One of the greatest newspapers in the world can be found in Russia. Titled "Pravda," it takes its name from the Russian word for truth. On the gates of Harvard University, you find the word "veritas," which is the Latin word for truth. Aristotle said, “Men want truth whether they think so or not.” It is my conviction that the truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not.
The 1959 Academy Award-winning film for Best Picture was “On the Beach”, starring Gregory Peck and North Carolina's own Ava Gardner. The story's plot revolves around a 1964 nuclear attack on North America. Due to wind movement and the formation of nuclear clouds, the entire population of Earth has been erased, except for those living in Australia. A nuclear submarine under the command of Gregory Peck, puts in port in Australia. Here, the people know that the nuclear cloud will eventually kill them. They try to go about their daily business, while Evangelists hold services in an attempt to awaken people to their eventual death and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Peck, still in grief from the loss of his wife and children, meets Ava Gardner, and what follows is a combination of world disorder, parental grief, and romance. This echoes the present day chaos in this country, ranging from world economic disorder, parental grief to addicted children and the unholy” romance of socialists in power banning books, nationalizing industry, and fixing of salaries from the CEO to the hourly worker.
In God’s economy, much to chagrin of the atheistic academics to the liberal politicians, the absolute hypocrisy of the “church people” who voted for this dogma of “change”, the truth is as evident for the seeker as the handwriting on the wall at Belshazzar’s party. Anyone who can read or make the most casual study of the madrassa educated, Harvard indoctrinated, Chicago appreciated Obama, should have expected exactly what has happened. Even Gus Hall, chairman of the American Communist party, who so hated this country, would stand in wonderment, like Dorothy, in Oz, at the whirlwind speed with which it has happened. To the uninitiated everything is obscure.
The healthcare student who made the lowest grades in his class, like the student who made the highest grades in the class, are called doctor. In all my years as a healthcare practitioner, I never had a patient ask me my academic standing in my class. We just assume that anyone with a license to practice, doctor, lawyer, barber, plumber, has the intelligence to do a job. How wrong we are when it comes to elected representatives, they should know better, and we will pay the price.
In God’s economy, all life is precious, whether it is the newly conceived baby the size of a pin dot, or the fully developed baby in the partial abortion procedure. In stem cell research, the embryos which have not had a chance to develop, like you and me, are God’s own, each touched with original sin and God’s will. He has told us that these small embryos, like those who have lived and served him, names “written in the hand of God.” Alexis de Tocqueville writing in 1848, said, “America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good America will cease to be great.”
Pro-choice abortion supporters have sung the mantra about “safety” in the woman’s right to kill the most innocent of life, while Lauren Smith almost died from a hospital abortion procedure. Recently, one of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers acquitted of misdemeanor charges stemming from procedures he performed, but moments after the verdict was announced the state's medical board announced it was investigating similar allegations against him.
Prosecutors had alleged that in 2003, Dr. George Tiller had gotten second opinions from a doctor who was essentially an employee of his, not from an independent source as state law requires, but a jury took only about an hour to find him not guilty of all 19 counts.
Tiller could have faced a year in jail for even one conviction.
New Human Health Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, former Kansas governor and long time supporter of Tiller, happens to be Catholic and happens as, Gietner, Daschle, Richardson and other cabinet appointees, encountered problems paying her taxes. When will integrity become apart of the Obama lexicon? When will the bishops of the Catholic Church get the back bone to dismiss Sebelius, Pelosi, Biden, etc, from the communion rail and dismiss the anti-life president from participating from any Catholic university commencement. (Notre Dame)? Forty percent of all Americans have the neurosis of obsessive compulsive behavior about something. Think of the possibility of Americans becoming compulsive about the protection of their country from the evils of socialism, abortion, euthanasia, and illegal addiction.
How misinformed people can be. In the Poem “Holy Russia” by Amelia Burr states:
Throughout the troubled earth
Prophetic tremors run --
It is the travail of the birth
Of Freedom's youngest son.
Dreams that have been as dead
Rise glorious from their grave
As throb to a deliverer's tread
The pulses of the slave.
Torch of the Holy Fires,
Lead us along thy way
Up to the vision of our sires
That we have cloaked with clay!
Humbly we yield to thee
The glory of the van.
Lead on, where calls through liberty
The brotherhood of man!
The brotherhood of man is inconsequential when it come to the entanglement of Christians with those who are anti-Christ. One cannot call brother anyone who hates his beliefs. We can live with, and treat fairly, all mankind, but we cannot dwell in brotherhood with those who despise the essence and integrity of our principles.
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