. He said, “most are just pretending”. We live in a world of pretension...politicians, pastors, parents, pretending to care. A parent who loves a child will be very careful about sending a child to a public school. Even putting police officers in the school, patrolling the hallways has not improved discipline. It is reliably reported that now there are cameras in the bathrooms of both sexes, that listening devices are installed in many places (locker rooms, showers, etc.) All these man made methods of control, just trying to establish discipline and acceptable behavior in a place where good behavior should be the rule not the exception.
Jesus Christ does not want cowards to carry his cross. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service.” (Rom 12:1) Ask your school psychologist if he or she agrees with this. 80% of all psychologists are Atheists...a worthless, useless, unrecognized way of making a living. One of my doctor friends, a psychiatrist at Dorothea Dix hospital in Raleigh, said to me, “psychiatry and psychology are almost worthless but a good way of making a living”. In Mongolia, a communist from N. Korea told me about the workers which she had brought over to work in Mongolia, “they pretend to work and we pretend to pay them”. In psychology, the practitioner pretends to treat and the patient pretends to get better. Like prisoners, the recidivism rate is over 50%.
Most psychological work would be erased if parents realized that children are born untrained and that parenting is simply a matter of training a child. When talking with young men imprisoned in the stockade, when talking with young women (Women's Army Corps) who had problems adjusting to society, with both men and women, the sensitivity and harassment of sexual adjustment through the socially engineered school house, court house, church house and your house was something with which they could not adjust. The world, the flesh, the devil will always get the upper hand unless, with great parenting skills, you have made the necessary preparations in your child's psyche. Benjamin Spock, in his book Baby and Child Care, which sold 59 million copies in many languages around the world, indoctrinated many parents into training the child without discipline. Shortly before his death, and few realize this, “Dr. Spock apologized for his book and said he was wrong; his theories about raising children were hypothesis, but they did not bear out. In practice, healthy, responsible adults were not the outcome.”
As an Army medical officer, my two best friends, two outstanding doctors, one a German Jew, the only one of his family to survive Hitler's death chamber, the other, a black Meharry Medical School graduate from the Delta of Mississippi. He told me, that his grandmother told him, “if you get into trouble and they take you downtown to the jail, don't call us, we have lived as a respectable family in this community and you will not shame us”. The compass needed, in most families, is the compass of family obedience and pride. Children should have too much love for their parents to shame them. The needle on the compass should be set early in life in only one direction...straight and narrow. All of us do what we do because we believe what we believe. If we get our belief structure correct, life will be correct and much easier. Relax, live every day to the fullest, it is too short to spend your time pretending.
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher
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