Eric Berne, in 1964, wrote the book “GAMES PEOPLE PLAY“. Perhaps this book helps explain the matter he refers to as “The Psychology of Human Relationships,” with some clarity as we are assailed everyday by the Assault on Christianity. How any Christians can accept the atheistic ideas of same sex marriage, the slaughter of the most innocent of life in the abortion clinics of this country, a political party who supported and elected the most pro abortion politician in history, the myth of evolution, the recurring mantra of racism, this time promoted by the new black attorney general. The failure of government schools which have become just a hangout for the learning of delinquent behavior.
Our colleges and universities where ¼ of the faculty members are atheist, seek to erase everything decent regarding behavior and faith taught by loving parents. The teaching of the myth of the theory of evolution where from nothing everything becomes something. Where, in their eyes, ontogeny recapitulating philology, results in the ridiculous conclusion that every male and female animal (and I am not talking about human beings here), progress in the same species, male and female in the same manner so they could reproduce. We note with interest, that these same atheists never question the Muslim faith, Mohammed, or the Koran. You can lead an atheist to knowledge, but cannot force him to think (horse and water). They can think enough to want to keep their heads attached to their bodies.
Mystery of mysteries is why the Catholic Church does not excommunicate members (especially catholic politicians: Pelosi, Kennedy, etc.), who support and vote 54% for the pro-abortion party. The Episcopalians, in direct conflict with the Anglican church, promote a gay priest, Gene Robinson, to bishop. Other denominations, Lutheran, Methodist etc., that evidently see nothing wrong with gay preachers or same sex marriage, is like spitting in the very face of our blessed Lord. Have they never read the book of Romans, particularly the first chapter. It is the inconsistency of these “Christians” and their willingness to play church, and to play games with God, that has brought on this assault by the Godless media and the unbelievers of the world, who recognize hypocrisy much quicker than they recognize the goodness or forgiveness of God.
The first response, from every unbeliever, when one presents the Christian faith is, “now you are judging.” These folks should be blind for a while, if they want to learn about judging. I have to judge everything, everyday, my entire life, by using every other sense since I do not have sight. I feel, smell, listen, acutely. Try crossing the street with a white cane if you do not judge carefully before making the attempt.
If a group of their fellow citizens were lined up, walking backwards, and one asks “why are you walking backwards?” Someone would say, “It is none of your business for you to judge them walking backwards.” But then, I would say, “they are walking backward over a cliff and will certainly be killed.” The same person would say “ It is none of your business to judge what they do.” Those who accuse one of judging never read further about the importance of fruit tree inspection. Perhaps in all of God's word there is no more absolute comfort for those who experience the Christian assault than the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.
As I have said many times to new believers, if you think times were tough before you became a believer, it will get much worse now. Following Christ’s baptism (Satan cares little for those who are already his, he goes to work on you after you make your decision), Christ was immediately tempted by Satan, first by turning stones into bread, secondly, by throwing himself off the pinnacle of the temple, and thirdly, by offering him the entire world. Satan is good at quoting scripture, (you can teach a parrot to talk), but Christ used the word of God in every answer to Satan’s temptation. In the assault on Christianity by the unbelieving, atheistic media, academic intelligentsia, philosophers of cults, and wizards of strange beliefs, the Christian must stay with God’s word.
Liberalism is a sickness and the results of liberalism is evidenced by almost 50% of the female population having STDs, 37% of live births to single women, 95% of prison inmates, males who got caught up in sexual promiscuity with accompanying drug and alcohol debilitation.
Once, on a Sunday afternoon, I was in the car driven by a Gideon ( I was the first professional man in America to become a Gideon at the San Francisco convention, heretofore it was limited to businessman) we wanted to leave Christian material at a prison camp. He described the scene to me, it was Sunday visiting day, the prisoners were standing around the inside of the fence visiting, talking with parents, wives, children on the other side of the fence. I said then, I hope God’s mercy will give some comfort to the parents who raised those men in prison, and will help those prisoners wives and children to overcome the degradation sin has brought to these people. Only the grace of God can change the pathos of these things.
There has been more technological knowledge that has been discovered in the last 100 years than in all previous history. Technology has changed everything except human nature. Only Christ can change the human heart. Why assault the Christian, the only hope?
The alcoholic carries a Christian cross in his pocket, so that when he is tempted he can feel the cross and remind himself of what he is. The Sikhs, a religion of India, wear a bracelet (I brought one back when I was at the gold temple of the Sikhs in India) so he can always feel that bracelet, and it reminds him of who he is and his strict religion.
Christ was very real to my family, anytime one of my mother's sons left the house on a date or anything else, she would say, “ Remember who you are.” To those who like to assault Christianity and point out its warts, its failures, its hypocrites, think that the world would be better off without the hospitals, colleges, orphan homes, ministries, Christian schools and churches, provided for and dedicated by the followers of Christ.
The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalms119. The verse 89 tell us “ Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.” For comfort and confidence memorize Psalms 1:1-2 or Psalms 3. The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. We find one time in the Bible where God laughed and it is only at those who believe him to be dead. Such as Frederick Nietzsche or George Bernard Shaw, and many such players as Hitler ( a catholic alter boy) or Stalin ( a seminary student) or many 21st century church goers who are in pulpit and pews,” just playing games with God. “
One black minister said to me recently, “Most black church goers are their just in case there is something to it.” Charlton Heston, before he died, said, ”I am a good actor because I am a great pretender.” We have all met pretenders, and as my Christian mother said, “there is no better place for them to hide than in the church.” Some years ago, I came in contact with a black woman preacher here in town who told me she had a ministry “feeding the homeless.” I gave her $1000 and told her I would give her money each month for the homeless people she was feeding. I gathered together all the big pots and pans in my house that I thought she could use, had friends bring over all their old clothes and I thought I was helping with an important ministry, only to find out later that it was a fraud.
The Christian life is the greatest relationship a human being can experience. The middle verse of the 1189 chapters in the Bible is Psalms 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.” In Dante’s Inferno the sign above hell reads “Last chance.”
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