In 1828, Charles Darwin born in 1809 to a wealthy English family was in Medical School at Cambridge. Long before the time of anesthesia, (although the man who discovered anesthesia, James Simpson, was in his class) a leg was being amputated from a man, and the screams of the man caused a panic stricken Darwin to flea the operating room, never to return to medicine. Instead, Darwin became a Naturalist with the help of his family money, traveling around the world on the Beagle, collecting insects, butterflies, studying turtles in the Galapagos; in which pseudo science circles, provokes Scripture, supposed evolution in the myth of Eugenics...not a theory just an hypothesis...an excuse to forever give pagans, who profess no belief in God, an excuse for their sins because, if there is no creator, there is no one to hold you responsible.
In 1835, up in the mountains collecting his insects and worms, (I have been in the Galapagos and I do not remember any mountains in the Galapagos), there was a tremendous earthquake in the area. He states that he had trouble staying on his feet during the shaking. When he came down to the shore from the mountains, he found tremendous destruction and an apparent change in sea level. In a huge earthquake, such as the recent 8.8 in Chile, new figures which would have been 9.9, such as destroyed San Francisco in 1906. On a scale of 1 million seconds the earth would change only 1 second.
Darwin put his findings in his famous 1859 book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. I have recently sold my original copy of the 1859 book. But the book is more an elementary racist text on the protection of species, more than giving any credence to present day mythological creation.
Today's Liberals cling by their very fingernails to the branches of ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny. Postulating that we all “matriculated” the goo, to the zoo, to you. The magnificence of divine design...wherein; even, every snowflake that has ever fallen has Gods individual magnificent design...every iris fleck in every human eye...every voice...every facial characteristic...every fingerprint shows the magnificence of the creator and God given us each individuality. A creator, who in the very palms of his hands, spoken before the world was formed has written your name. A creator who holds the oceans of the world in his hands, who measures the heights of the Himalayas with his fingers, who dips his foot into the Mariana Trench of the Pacific Ocean (the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean).
We think we are so smart, with all our electronics, without warning, four times in a few weeks horrific earthquakes in different parts of the world; Haiti, Japan, Chile, Taiwan; and, there have been tremors in America.
In this very city where I live, a few of the most historic buildings still bear the cracks of the 1811 Southern USA Earthquake, commonly called the New Madrid fault line. The dancing in the south, known mostly for the polite Virginia Reel, experienced shaking which caused the Mississippi River to “flow backwards”, rang church bells in Boston. I was in Guatemala following one South America earthquake. I still remember the cracked streets, tilted buildings, smirched overpasses. Most earthquake “ridden” cities are left in rubble. Survivors must move to the countryside. It is time for Americans and people all over the world to get into the “Survival Mode”.
Have you considered what would happen to you or your family with an earthquake, a tornado, a hurricane? Any of these catastrophes which can happen so unexpectedly...instantly...leaving your world upside down. We spend so much time preparing for an uncertain future. I never ceased to be amazed that human beings, just one breath from death, think they will live forever without any problems at all. I learned long ago that positively no one has any empathy or understanding of the disabled. Just think, born in object poverty, starving through eight years of University education to become commissioned as an Army Medical Officer, and then to return to an unconcerned family, friends, and environment and have to start all over in absolute darkness. To live like that until the present, age 80. Yet, I am one of the lucky ones. There are hundreds of thousands of much finer young men than this old man buried in Military Cemeteries around the world...thinking that they were dying for a grateful Nation.
Lets think of survival, particularly the three most important features of your survival; water, food, and hygiene. Most families do not even own a shovel to dispose of human waste or in a worse development the burial of a family member. Maybe each will do like a woman in this
town whose mother died in September, she left her lying in her bed for 6 months spraying her daily with chemicals to prevent radical deterioration and cut down on smell. She collected $8,000 of Social Security benefits and even had other people living in the same house. Her court case will be heard soon.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Most juices and other drinks come in plastic bottles; fill them with water. In a time of emergency there will be no water coming out of the tap, (old water is better than no water), no electricity, no delivery trucks, no gas stations. You will be on your own. One of my college student assistants told me, “he would just eat in a fast food place”; I asked him what made him think one would be open? Another said he would call the police for help. The police will not be on the job...they will be at their own homes trying to survive. Don't call the fire department; they will be at home trying to survive. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher. Stock up with flax seed, corn meal, even hog feed (I knew one doctor in this town who had a bowl of hog feed each day because of the grain and sorghum which kept him healthy and regular)” mix 1 spoon of flax seed or corn meal to 3 spoons of water. You can live for months on such. Every time you go to the grocery store, buy extra cans of food such as canned sweet potatoes or fruit. Stock up on peanut butter, crackers, dried cereals and dried fruit. God help you if you have a spoiled finicky child that you have “pacified” to their exact taste bud requirements. As my wonderful mother said, “when you get hungry you will eat.”. We were never allowed to complain about any thing on the table which many times was very sparse. God help you if you have a wife who cannot meet the requirements of the situation. Crying and complaining will do no good...it will be a matter of survival of the fittest...the one thing Darwin said in his book which is true. I had one wife who was capable of cooking only one thing, tuna salad. To this day, I cannot stand the word “tuna”. Flax seed will replace your needs for butter, oil, and eggs. Have bleach available so you can use a drop in water to assist with its purification. You will need a weapon, in spite of Mr. Obama and his Liberal cohorts who want to disarm the Nation because, in spite of your Christian convictions, you may have to survive by defending your survival “pantry” from your neighbors and those who roam the streets, even in times of plenty, trying to take from the haves to give to the have nots. Again, we will agree with the Communist Liberals, Darwinians, and Obamanation Obamalites “the end justifies the means”.
Tough times require tough people. I taught survival skills in the Military...learning to live off plants, berries, and insects. I told one of my young employees that I would bet he could not dress a rabbit (dress is an old English term for preparing wild game or fish for cooking). My employee said, “you mean dress a rabbit in clothing”?
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