International Business Machines was founded by some survivors of the Civil War around 1880. It consisted of three different machine companies, the Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company and the Computing Scale Corporation, at a time when all machinery was rare. IBM gained it's prominence under the management of Thomas Watson. His typewriters and business machines became the nations greatest. Notoriety was found in the production and sales formulas. All over the factory were found signs with just one word, “Think”. In 2008 IBM was ranked number one in the world of super computer manufacturers.
Who put the poison in the well that has led to America's decline in manufacturing and the dearth of educational progress? How and why did we let so many industries leave our shores...CAFTA...NAFTA allowing stringent government agencies and ludicrous taxation...a world offshore banking system, global one world order...to do to our country what few invading Armies could do? At the same time, foreigners crossing our borders at will turning the Southern border between Mexico and the United States into a battleground of illegal drug activity and warfare. The border city of Juarez Mexico, across the border from El Paso Texas, has become the worlds most dangerous city. The city has been almost totally destroyed by the warfare of viscous drug dealers. Businesses have closed, much of the population has fled, 400 killings so far this year. The Mexican military is intruding into the border states at least 6 miles, fully armed, seeking and shooting. Several US patrol officers have been killed and three American consular border officials were killed this week. This week, two Mexican police officers, their bodies, chopped into small pieces, were found in garbage bags yet, the constant flow of undocumented Mexican citizens, flooding US schools, hospitals, prisons, seem to bother few in Washington. The Democrat party wants the illegal Mexicans because it wants their votes. The Republican party wants the illegal Mexicans because it wants their cheap labor and, regardless of how bad things get in America, for most illegal aliens, things here are better than they are there where the bottom has almost been reached.
Mexico City, the world's largest city, sitting in the mouth of a large volcano, is a place of disease and desperation. Imagine this, in this cesspool of violence lives the world's richest man, Carlos Slim, worth 54 billion who still lives in the five bedroom house in which he has lived for the past 30 years. Imagine this, simply because the New York Times was having financial problems, he gave this “fish wrapper” 250 million dollars. I have traveled through Mexico several times. It is a place of poverty and depravity. One would think that the world's richest man would spread some of his wealth there just as Mr. Obama wants to spread our wealth among the refugees from Mexico.
Where is the bottom?
An on-duty Colorado state trooper was pulled over Monday and accused of driving drunk after several people called 911 to report a State Patrol vehicle driving erratically, authorities said. Video captured by a television station helicopter showed the arrest of 48-year-old David Dolan, who was in uniform. Sheriff’s deputies put handcuffs on him and placed him in the back of a patrol vehicle. Here is the list of the most corrupt officials in Washington given to us by Judicial Watch;
1. Christopher Dodd
2. John Ensign
3. Barney Frank
4. Timothy Geithner
5. Eric Holder
6. Jesse Jackson
7. Barack Obama
8.Nancy Pelosi
9. John Murtha (Now Dead)
10.Charles Rangel
Where is the bottom?
This week, with much fanfare, Mr. Obama signed into law so called “healthcare” legislation which supposedly will put everyone under the umbrella of government socialized medicine. It means that each citizen will have a chip embedded for medical information. It means practitioners will get less money...many are already refusing to take medicaid and medicare patients. It means more abortions, more euthanasia, more authoritarian control. Democracy is now defined as “government can do anything it wants”.
Where is the bottom?
Since the time of Jesus, 69 million of his followers have died as martyrs. ACORN has gone out of business, we have seen more lying, cheating and stealing in government than ever in history. It is time for “onward Christian soldiers” to be more than a song...rather a rallying cry for all Americans who still love a land of opportunity and home of the free. Have we really reached the bottom?
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